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    1、 4. 蓄热室四周的内壁上用优质硅砖,下部用低气孔粘土砖,最下部用普通粘土砖砌筑,上部蓄热室顶碹采用优质硅砖砌筑,并用轻质粘土保温砖保温,底部炉条碹用低气孔粘土砖。8.2.2与玻璃液接触部分耐火材料的选用 池窑内从熔化部、冷却部直到成型部的整个池窑都与玻璃液相接触。要吃内进行着配合料熔制成合格玻璃的全过程,温度范围从1200到1600,玻璃液处于对流状态。1.池壁砖 池壁砖主要采用电熔锆刚玉转,最近也有采用-电熔刚玉砖。本次设计采用-电熔刚玉砖。2. 池底砖 池底砖所处的条件是玻璃液温度较低,流动较弱。现在采用多层式复合池底结构,一般是地砖为300mm粘土大砖,粘土大砖的上面铺设25mm锆英砂

    2、或电熔锆刚玉捣打料。铺面砖采用75mm电熔AZS砖。3. 加料池砖 加料池受到粉料和玻璃液的侵蚀、料层的磨损、液流的冲刷、火焰的影响,损坏较严重。尤其是加料池转角砖,因此在转角处用含ZrO241%的电熔刚玉转。除转角砖以外,其他部位可以用普通浇铸的AZS-33砖。 4. 卡脖用砖 池底采用AZS-33砖和粘土大砖,池壁采用AZS-33砖,但在卡脖拐角处采用倾斜浇注4#无缩孔电熔AZS砖加强砖材抗侵蚀能力,卡脖矮碹采用优质硅砖砌筑,卡脖处使用优质硅砖砌筑。4. 冷却部用砖玻璃液温度较熔化部低,对砖的侵蚀较轻。采用氧化法生产的AZS-33砖。5. 流道用砖 流道用电熔AZS-33砖或-Al2O3砖

    3、。8.2.3 蓄热室耐火材料的选用蓄热室使用耐火材料的部位有格子体、炉条碹、蓄热室顶碹、侧墙和中间隔墙。蓄热室顶碹常选用电熔AZS砖、直接结合镁砖或硅砖。侧墙和分隔墙的上层选用镁质砖,中层选用镁质砖或低气孔率黏土砖,下层选用低气孔率黏土砖。炉条碹选用低气孔率黏土砖。8.3 锡槽用耐火材料1. 进口端:流道流槽和唇砖均采用-刚玉砖。为加强密封性,锡槽前端采用小罩密封结构,与唇砖配套设置,可定边砖和背封砖,使玻璃液流趋于合理,稳定玻璃板跟,稳定生产。2. 槽体:选用优质槽底砖,并用螺栓固定在槽底钢壳上。3. 胸墙:选用一些轻质保温砖,加强胸墙保温,减小横向温差。4. 顶盖:顶盖采用大块耐火砖组合平

    4、顶吊挂结第9章 设计说明9.1 重要技术经济指标 熔化能力:500t/d熔化率:2.3912t/(m2d)熔化部面积:357m2 熔化面积:209.1 m2 冷却部面积:125.49 m2 每千克玻璃液耗热量:7861.75kJ 每天燃油量:94000kg9.2 主要技术特征1.投料池本次设计适当延长了投料池长度,以利于配合料的预熔,减少飞料和飞料熔窑耐火材料的侵蚀,同时改善了投料口处的操作环境。投料池宽度为8.5m,长度为2.3m。2.前脸墙前脸墙采用L型吊墙,可以大幅度降低热量损失,具有预熔化和强制熔化作用。3.蓄热室蓄热室采用全分隔式的,有利于对助燃风的流量控制,实现比例调节。格子体采用

    5、筒形格子体,提高热交换面积。4.卡脖采用窄长卡脖可有效地减少玻璃的回流,减少对玻璃的二次加热,避免了二次气泡的产生和二次加热的热损失。卡脖处加水平搅拌器和深层水包,水平搅拌器的使用,使玻璃液能充分混合,澄清均化良好。深层水包使玻璃液在高温澄清区滞留时间加长,有助于提高玻璃质量,还可以减少回流,减少二次加热热耗,阻止熔化部的浮渣进入冷却部,减少玻璃缺陷。5.窑池 采用浅池熔化,池窑深度为1.2m,可防止玻璃也在池底形成滞流层,提高玻璃液质量。加大末对小炉中心线到卡脖的距离,使玻璃液在这段长度内进行充分熔化,并排除玻璃液中的气泡。6.熔窑保温 对熔化部池壁、大煊顶进行全保温(除碹缝外),对熔化部池

