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    1、four hundred years ago, people regarded happiness with wonderment, thinking that it befell someone as a result of an inexplicable arrangement made by the mysterious universe.2. Happiness in shakespeares time, and even afterwards, was associated with wealth, success and position, which in some way, c

    2、ame upon a certain person, who would express such an occasion in the form of great joy or excitement.3. Happiness is no longer accidental,indeed, it becomes an objective to achieve.4. People definitely varied in their opinions as to what has given rise to happiness and what happiness actually means.

    3、第二单元1. They were amazed at my being so stubbornly inquisitive over that issue, unable to figure out how i could be so ignorant of what was going on about so commonplace a practice in the american economic and political life.2. When immorality prevails, its practically no use talking convincingly abo

    4、ut conscience.3. Many americans are always preaching about human equality, but will take a firm stand against the issue of equal rights in their communities and schools.4. It seems that they are also brave enough to take the risk in reiterating their worry, which ,consequently, makes them such unfor

    5、givable bores to those successful social climbers.5. Ultimately, only these people may hopefully help to create a society that is characterized by its moral strength that leads to its continuous existence instead of its moral degradation that ends in tis destruction. 第三单元1. We tend to believe that w

    6、e are a harmonious impartial and benevolent people, living under approved laws but not by the will of any individual in the government.2. If we ignore this other aspect of the fact, we shall fail to look at our nation from an unbiased perspective.3. No mater how hard we persuaded ourselves to believ

    7、e that indians and negroes were inferior to us, we ,in actual fact, were quite clear that they ,just like us, were Gods children.4. The evidence regarding such suppression as recorded in american history is amply supplied in american literary works.5. What the whites refused to encounter in their de

    8、scription of the past was actually recounted in the dreams and fantasies in artistic forms.第四单元1. From the footsteps of that frightened woman, i, for the first time ,realized that my being born a black has unfortunately enabled people, at the sight of me, to adjust their distance from me in a most u

    9、nfriendly manner.2. I was also well aware that i looked exactly like a bad boy who would intrude, from time to time, into the neighborhood from a slum nearby.3. To be a man, you must acquire the power to scare and subdue people.4. When i was a boy, i saw many juvenile delinquents taken away by the c

    10、ops.i have since attended several funerals,too.5. I was not in a position to prove my identity. What i could think of was that i walk quickly to join someone who could verify who i was.第五单元 1. But such case were sufficient in number to make it seem as if there were justification for the increasing f

    11、ear of communists.2. Joseph mccarthy thought it was high time that he should come upon the stage, declaring that he held a list of names of active communists who were striving to ruin the government now.3. He was kept fully occupied, but he didnt seem to be successful.4. Then in wheeling that Februa

    12、ry evening at the beginning of the 50s, joe, at last, was fortunate enough to have seized a wonderful chance and ,like a meteor, started to climb up the political ladder.5. From that moment, it seemed that the senator had placed the entire country under his control.第六单元1,what the book tries to tell

    13、is that the iks have become an unalterably repulsive people, self-centered, irrational ,inconsiderate and unfeeling, as a result of the disintegration of their traditional culture.2,it should be agreed first of all that human beings are an evil breed. Living in this world all for nothing but their o

    14、wn interests,and they may show some love and sympathy, simply because they were taught to develop such as their habits.3,they never talk except when they make rude demands and impolite refusals.4,they will laugh to see ill luck befall other people.5,the lonely ik, banished in the desolation of a van

    15、ished culture, has found another way to protect himself. 第八单元Under the blows of peasant wars and kingly conquest, the isolated existence of early feudalism gave way to centralized monarchies. =peasant wars and monarchical triumphs concluded the early separate feudal societies, and the unified and ce

    16、ntralized kingdoms assumed power.And in turn the great national adventures of the english and spanish and portuguese sailor-capitalists brought a flood of treasure and treasure-consciousnes s back to europe.=a nationwide fervor of seafaring merchants in england, spain and portugal to explore countri

    17、es overseas consequently brought back a lot of wealth and renewed a noticeable wealth-awareness among the european nations.=the attitude of christopher columbus was representative of a time in history, which quickened the formation of a society characterized by an ambition for success and a craving

    18、for money.=along with this social change, there was little wonder that power began to descend upon the merchants, because they were financially knowledged, and depart from the contemptuous gentlemen, because they were financially ignorant. =it was not so easy for bookkeeping to be adopted as a neces

    19、sary accounting device, and double entry was not universally accepted as an accounting mechanism until the 17th century第一单元 Happiness 翻译No other country in the world has worked the notion of happiness into its Constitution the every source of its national authority, the way the founding fathers of t

