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    1、翻译二级口译实务模拟8 模拟 翻译二级口译实务模拟8Part Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now lets begin.第1题:Ludwig van Beethoven was an unhappy genius. He had deep feelings that he could not express in words. He found the way to ex

    2、press these feelings in music, and this led to a new kind of music that is expressive. Beethoven was born in the German city of Bonn, in 1770. His father was a singer in the Church choir, and he soon saw that Ludwig had musical ability. The father thought that Ludwig might be another wonder-child, l

    3、ike Mozart, and that he would make the familys name and fortune. He forced the little boy to practice long hours on the violin. Mozarts father had been kind, but Beethovens father was impatient and often rough with him. Also, Beethovens father was not reliable in earning a living for his family. As

    4、young Ludwig grew up he had to take a great deal of responsibility. When he was 15, and was working in the Church as assistance organist, Ludwig was practically supporting the family. But he had kind teachers and some good friends, and he was lucky enough to get a position playing the viola in the o

    5、pera orchestra in Bonn. There he became familiar with the operas of Mozart and other composers, and he learned a great deal about the instruments of the orchestra and how they played together. This was to be valuable to him later in his own composing. When he decided to go to Vienna to study, the Ar

    6、chbishop at Bonn paid for his journey and other friends gave him letters to noblemen in Vienna. Beethoven was a very fine pianist, besides being able to play the violin and other stringed instruments. The Viennese music-lovers quickly adopted him as a favorite concert performer. But they criticized

    7、every new work of Beethovens because it was too different. The Viennese soon realized that they had an extraordinary genius living among them, and they made every effort to keep him. When Beethoven had an offer to go to another city as an orchestra conductor, three noblemen of Vienna banded together

    8、 to pay him a regular income every year if he would stay with them. He stayed, and went on composing his big, powerful symphonies, concertos, piano sonatas and many other works. But except for his music, Beethoven was not a happy man. Before he was 30, he began to grow deaf. This was a terrible misf

    9、ortune for a musician. His deafness came slowly and he was able to continue playing concerts until he was 44. But 10 years later, when his great Ninth Symphony was performed for the first time, he could not hear at all. He was sitting on the stage at the performance, watching the conductor, and he h

    10、ad his back to the audience. One of the singers turned him around so that he could see the audience enthusiastically applauding this tremendous symphony. Beethoven was a lonely man. Although he had fallen in love several times, he never married. His deafness made him still more lonely, for he would

    11、not go out in public at all. But he rose above his loneliness and deafness through his music. Even when he was totally deaf, he went on creating music that he could not hear except in his mind, expressing all the feelings he could not express to anyone in words._参考答案:参考译文贝多芬是一个不幸的天才。他有很多不能用语言表达的深沉情感

    12、,但他找到了用音乐表达这些情感的方法,从而产生了一种新的表现力极强的音乐。 贝多芬于1770年生于德国的波恩。他的父亲是教堂唱诗班的歌手,不久就发现儿子身上的音乐天分,认为他很可能成为像莫扎特一样的“神童”,为家族带来声望和财富。他逼着儿子长时间地练琴。 莫扎特的父亲很仁慈,但贝多芬的父亲却十分暴躁,经常对他动粗。他还不能正常地挣钱养家,这使得贝多芬很小就挑起了家庭的重担。贝多芬15岁时就在教堂担任助理风琴师,挣钱养家。 他的老师和朋友对他很好,后来又有幸在波恩的歌剧院谋到乐队中提琴手的位置。在那里他接触了莫扎特的歌剧和其他作曲家的作品,并对各种乐器及其相互配合有了了解。这段经历对他日后创作音