    6、底、冷却部进行部分保温。7.温度曲线采用“双高形”曲线,其核心是减少处在稠密区的小炉的燃料分配量,降低此处的热负荷。即提高1号小炉燃料分配量使配合料基本熔化,提高4号小炉的燃料分配量以利于强化玻璃液的高温澄清和均化,降低3号小炉的燃料分配量,以降低此处耐火材料的热负荷(泡沫区在3号小炉区,稠密泡沫热阻较大,传热不好)。9.3 设计总结 在近三个多月的毕业设计过程中,我结合已学过的专业知识,并查阅了大量书籍和参考文献,确保本次设计有据可依。同时,在设计过程中,结合了我们此前工厂实习的情况,使本次设计和实践相结合,增强了本次设计的正确性和合理性。同时还要感谢陈文娟老师在设计过程中的耐心指导和同学们

    7、的帮助! 通过这次设计,我对本专业的知识体系有了更直接更深刻的了解,已能初步灵活运用专业知识。通过手工绘图和CAD制图,增强了自己的识图能力和画图能力,同时增加了在本专业中运用电脑画图的能力。由于本人所学的知识有限,经验较少,在设计过程中难免会有不足之处,希望老师批评指正!结论 本次设计主要参考几家实际生产厂家使用的玻璃熔窑及锡槽,对原有优质的东西进行有原则的,合理的借鉴,参考最新有关玻璃熔窑最新改进结构,最新技术方面的文章进行参考性,合理的引进。主要方面是在熔窑结构中的投料池结构、小炉口结构、蓄热室内部结构、卡脖结构、冷却部结构、池底结构、胸墙结构、大碹结构、碹缝结构、锡槽结构及窑体保温结构

    8、方面。本次设计的玻璃熔窑还有待实践的检验,理论上已经合理。在以后的玻璃熔窑的设计中,要从理论方面计算分析,联系实际厂家实例,参考已有的数据,合理的引用已经成功的优质元素,设计出符合我国实际、施工可能、操作方便、技术先进、经济实用、节能环保的现代新型玻璃熔窑。随着我国科学技术的发展,玻璃熔窑还会更加先进,窑龄更长。谢辞 四年的大学生生活马上就要结束了,回顾往昔,几多艰辛,几多感慨!在我求学的道路上,有许许多多可亲可敬的老师给予了我知识和力量,我将永远不会忘记你们不倦的教诲!本设计是在陈文娟老师的精心指导下完成的,点点滴滴无不凝聚着他的汗水。老师严谨的科学态度、渊博的学识,时刻激励我在学业上不断地



    11、玻璃工厂建线生产.科学出版社.198312陈国平.玻璃的配料与熔制.化学工业出版社.200513蔡月民主编.硅酸盐热能工程.化学工业出版社.199814夏大全.赵从旭.玻璃工业节能技术.中国建材工业出版社.200615 蔡增基等.流体力学泵与风机.中国建筑工业出版社.1999附录(一).玻璃原料成分(%) LSiO2Al2O3Fe2O3CaOMgOR2ONa2CO3Na2SO4C砂岩0.597.640.600.150.04钽铌石1.066.4214.960.石灰石0.12.530.090.1051.361.22白云石0.40.970.3131.2420.60纯碱58

    12、.3299.56芒硝2.544.2499.03煤粉87.12(二)玻璃成分(%) 氧化物SO3Wt%72.191.600.178.104.0113.72(三)燃料种类、成分重油成分(%) HONSA水分总和86.3212.260.550.020.50100.00(四)产品比例2mm3mm5mm6mm10%50%30%(五)主导自然条件 1.主导风向 夏季:西南 冬季:冬季 2.平均大气压755mm 冬季:765mm 3.温度 平均月最高:25 月绝对最高:36 月绝对最低:-12 4.地下水位:-5800mm 5.地震烈度:六度(六)水电 水:本厂自己供给 电:本地电网供给(七)运输方式 自定

