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    1、英语的单词比较1.neglect, ignore, omit “忽略,遗漏”neglect指对职责、义务或应做的事没有给予足够的注意,这种忘记可能是有意的,也可能是无意的。Those who neglect their duties should be punished. 玩忽职守者应受惩罚。Why do they always neglect the traffic regulation?ignore指疏忽、不顾、强调对某人或某物故意不理会,有时还带有固执地拒绝的意味。When I saw Tom, I stopped to greet him, but he ignored me and

    2、walked on.The teacher ignored my difficult questions.omit指因专注或疏忽而忘记某事,这种失误可能是有意或无意的,该词还可指删除不利或不必要的东西。She should not omit to visit the museum.The third part of the book may be omitted.The joys of travel having long _C_the disabled,are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means.A. omitted B. mis

    3、sed C. neglected D. Discarded2.principal, principleprincipal既可作形容词,又可用作名词。作形容词用时,通常用来形容地位、作用等优于任何其它的物或人,常作“首要的”、“主要的”、“最重要的”解。作名词用时,通常指技术学校、师范学校或音乐学校的“校长”,在美国可指中小学的“校长”,等于英国英语中的headmaster;也可指剧团里的“主要演员”,在法律方面,只犯罪团伙中有别于教唆犯或从犯的“主犯”,在财政方面指经营的活产生利息的“资本”、“本金”等。principle属名词,通常指做某事的“原则”或某种学科的“原理”。3.continua

    4、l, continuous, constant这三个形容词都有“连续的”,“不断的”的意思,但也有所区别。continual “连续的,继续的,老是“,指在一个较长时间或空间内有间歇的重复。通常修饰一个令人不快的东西。continuous “连续的,不断的”,指某事在或长或短的时间或空间内连续发生,毫无间歇,但有开始和结束。constant “不断的;经常的”,含有“永恒不变”的意思。1. _ smoking does harm to health.2. She was tired of _ trips to the grocery, school and office.3. The nois

    5、e of _ hammering disturbed me.4. The brain needs a _ supply of blood.5.There was _ rain for weeks.6. It is important in scientific experiments that all the conditions should be _.7. He was _ in his efforts to improve his skills.4.emerge,appearloom这三个词都有“出现”之意appear指人物的显现,几乎不含背景或来源,只表示进人视野之内。He appea

    6、red before the audience. 他出现在观众面前。loom指从雾中或从不清晰的背景中显露出来,尤指以庞大或使人产生恐惧的形态突然出现,其后常接up。A figure loomed up out of the mist. 迷雾中突然出现了一个身影。emerge表示从包围中进入开阔空间,由此比喻初露锋芒。The moon emerged from behind the clouds.月亮自云后现出。Richard was waiting outside the door as the teacher emerged. 老师出现的时候理查德正在门外等着。After a long h

    7、unt of him,we saw him emerge from the crowd. 我们找了他半天,才见他出现在人群中5.worth,worthwhile, worthy这三个词都有“值得”的意思,但用法有区别。worth可作形容词或名词。一般可用well, hardly修饰,其后接名词或动名词作宾语。接动名词时,以主动形式表被动意义。整个结构可用作表语或后置定语。worthwhile中的while是名词(仅用单数形式),原来的意思等于time,但现在多作为一般的而且意思含糊得多的词使用。有时while前还可有形容词性的物主代词修饰,其后可接动名词或不定式短语,其动名词和不定式短语不是w

    8、hile的宾语,而是句中的真正主语,为形式主语。worthy是形容词,用作表语或后置定语时,后常接of加名词或动名词的被动形式,也可接动词不定式的被动形式。有时,该词也可接主动形式的不定式,这时作“完全能够”解,如:In peculiar, a king must set a good example to his subjects. Only then would he be worthy to rule. 君主特别要身体力行做其臣民的表率,只有这样,君主才能君临天下。它还可作前置定语,表示“可敬的”的意思,主要形容在品行方面令人尊敬的人。注意:以it开始的句子中,worth+V-ing和w

    9、orthwhile+V-ing的区别,一般来说,当it代表某说话人心目中的某个明确的事物时,只能用worth+V-ing的形式。如:It is not worth saving. 这件东西不值得保存。当it无具体含义,仅用作形式主语,代表句中后面动名词或不定式部分时,只能用worth while+V-ing的形式。如:It is not worth while saving. 存放是不值得的。6.remote,distantfar “远”distant 意为“远的;远隔的”,比far庄严些,特指科学用语,含有距离大小的含义,可用于空间也可用于时间,更常被用在比喻的意味上。e.g.:He is

    10、a distant cousin of mine. 他是我的远房表弟。far意为“远的”,是一个比较纯的用语,它不仅指实际的距离,也用在比喻意义上,指遥远的前途、未来、过去等等。此词虽有像a far country,the far future等用法,但通常被用来作表语。此词用作副词时,常与distant连用。e.g.:The hill is very far distant. 那座山非常遥远。remote 意为“遥远的”,用以指场所,亦可用以指时间,还含有“孤独的、不易达到的、难以出名的”等意味,如遥远的边疆、国家、大海、古代、未来、亲戚等。e.g.: (1)They live in a m

