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    1、呼啸山庄中希斯克里夫的对手埃德加林顿形象分析河北师范学院外语系ContentIntroduction I Individual backgroud about both Linton and Heathcliff1) appearance2) family background3) Lintons marriage to CatherineII. Social backgroud about both Linton and Heathcliff1) Heathcliffs wealth and return2) Catherines deathIII. The Tragedy of Linto

    2、n 1) Loss of his younger sister 2) Loss of his daughter3) Loss of Thrushcross GrangeConclusionNotesBibliographyAbstractIn this article, the author probes the causes of the Wuthering Heights tragedy story and the love story among Heathcliff ,Linton and Catherine. Through the analysis of all things be

    3、tween the two heroes, Linton marries Catherine. Thats why Heathcliffs demonic revenge to the Lintons. Therefore the Linton family start their bad luck, which makes the readers shed the simpathetic tears.Keywords: love , tragedy, sympathy摘要这篇文章探究了呼啸山庄故事悲剧的发生原因,以及希斯克力夫,林顿和凯瑟琳三人之间的感情纠葛。本人着重从希斯克力夫和林顿二人的

    4、各种情况进行对比分析以及林顿和凯瑟琳的婚姻导致了希斯克力夫的疯狂复仇。因此,林顿一家人的悲剧命运开始了,读者为此 流下同情的眼泪。关键字: 爱,悲剧,同情IntroductionWuthering Heights is the only one novel written by Emily Bronte, it is one of the best novels in English literature. The title of the novel is the name of an old house, high up on the Yorkshire moors, occupied b

    5、y the Earnshaw family. The story is told by Mr. Lockwood, Heathcliffs tenant and Nelly Dean, the housekeeper.Wuthering Heights is, first, an earthshaking tragic love story. Heathcliff and Catherine make love not by giving each other pleasure but by inflicting on each other great pain. They speak not

    6、 of living together but of dying together. However ,Catherine is unable to marry Heathcliff because of his low birth. She marries Edgar Linton from the civilized household of Thrushcross Grange in the valley, because Heathcliff runs away, and is not heard of for three years. when he returns, he has

    7、become a rich man. The fact that Catherine has married to Linton determines Heathcliff to revenge. Therefore, the tragedy of all the people in the story starts, especially the tragedy of Edgar Linton.As we all know, Edgar Linton is the surporting role while Heathcliff the leading role in this novel.

    8、 In appearance, we can tell the differences between the two heroes. Linton has light hair and a fair skin and is dressed and behaved as well. His great blue eyes and even forehead alse indicate that he is a handsome, wise young man. Compared with Heathcliff, however, he looks quite like a doll and h

    9、e does. We can knowe that from the words Nelly says to Heathcliff in order to comfort him.“You are younger and yet, Ill be bound, you are taller and twice as broad across the shoulders, you could knock him down in a twinkling? Dont you feel that you could?”1)Though Heathcliffs face brightened amomen

    10、t, then it was over-cast afresh, and he sighed.“But, Nelly, if I knock him down twenty times, that wouldnt make him less handsome or me more so.”2)From the words of Heathcliff, we know that he envies Linton and has taken Linton as his rival from the beginning. On the other hand, he looks down upon L

    11、inton because he cries for mamma at every turn, and he trembles if a country lad heaves his fist against him, and he sits at home all day for a shower of rain.Heathcliffs first introduction to Wuthering Heights, he is described as a little, dark-skinned, foreign-speaking gypsy boy and the reaction o

    12、f everyone in the house to him is disgust. But somehow he and Catherine are always play together. It is one of their chief ammusements to run away to the moors in the morning and they remains there all day and then after punishment grows a mere thing to laugh at. So no matter how indecent Heathcliff

    13、 wears and no matter how handsome Linton is, Catherine likes Heathcliff at heart.By all appearances, Edgar Linton cant defeat Heathcliff completely to win the heart of Catherine. Then it is family background that makes Heathcliff leaves home and alse leaves Catherine. As to family background, the le

    14、ading role Heathcliff is a starving and homeless child and as good as dumb, in the streets of Liverpool where he is picked up by Mr. Earnshaw. He is not liked by anybody except Mr. Earnshaw, and he is named by Heathcliff , which is Mr. Earnshaws dead elder sons name. Hardly does Mr. Earnshaw die whe

    15、n his status gets down into a serf.While Edgar Lintons home, Thrushcross Grange, makes both Heathcliff and Catherine have thought themselves in heaven.“It is beautiful - a splendid place carpeted with crimson, and crimson-covered chairs and tables, and a pure white ceiling bothered by gold, a shower of glass-drops hanging in silver chains from the center, and shimmering with little soft tapers.”3)And at that time Old Mrs Linton were not there,Edgar and his sister had it entirely to themselves.


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