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    1、考研英语作文考研英语作文 作者: 日期:考研英语作文第一篇 book noledge . exerienceknowldge canbe auromanysoures. thee nlde books, taches and practical rence, aech hitsown avantas. th kowledge we gai frombooks an formal educatin enabls us olearn abu thigshat we ave o opory o experienc in daiy f w can stud al tepace i the olande

    2、arn from pope we will everee in ourieime, justb readingabutthemin ook.we n lso develop urnalycl sls and er w toviw atrretthe worarond usidiffeet waysfrherr, wclrn rm theas by readinbooks. in his, we wo repeatte istes o therand cn buld on therachiveme.pracialexperience,one ohe han, an giveus ore ufuk

    3、nolege.i is sad thtone len bet bydoig, andielive that ths i re,whetherne sccesfl or not. n at,i tin aing mstake is th bst ayt lern moreovr, one wats to meneavanes, its ncesar o ct ovaions ocome aou touhradig bt tougeperimntin. fialy, oe canppl the skills a isightganedthroute suyof books to pracic ep

    4、eriec,akina alrdy meanigul expeience me meaigfu. oev, less ti appied t real experiencs, bok knoedg remnsthotical , inth nd, iuselssthat s y i biev that odge gaind frrtcal experc sore imortan than tataquied rom boks书本知识与实际经验获得知识的来源有很多,其中包括书本、老师,以及实际经验,而每一种都有其优点。从书本上及正规教育中所获得的知识使我们知道在日常生活中没有机会亲身去体验的事。


    6、知识运用于实际经验中,否则书本知识终究仍只是理论,毫无用处。那就是为什么我会认为从实际经验中获得的知识比从书本中所得到的知识更为重要。第二篇the iuene ftelevision and moveste s odobt ta watchig televisand mves c nluenc tway thapee ehave. moreove, sees tht people are spdinmore and moretim atching somotof visu enertainment, wethe i is teleii, a videotp or a dd tereor, tf

    7、fcs visl mdianot ignd.oe obvious fect ofthetesemedia isthat watingthminucs peple to bu ce productsteevisin advetising is wiprdand, owadays, evn vie teters permdvrtements. anth wytv andthe mvies afe lesat they givpeop eithe aboader viw f the world or a distoted oe, depeding onatypefprogra theatch. th

    8、ose wo ach ne ad educaioa rogm can ler many newthings wie toseho watchpimrily etertnment shos may etobive that mst popln the wrld osses rat wealt and god loks. mayake hembcome dissatisfidwitheir on ies. finally, peha thmost usceptibe viewrsarchildren, my be nato l fact romfctin andmaytyto iiate act

    9、ha the se o t o i the movi.电视和电影的影响电视和电影无疑会影响人们的行为举止。此外,人们似乎在花越来越多的时间去观看一些视觉娱乐节目,无论是电视、录像带,或是dv。因此,视觉每体的影响是不容忽视的。这些每体所造成的最明显的影响是,人们在观看之后会被诱使去购买某些产品。现在电视广告非常普遍,即使是电影院,也允许播放广告。另外一个电视及电影会影响人们的方式是,它们能使人们对世界有更广阔的见解或是扭曲的看法,而这取决于人们所观看的是什么样的节目。凡是观看新闻性及教育性节目的人可以学习许多新事物,而主要观看娱乐节目的观众可能就会认为,世界上大多数的人都很有钱,而且长得都很好

    10、看,这可能会使他们对自己的生活感到不满意。最后,儿童可能是最容易受影响的观众。他们可能无法分辨真实与虚构,而且可能会试着模仿在电视或电影中所看到的行为。由于视觉娱乐越来越普遍,所以社会大众必须注意其可能造成的影响。尽管电视及电影兼具娱乐性和知识性,但还是无法取代实际的经验。第三篇 iig lnei the pat it was not ncomonforman to de tory, avinglive aullif. bu w cosidera fepn offry yas to be very hort. it i no unusual for eoplto live ittei eigt

    11、ies and nineties, and someven each 10. whas mre,o re living lng, eatlives ad r actvwell into hi“olden yars”.nislongvit s mlto advnce in cience ad technology.medicalbreakthoghs heeraicate any fataldisse that weonc common. per moe imprtanly,tr genea halth mns h pepl ar es likely o contr infectioninte

    12、firtpace. betterheathalso helps eolprevent loydeitig condtons,suc as hart iease,wihca tae their ies a aneary ge ndas cviztion has adne, or ling environmnt and ourcs o food hav becoe mre sanitary. frtheore, wr s ow aferad notas aig on the hua by. we donotwer ut after uta few ers fveryard orktre are m

    13、neasns wy people are owlving lnr h everbeore.utwhats mripotat i thatthey are li beter as they ivelnger iis mypiion that w vescientifc and chnlgicadeelopment t thnkor tis pogrs.活得更久以前的人活到40岁就过完一生而死亡是很平常的。但是现在,我们认为40岁的寿命很短。人们活到八十几岁、九十几岁,有些甚至到10岁,是很平常的。而且,人们还能活得久而且又健康,精力充沛地迈入他们的“黄金时代”(退休期)。人类会长寿主要是因为科学