    11、ountain remote from any town or village.他们居住在远离任何城镇和村庄的大山里。(2)Some of your statements are rather remote from the subject we are discussing.你有一些话与我们所谈论的问题关系不甚密切。(3)The chance of finding him were so remote that they gave up the search.找到他的机会如此渺茫,以至于他们放弃了搜索7.faithful,loyaltruthful三个同都可作“忠实的,忠诚的”讲faithf

    12、ul adj. 多指忠诚于相关联的人或事业,也指坚定不移地守信义,后常接sb.,doctrine,promise 等,带有“始终不渝”的意味。He is faithful to his promise.他信守诺言。He was faithful from first to last.他始终是忠实的。 loyal adj. 指忠实履行自己的誓言或指一贯忠实于领导、国家、单位和道德准则,含有坚定不移的意味。We are loyal to our country. 我们忠于自己的祖国。She is a loyal friend. 她是位忠实的朋友。truthful adj. 在强调对个人情感上的忠诚

    13、程度时,语气比loyal和faithful强烈,主要强调诚实、不撒谎。A truthful man is one who habitually tells the truth. 一个诚实的人是习惯说实话的。 He gave me a truthful answer. 他给我一个坦诚的回答。pose, consist of, comprise, constitute (组成,构成) 1)compose常用于被动语态。Be composed of 表示“由构成”,用于主动语态时,一般包含“融合为一”的意思,主语是复合名词或集合名词。Concrete is composed of cement, s

    14、and and gravel mixed with water.England, Scotland and Wales composes the island of Great Britain.2) consist of “由构成”,强调结果是一个统一整体。New York City consists of five boroughs.3) comprise “由构成”,也可表示“构成”。The committee comprises men of widely different views.Fifty states comprise the United States.4) constit

    15、ute 的主语可以是复数名词,也可以是单数名词,所“构成”的事物在属性和特征上,亦或在组织上与组成成分一致。Seven days constitutes a week.9.glorious,splendid,brilliantsuperb这四个词都有“辉煌的、壮丽的”之意splendid指人才华出众,成就辉煌;指物体外观雄伟美丽或光辉灿烂。The queen wore splendid jewels.女王戴着璀璨夺目的珠宝。brilliant比喻前程美好。He predicted a brilliant future of the child.他预言那孩子前途无量。superb暗指“气派非凡,

    16、高级的”之意The five star hotel offers superb cuisine. 那家五星级的宾馆做的食物很出色。glorious指事迹等辉煌灿烂,景色等美丽壮观、值得赞赏或赞扬。Look at the glorious rainbow in the air. 快看天空中那道美丽的彩虹啊。Her future could be more glorious even than her past.她的将来会比她的过去更加辉煌。10.speed, rate, pace 都可以做名词,都有速度的意思。speed一般指单位时间内所运动的距离,如:He drove at a speed o

    17、f 70 miles per hour.We cant go any faster. Were already at top speed. rate指比率,率,如速度,出生率,入学率等,指速度时,可与speed换用,例如:She can read at the rate of 100 words a minute.He must pay at the rate of 10 percent.pace主要指行走、跑步等的步速,也可指生活、生长、进展等方面的速度、进度等,例如:If you advance one pace, Ill shoot you. The work progressed at

    18、 a slow pace. 11.exhausted, tired, worn out 都作形容词,都有“累,疲惫”的意思tired为常见词,但本身没有指明精力的削减程度,例如:He became tired from hours reading. exhausted指体力、精力的完全损耗,难以恢复或需要较长时间才可恢复,例如:He returned at last, too exhausted to eat anything.worn out指过度使用而失去价值或功效。He divorced his wife because he was worn out from listening to

    19、 her constant complaints. 12.interference, disturbancedisturbance 强调的是扰动和扰乱秩序。More than l00 policemen were assigned to put down the disturbance in the street. 一百多名警察被派去镇压街头的动乱。interference 是指一般的“干扰、干涉”。The interference is originated from noise. 干扰源于噪音。Airlines will be able to set cheap fares without

    20、 interference from the government.要是没有政府的干涉,航空公司就能够定低价。13.expand,extend,enlargestretch expand表示长度、面积、体积等方面的扩张、膨胀,多含朝四面八方扩张或延伸之意。e.g.:He expands his operation to include all aspects of the clothing business. 他把他的经营扩展到服装生意的各个方面。 extend意为“扩展、延伸”,表示空间、时间、土地等方面的扩展或延续,也表示将某事物延伸到所期望的地步,还可以表示将身体的各个部位尽可能地伸展开

    21、来。e.g.:Cant you extend your visit for a few days?你不能多停留几天吗? enlarge意为“扩大;增长”,它可以指把照片放大、房子扩大、尺寸或空间扩大,也可以指体积、容积的增长,还可以指兴趣、活动范围等抽象观念的增加。e.g.:The successful investment enlarged his personal fortune. 成功的投资增加了他的财富。 stretch意为“伸长;拉紧;展开”,常指由曲变直,由短变长的伸展,也可表示肢体的舒展,还可以表示时间、决定等超过了所规定的范围或限度。e.g.: The cables are d