    13、乐极其宝贵。 贝多芬决定去维也纳学习,波恩的主教为他提供盘缠,好友也为他给维也纳的望族写了推荐信。贝多芬是个出色的钢琴演奏家,也会演奏小提琴和多种弦乐乐器。维也纳的乐迷很快就爱上了这位音乐演奏家,但对他所做的乐曲却每海报以批评,认为它太过于另类。 很快维也纳人就意识到贝多芬是一个不可多得的天才,并千方百计地把他留住。当贝多芬接到聘书要到另一个城市担任乐队指挥时,三个维也纳贵族决定联合起来付给他固定薪水。贝多芬终于留了下来,继续从事大型交响乐,协奏曲,钢琴奏鸣曲和其他音乐创作。 但是,除了献身音乐外,贝多芬活得并不幸福。他在不到30岁时听力就开始减退,这对一个搞音乐的人来说是巨大的不幸。耳聋来的

    14、还算缓慢,使他在44岁前还能参加音乐会演出。但是,当10年后他的伟大的第九交响乐首演时,他已经什么也听不见了。他坐在舞台上看着指挥,却把背对着观众。一个歌手帮他转过身来,使他看到了观众正在为他的宏大的作品热情地鼓掌。 贝多芬是个性情孤僻的人,他多次恋爱,但从未成家。耳聋限制他出门社交,使他变得更加孤独。但他通过音乐战胜了孤独和耳聋,在完全失聪的情况下,他依旧不断创造着他只能在心灵中才能听到的音乐,倾诉着无法用语言诉说的情感。详细解答:本文主要讲述音乐巨匠贝多芬的生平。侧重讲述他的成长历程,挖掘了他的内心世界。 本文谈论的话题只需有普通的地名和音乐常识,但本文要求考查应试者在短时间内恰当理解英文

    15、结构的能力和准确翻译英语术语的能力。总之,此文的翻译将显示应试者的英文口译功底。 基本素质采分点 1Beethoven 贝多芬 2Bonn 波恩(德国城市) 3Church choir 教堂唱诗班 4Mozart 莫扎特 5Vienna 维也纳 6Archbishop 主教 7concerto 协奏曲 8piano sonata 钢琴奏鸣曲 9Ninth Symphony 第九交响曲(贝多芬名曲之一) 结构理解采分点 1He found the way to express these feelings in music, and this led to a new kind of music

    16、 that is expressive 该句的翻译要妥善处理and this指代关系,其实该指代关系表明了前后的因果关系,因此,原句可译为“但他找到了用音乐表达这些情感的方法,从而产生了一种新的表现力极强的音乐。” 2The father thought that Ludwig might be another wonder-child, like Mozart, and that he would make the familys name and fortune 该句是复合句,含有两个that引导的宾语从句。该句的翻译要求将后置的修饰性表达放在它所修饰部分的前面,如对“like Mozar

    17、t”的处理,因此,该句可译为“他的父亲认为他很可能成为像莫扎特一样的神童,为家族带来声望和财富。” 3When Beethoven had an offer to go to another city as an orchestra conductor, three noblemen of Vienna banded together to pay him a regular income every year if he would stay with them 该句的翻译要注意可根据上下文情景,适当减词,如原句中最后if从句根据上下文可以省略,以免翻译的重复啰嗦。因此,原句可译为“当贝多芬

    18、接到聘书要到另一个城市担任乐队指挥时,三个维也纳贵族决定联合起来付给他固定薪水。” 4But he rose above his loneliness and deafness through his music 该句的结构很简单,但要处理好rise above的确切译法,此处,根据上下文可意译为“战胜”。因此,原句可译为“但他通过音乐战胜了孤独和耳聋。” 5Even when he was totally deaf, he went on creating music that he could not hear except in his mind, expressing all the

    19、feelings he could not express to anyone in words。 原句是复合句,含有even when引导的状语从句,根据汉语语言习惯,when表达的“当时”,一般不译出,或改换为符合习惯的其他表达方式。因此,原句可译为“在完全失聪的情况下,他依旧不断创造着他只能在心灵中才能听到的音乐,倾诉着无法用语言诉说的情感。” 言语表达采分点 1expressive 有表现力的 2wonder-child 神童 3name 名誉 4support the family 挣钱养家 5take a great deal of responsibility 承担很大的责任 6