    14、及科技的进步。医学上的重大突破已经根除了以前十分普遍的致命疾病。而更重要的也许是,大众健康的改善首先意味着人们不大可能得传染病。人们变得更健康也有助于预防罹患一些会使身体状况日益衰弱的疾病,例如心脏病。这些疾病常会夺走年轻的生命。又因为文明的进步,我们的生活环境以及食物来源已经变得比较卫生。此外,现在的工作比较安全,且对人体而言没有那么繁重。我们不会因为只辛苦工作几年就变得疲惫不堪。现代人比以前长寿的原因有很多,但更重要的是,人们活得更久,而且也活得更好。我的看法是,我们进提那的进步得益于科学和科技的发展。第四篇te edia nd amou peoplei alot evy for omdi

    15、, icding elision, newspap n maaines, a rea deal o atntion ispad to h peronal lves of celes.isms that th public cnno etenough of thiskindew. hoevr, i beev tathe edia hve a espnsility t prnt a bancedvewf e rld, w as espec the lives o publc fgres. thereore, i bieve at the mda py too much attentin t the

    16、peral lives f aus pepl.for people who a facinate withthe liv of plc fiures thre ae se form of mdia devted exlsivly to ths topic. the cn atify their usityby bu fa magazines an wathingv shows dvote t enterainmentnew. h enr mea should prsentall types of nfraton becaus ope have diffeent nteests furr, th

    17、e racice of weling on h privae lives of celebrities can leadpepeoayoetnion o these atte han te otherwise would.peraps mot importanly, themedia hou respct the privacy ofevery ndvdual, icuding publc fgures. they my hv chs be in tepublic eye,b that doe ngvehe public theight o know eerting about em moeo

    18、er, ny toies au erities ar utru; te aeongossip epored to increas salesf ge ad otr media. hey re unair to the fous ndmislead heublic.媒体与名人几乎每一种媒体,包括电视、报纸和杂志,都把许多焦点放在名人的私生活上。一般大众似乎对这种新闻一直很感兴趣。然而,我认为媒体有责任以公正无偏袒的观点报导时事,以及尊重公众人物的生活。因此,我认为媒体的确过度关注名人的私生活。因为有些人对于公众人物的私生活十分着迷,所以有些媒体就专做这个主题。通过购买针对歌迷或影迷所发行的杂志和


    20、注公众人物及他们的私生活。第五篇hun tvty and the earthhee is nodoubthat huan activit asan effect th panet we se te evidence omankids endaos llarund . whlesomefmans acoplishment,such asthe buldingo trsportatio sytmsand the conistent uply o ablewaer, haemade ath a etter a fopeo o liv, tey ave ot cme withot ost overal

    21、l, items tthuman atiyha he ertmore thn t eneits it.or exmple, thetransportton syste ta beneftmankind als cea polutin and s upvauabe eney rsouces.whle cnot do wtout transprtai these dy, w cannotignorethect that tas an dverseefectthe plane. uthoe, thoseavaneshat beefit peope o not enefi althelie on ar

    22、h dforest ndangs many animls, dmainds grathirst forwter ad ther resorce ladsto the extinctionof maylan fos. n adiion, accomphens sh asthe uppy fpoaewata comnitya onl reponsetorolm that mnkind cratd n t past. twman tht made te water un todrnkithefirst lace. fially, th dmag tha uan iity ausil evetly a

    23、ve neiv fetnpeople. teywl alsufer te fectsofpolluton an iminhin tura reouc.concluio, i esapaent that mns ctivity enis rimrily hmself,nt t eart. moreove, those itsar olyshortterm advntages, andman wll als sufere negatvefets of hi actity n the fue. he earth doesn have aninexhustble uppl ofresouces, ve

    24、ryeffrtshould be me o onee rsoue and lit the it fhan atityon the pet.人类活动与地球人类活动无疑会对地球造成影响。我们周围随处可见人类活动的迹象。虽然人类某些成就,如运输系统的建立以及饮用水持续的供应等,使得地球成为一个更适合的人类居住的地方,但这些成就的取得也付出了代价。总体上,对地球而言,人类的活动似乎弊多于利。例如,运输系统对人类有利,却会制造污染,并用尽珍贵的能源。现在我们虽然不能没有运输工具,却也不能忽视运输工具对地球有不良影响的事实。此外,使人类获益的这些进步不一定能使地球上所有生物都获益。砍伐森林危及许多动物,而

    25、人类对水和其他资源的需求极大,因而导致许多植物绝种。再者,像供应社区饮水的这类成就,就只是人类在为过去所制造的问题做出回应而已。是人类自己首先使水变得不适合饮用的。最后,人类活动所导致的损害终究会对人类本身产生负面的影响。污染及日益减少的天然资源所造成的影响也会使人类受害。总之,人类的活动显然主要仅对人类自己有利,但却对地球不利。而且,那些益处是短暂的,将来人类还是会因自己的行为所造成的负面影响而受害。地球上的资源并不是取之不尽、用之不竭的,所以我们应该尽全力保存资源,限制人类活动对地球的冲击。第六篇the advntgs f svig mneyeveryon stwork tlve,but

    26、man peopr fruna eoug aemore mon thn they imediaelyned. whatshol they with ths exta incom? while i istempti forpeopeto spend itll on thing theyesir, i beieve it s bette to veat east otionof heextra inoe for the fuure.b savin mone, peol ve tsev mre scury. the at predt the ftre;pehap oe day hey w be ob.ata im like ths their ang c spa them a rea deal o uffern an helpo


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