    13、外文资料OUR TRIBUNEWHAT IS THE BEST DESIGN FOR A GLASS FURNACEN. Ya. Suvorov(Kurlov Glass works)During 195354 there was a discussion in Glass and Ceramics on the design of tank furnace. The discussion was very informative for workers in the glass industry, for it acquainted them with the existing views

    14、on this matter, although it was not completed by the presentation of conclusions relating to the courses to be followed in the design of glass furnaces.It must be acknowledged that science has not yet succeeded in making a complete study and systematization of experience gained in the operation of g

    15、lass furnace and has not yet been able to tell us how to design furnaces that will correspond to the present level of knowledge and technology.What is the fundamental principle which ,in our opinion ,must form the basis of the design of perfect tank furnaces ,It will be obvious that by a perfect tan

    16、k furnace we mean one that is as efficient as possible in technical and economic respects .The design of a tank furnace must be such that the melted glass passed to the machines in strict sequence .For example, if the capacity of the furnaces is 1000 tons of glass and the machines only after ten day

    17、s.We consider that the time has come when it should be possible to arrive at a well grounded conclusion concerning the distribution of currents of glass in tank furnaces and to design a furnace accordingly, so that our basic principle of the strict sequence of the melted glass to the machines can be

    18、 realized.It is essential to eliminate undesirable currents of glass and the formation of layers differing in composition, i.e.to keep the kinetics of glass within limits set by the special design of the tank furnace, by the heating schedule adopted, and possibly by the mechanical action exerted ion

    19、 the melted glass .Our proposed design for such a furnace is represented in figures 1-6.We do not consider that the problem of constructing a glass tank furnace of our design is more difficult than many others problems already solved by science and technology. The solution of this problem is within

    20、the power of our planning and erection organizations.In the light of the requirements that we have made with respect to the design of glass furnaces, the tanks of the very large tank furnace now in use in the glass industry give the impression of large frying pansin which ,at the glass surface , the

    21、 glass is not melted but roasted,and in the roasted condition ,after being cooled for 10-12 hours, is passed to the machines.When such apparently well-melted glass is examined optically, it is found that there are innumerable defects: streaks, whirls, stripes, threads, etc. ,which differ from the su

    22、rrounding mass .Such a glass is non-uniform in mechanical and technical properties ;the productivity of the machines is not as high as it might be and the glass is of lower utility.In the manufacture of optical glass these defects are eliminated by prolonged stirring of the glass with special stirre

    23、rs. In the manufacture of sheet glass, pressed ware, etc., no effort is made to overcome these defects, and all is left in the care of the laws of thermal movement in the glass mass.Rapid cooling of glass, particularly when there in a negative pressure over the glass surface in the cooling zone not

    24、to speak of the use of coolers and blowers results in the formation of layers differing in viscosity and therefore in the production of glass full of whirls and waves ,varying in thickness ,badly annealed ,not thermally durable ,giving much breakage during processing ,and not durable in use. Slow co

    25、oling gives glass that is more stable against leaching .Rapidly cooled glass has different physicochemical properties than the same glass cooled slowly, We cannot agree with the assertion that glass ,having attained to a definite degree of clarity during melting ,cannot be submitted to a temperature

    26、 higher than that previously attained, nor with the recommendation that cooling should be rapid and so fix the state of the glass with all its established and non-established equilibria .Also, we cannot accept the advice that we should always adjust the atmospheric regime of the furnace to the cours

    27、e of the melting process .Such advice is theoretical and cannot serve as a guiding principle for production personal. Prevention of the overheating of the glass by increase in the dimensions of the furnace or with the aid of coolers and ventilators must be regarded as highly erroneous.The main and g

    28、reatest defect of large tank furnace and of all furnaces in general, particularly those without barriers (floating bridges, bridge walls etc.) is that the upper layer of glass moves very rapidly to the working end .This has many undesirable consequence, particularly in the non-barrier method of forming sheet glass by vertical drawing machines.We maintain that glass of the upper, working layer, moving over the intermedia


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