    20、be valuable to 对有价值 7adopt 接纳 8make every effort to 尽一切努力 9lonely 孤独的(这里指性格孤僻的) 10enthusiastic 热情的,热烈的第2题:I am pleased to welcome you to the United Nations for this first meeting of your contact group. Your focus on food security in Africa comes at a crucial time. The latest food crisis on the conti

    21、nent has brought home to us, more than ever before, the urgent need for a strategy to break the pattern of recurrent crises and bring about a Green Revolution in Africa. But achieving this will require radical approaches on multiple fronts. Africa has faced food crises in the past; it has faced dead

    22、ly diseases; it has struggled to come to terms with governance challenges in states with limited capacity and resources. But rarely has the continent had to face the kind of intersecting challenges we see today. Today, Africa faces a deadly triad of related burdensfood insecurity, HIV/AIDS and an em

    23、aciated capacity to govern and provide services. We cannot find viable solutions to the challenge of food security unless we address the challenges of AIDS and governance at the same time. Food insecurity in Africa has structural causes. Most African farmers farm small plots of land that do not prod

    24、uce enough to meet the needs of their families. The problem is compounded by the farmers lack of bargaining power and lack of access to land, finance and technology. This further weakens farmers ability to withstand the impact of recurrent drought and the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic. Thirty million Af

    25、ricans now live with HIV, and the continent has borne the brunt of more than 20 million AIDS deaths worldwide. In some areas of Africa, more than 40 percent of the population is HIV-positive, and similar proportions are going hungry. The devastating impact of HIV/AIDS on food productionwith seven mi

    26、llion African farmers already deadis only too obvious. Infection rates are rising among African women. The latest figures show that women make up 58 percent of Africans already infected. Because of AIDS, skills and knowledge are dying out rather than being passed from one generation to the next. Bot

    27、h at the household level and the government level, resources are being diverted from food production to health care. In turn, food shortages fuel the disease, through malnutrition, poverty and inequality. Clearly, breaking this destructive cycle poses a huge challenge to governance. It will require

    28、strong institutions, improved skills and innovative policies. But in an irony so typical of the age of AIDS, Africas ability to govern and to provide services is itself being stretched to breaking point by the disease. This interlocking set of issues facing Africa is far greater than the sum of its

    29、parts. Addressing the issue I have raised requires a new, integrated response from both the Governments of Africa and the international community. It requires a shift from short-term approaches to a reassessment of our entire strategy for developmentor, taking long-term measures even when addressing

    30、 short-term emergencies.Ladies and gentlemen, The United Nations family is already joining forces to mount the coordinated effort needed. I hope you will work across the board with us, and with the Governments of Africa, in developing the range of revolutionary approaches we need to tackle the deadl

    31、y triad and break the pattern of food crises in Africa. I opened my remarks with a message of despair; let me close with one hope. Yes, this is an unprecedented set of challenges. But your presence here today tells me that we have unprecedented consensus on the need to confront them. Together, we mu

    32、st mobilize the political will to succeed. Thank you very much. _参考答案:参考译文欢迎各位来到联合国,参加本联络小组的第一次会议。 你们很适时地将重点放在非洲的粮食安全方面。非洲最近的粮食危机使我们比以往任何时候都更充分地认识到制定一个能打破不断发生此类危机的局面,并给非洲带来一场绿色革命的战略的紧迫性。但要做到这一点,就要在多个方面采取积极措施。 非洲过去也曾出现粮食危机,曾出现过致命的疾病,在一些国家,由于能力和资源方面的限制,政府在治理上遇到过挑战。 但非洲大陆很少象现在这样同时遭遇来自许多领域的挑战。目前,非洲面临着三重极其繁重的负担,即粮食安全问题,艾滋病病毒/艾滋病和政府日渐衰弱的治理和服务能力。 如果不同时应对艾滋


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