    22、esigned not to stretch. 电缆被设计成不可伸展的。Having finished their morning work,the clerks stood up behind their desks, _A_ themselves. A. stretching B. extending C. prolonging D. Expanding14.remark, comment”谈论”,“评论”remark:常用词,指议论、评价,常含有一种随便的意味,如I should be pleased to have your remark.Her absence of hair cou

    23、ld hardly escape ment: 强调批评性的评述。Some scathing comments were heard from visitors.在来宾那儿听到了一些尖刻的批评。It became a matter of cynical comment among the neighbors.这件事成了邻居们冷嘲热讽的话题。15. rely, trust, depend “信任” “相信”rely完全信任You are the only woman I can rely on.trust常强调基于没有说服力的证据的信仰产生的信心。We must try to trust one

    24、another. Stay and cooperate.depend意味着对另一个人的帮助或支持有信心,有“依而定”的意思。It is fool hardy to depend on Middle Eastern countries for our oil supplies.我们依靠中东国家的石油供给是愚蠢的。16.abuse, misuse, mistreat “不公正对待”,“伤害”,“滥用”abuse最普通,指各种故意的或非故意的、言语上的辱骂或行为上的伤害。如:He was always abusing people when he was drunk.The serf-owners

    25、had the right to beat, abuse or even kill the serfs at will.The professor plans to give a presentation on drug abuse in his lecture.misuse指不适当的使用,即“误用”,“滥用”,并不一定是有意的。He misused the idiom.He misused his knife at the table by lifting food with it.mistreat多用于美国英语,表示苛刻或残暴对待,如:The dogs owner mistreated i

    26、t terribly.The magistrate administrated a public thrashing to the landlord who had mistreated his brother.法官对那虐待兄弟的地主施以当众鞭笞。17.escapeflee两个词都有“逃跑”的含义escape指逃离对自己的限制、对个人利益的危险等。He was recaptured after he escaped. 他逃跑后又被逮捕了。flee指因惧怕或避开危害而匆忙地逃遁,往往强调逃跑的行为动作。The enemy fled in disorder. 敌人仓惶溃逃。Thousands ha

    27、ve been compelled to flee the country. 成千上万的人被迫逃离了祖国。He slammed the bedroom door behind him and fled. 他摔上身后卧室的门逃走了。18.annoy,bother,disturb,interfereinterrupt 这五个词都有“使.烦恼,使.不安”之意bother vt., vi. 强调不停地“扰乱,烦扰,使人不得安宁”,强调动作,而不强调由此产生的烦恼心理。(1) He comes bothering me with foolish questions day after day. 他天天拿

    28、傻问题烦扰我。(2) I dont bother my head about office politics;they have no interest for me.我不愿为人际关系自寻烦恼,我对此毫无兴趣。(3) They cant see any reason for bothering about you. 他们认为没有任何理由为你担心。disturb vt. 扰乱,搅乱,惊动,使.紊乱,使.不安(在医学上可指精神错乱)。(1) Tom threw a stone into the water and disturbed the smooth surface of the lake.

    29、汤姆将一块石头扔进水中,扰乱了平静的湖面。(2) Dont disturb my things. 别弄乱我的东西。(3)We were disturbed to hear of your illness. 听到你生病的消息,我们深感不安。interfere vt. 干扰,干涉。指通过一系列手段来干预他人或他人的事物。(1)An elder man interfered to stop the quarrel. 一位长者出面干涉来平息这场争吵。(2) Its not wise to interfere between husband and wife. 干涉别人夫妻间的事是不明智的。interr

    30、upt vt. 打断,中断。尤指中断某活动的连续性。(1) He interrupted me for several times when I was delivering a speech. 我演讲时他数次打断我。(2) The traffic of the city was interrupted by a snowstorm. 该市的交通被暴风雪阻断了。annoy指使人由于干扰、挫折或受不了某种外界情况而感到“烦,烦恼”。(1) Try making a note of the things which annoy you. 试着把让你心烦的事情都记录下来。(2) It annoyed

    31、 me that I didnt have time to do more ironing. 我没有更多的时间来熨衣服,可真让人烦。(3) We were greatly annoyed at losing the order. 我们因失去订货单而感到异常烦恼。19.feeling,affection,emotion,sentiment,sensationpassion这几个词都可指人的感觉或者感受feeling为最常用的词,它既可以指人的任何感情,也可以指生理上愉快或痛苦的感觉。I have no feeling in my injured finger. 我受伤的指头没有任何感觉affection指长辈对小辈,父母对于女等所怀有的那种持久的温馨、慈爱之情。Every mother has affection towards her child.每个母亲都爱自己的孩子。emotion意义最为广泛,意为“感情;情绪”,指人的喜、怒、哀、乐、激动等情感,一般不带任何感情色彩。L


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