    20、he United States of America chose to do when they linked the pursuit of happiness with life and with liberty as a trio of utterly inalienable rights.世界上没有其他国家像美国这样将幸福的概念编入国家立法之本的宪法中。美国这些起草宪法的祖先们赋予了公民不可剥夺的生命、自由和幸福三权。Without question there were different interpretations of what prompts happiness, and

    21、what constitutes it. for many devoutly religious people (to this day), a stroke of business success, a marriage that works, the emergence over time of strong, intelligent, well-behaved children who seem able and content with their lot in life are all signs of sorts, evidence of gods favor.毫无疑问,人们对于什

    22、么产生幸福和什么是幸福持着不同的解释。对于那些迄今仍旧虔诚的教徒而言,一桩成功的生意, 一段美满的婚姻,一群坚强、聪明能干、品行端正且满足于现状的孩子们,都是幸福的迹象,上帝眷顾的迹象。Happiness in Shakespeares time, and later as well, referred to good fortune, good luck, to favorable circumstances visited, somehow, on a particular person who registered such a state of affairs subjectively

    23、 with a condition of good cheer, pleasurable feeling.莎士比亚期间以及之后,幸福指的是一个人不知什么原因被财运、好运和有利环境眷顾时,流露出的振奋和喜悦之情。One was satisfied with ones situation, glad to be in ones given place and time by virtue of how ones life has gone. The emphasis is, put differently, upon fate - an almost external force.人容易满足于自己

    24、的现状,为自己所过的生活以及即将面对的特定处境感到高兴。要强调的不同是,他将一个外在力量加在命运上。?To be sure, individuals craved pleasure, money, power, territory, a certain woman, a certain man - but happiness was not in itself sought.可以确定的是,人们渴望快乐,金钱,权力,地盘,特定女人和特定男人,但是却不会去追寻“幸福”本身。Rather, a persons personal and workday success was noted by tha

    25、t person, and thankfully acknowledged - his or hers by virtue of divine grace, or the stars and their mysterious doings, or, quite simply, a series of fortuitous events.更确切地说,一个人总是感激地记录并肯定自己的个人成就和成功事业。认为自己是被神眷顾,是被星星神秘地帮忙,或者简单地说,是一系列的偶然事故降临。For those who dont know what to believe (about this life, an

    26、d our place or purpose on earth), happiness seems something accidental, contingent, or at best, a feeling for which one has worked hard indeed. but now we are a bit ahead of ourselves, historically: four hundred years ago, there was a sense of awe about happiness - as if it were visited upon some in

    27、 accordance with the unfathomable workings of an inscrutable universe.对于那些没有信仰、不知道为谁生存为何奋斗的人,幸福是偶然的,或充其量只是一种非常努力工作的感觉。 但是现在的我们比过去的我们进步:四百年前,我们敬畏幸福,以为是神秘的宇宙发生了深不可测的运转后降临在某人身上的一样,让人敬畏。it was only in more recent time, as men and woman became more the center of this world (in their own minds, more the m

    28、akers, the doers, the ones who wield and see the consequences), that happiness became, with everything else, a goal, a purpose, or, as those hard working, ambitious rationalists who framed our constitution put it, something for which a pursuit is waged. No longer does happiness happen; happiness is

    29、obtained.直到近年来,当男人和女人成为世界的中心(在他们自己的心目中,他们更像是制造者,执行者,支配和预见结果)的时候,幸福才和其他的事物一样,成了人类追求的目标,生存的目的。又或者,像那些勤奋、有抱负的理论主义宪法制定者所说的一样,幸福成了一切“追求”的起源。幸福再也不会偶然降临,幸福只有靠人去争取。For some, Good is yet what counts: happiness as the inner feeling that corresponds to a moral perception on the part of a person. i have done my

    30、 duty to god and country; i have lived as i was taught it is right to live, and im ready to die happy-the words of an ordinary twentieth century american working woman, a nurse of fifty, actually ,whod raised her two children well, lived out a solid, satisfying marriage with her optometrist husband,

    31、 and now was struggling with the effects of a breast cancer that had defied the surgeons, the oncologists, and , she would sometimes adds, her minister,he prays for my recovery, she once told me, and then added,but i dont believe you can bargain with God that way. Ill be dying soon, and i know it, i dont pray to God that he give me more life, i pray to god that the life i have already lived not be judged too bad and too sinful when i meet Him.im not afraid. To tell the truth, except when i am in pain, i am quite happy. (此题为期末考试题目。Clo


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