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    1、1897年的报告称一艘300英尺长的飞行器在虐杀牲畜。27so it would seem that the earth has been visited for a great many years.所以,好像地球已经被访问了许多许多年了。oh yes.嗯,是的。Millennium at least?至少上千年了吧?32yes millions actually.是的,其实是几百万年了。oh millions of years.哦,几百万年了啊。36so were the flying machines described in the Bible of extraterrestrial

    2、origin?那么圣经上描述的飞行器是外星来的咯?40some, yes.有一些是的。let me ask you a few more questions here.让我再问你几个问题。44Was Moses led by an extraterrestrial craft then the extraterrestrial craft part the Red Sea?摩西是受外星飞船引导并为他分开了红海的水吗?50was the Manna that fell to the Israelites dropped by an extraterrestrial craft?古代以色列人得到的

    3、吗哪食物(注:圣经中古代以色列人出埃及时,在40年的旷野生活中,上帝赐予他们从天降落的神奇食物)也是外星飞船掉下的?0:58 it was the wheel within a wheel that was described by Ezekiel an extraterrestrial craft?以西结(希伯来先知,旧约圣经以西结书之作者)描述为“轮中之轮”的东西就是一个外星飞船?1:04yes yes yes and yes is the short answer.如你所说都属实。这是简要的回答。10so did the extraterrestrials actually intera

    4、ct with humans during thosePeriods?这么说来那个时期外星生物和人类有实际的接触和互动咯?15more than they do today.比现在更频繁。20being different than the extraterrestrials interacting and observing today. 然而那时外星生物观察你们与你们互动的方式是不同于现在的。Being what you call more the progenitor or what has been referred to asAnnunaki those that gave thei

    5、r genetic material他们更接近你们所说的“人类祖先”,被称为阿奴纳奇人。38to create the humanoids on earth to begin with in that sense your true forefathers and foremothers.阿奴纳奇人用他们的基因材料创造了类人种族(humanoid)开始在地球上繁衍进化,从这层意义上说,他们真的就是你们的祖先。46they had a different bond with humans in that sense and could interact in a different way th

    6、an we can interact with you at this point in your evolution.在这种意义上讲,他们与人类(较我们)有着不同的联结,在人类现在这个进化点上,他们能够与你们以不同的方式互动。58how was that bond differently like in the interact?这种联结的不同具体表现为怎样的相互作用?那种联结的不同,具体表现为怎样的2:01because in that sense you were literally their children因为,从这层意义上毫不夸张的说,人类就是他们的孩子at that time

    7、you are not in that sense our children per se 而那时你们并不是我们自身的孩子,11we do not have the same kind of relationship with you and coming into interaction with you later on in your evolutionary period我们与你们不是这种关系,所以也没有在之后一段你们的进化历程中与你们互动。18when it is obviously important to have more of hands-off policy to allo

    8、w you to make your own choices and evolve without absolute interference.因为那显然是需要更多“不干涉政策”的时期,以便让人类做出自己的选择,并在没有绝对性干预的情况下进化uh-huh and in certain respect sense you are hybrids based on human DNA you are our children in that some sense?嗯嗯,从某种意义上说,你们是基于人类DNA的混种,这么说你们是人类的孩子咯?34Im wondering I mean for Plan

    9、et Earth now theres the freak out factor where humans might freak out the extraterrestrials and我在想,我的意思是现在地球上的情况是人类可能对外星生命存在恐惧的因素,obviously they do in some cases and our government fears that很明显很多事情说明他们是挺怕的,而且我们的政府害怕外星生命。48was this freak out factor really not part of the ancient civilizations so wit

    10、h whom the Annunaki interacted?难道这种恐惧因素真的不是与阿奴纳奇人接触的远古人类文明遗留下来的?57it depends on how far back you go early on no not at all.那取决于是多久以前。在早期,完全不是你说的那样。3:they were used to seeing these beings all the time 那时人们常常看到这些外星生命并习以为常05and again remember that in that sense being offshoots of their genetic material

    11、而且请记得,人类是阿奴纳奇基因的分支产物,从这点上说12The Annunaki look very much like you or you looked very much like them.他们与你们长得非常像,或说你们与他们非常像。16there were some differences but not so much that you would as yousay in your language “freak out”.即使有区别也不是很大,更不要说被吓到了。2they are what is referred to however in some of your ancie

    12、nt literature as the Giants of those days men of renown.在一些你们的古老文学作品中,这些阿奴纳奇人被称为“巨人”、英雄(人神之子)出现在世上。so they looked like humans but a whole lot bigger?所以说 他们看起来很像人类,但是体型大得多?somewhat bigger sometimes even having what you would call bluish casts to their skin and多少都大一些,有时皮肤甚至投射出你们所说的微蓝色光泽,42now and then

    13、 some other different tones or casts to their skin从过去到现在他们都会有不同皮肤色调和光泽的种类,47but in that sense still relatively what you would recognize as your own kind.但是相对来说仍然会被人类看作是同类。54okay, Im trying to get a sense of the size are we talking about.好吧,我试图想象我们说的阿奴纳奇人到底有多大呢?seven, eight feet(* was not uncommon.七八

    14、英尺(1英尺=厘米)高也不稀奇哦。4:okay, so basketball player type size would be about right?好,就是说差不多篮球远动员的身高尺寸就对了?as we understand that term, yes.照我们对这种说法的理解来说,是的。06although also to some degree a little bit larger in stature as well.尽管在体型上同样要比篮球运动员大一号。13okay, broader?块儿头更大?okay, and what gave rise to the blue colo

    15、r of their skin?好,那么他们的蓝色皮肤又是怎么回事呢?22Simply the idea of some addition in their blood matrix of copper and other elements.简单来说,他们的血液矩阵中具有额外的铜和其他元素。30okay, so it would be an oxidation of copper?好,是氧化铜吗?33对。okay. we have one final topic this is a short one: crop circles.真不错。我们再谈最后一个简短的话题吧:麦田圈。4345are t

    16、hey created by extraterrestrials? what is their purpose?麦田圈是外星生命创造的吗?如果是,它们的目的是什么?in 1975 47 crop circles were found in a field where a cattle mutilation was found. what was the connection between the two phenomena?1975年在一片田地中同时发现了47个麦田圈和一头被虐杀的牲畜的尸体,这两种现象有什么联系呢?5:Extra terrestrials are involved to s

    17、ome degree with the creation of some of what you call crop circles.外星生命在一定程度上与其中一些你所说的麦田圈的创造有关Consciousness is primarily involved and that being the extension of a collective aspect of your own consciousness但主要还是和意识(创造实相)有关,麦田圈是人类集体意识的某个面向merging with other dimensional beings consciousness such as o

    18、ur own as well.和其他次元生命集体意识的融合及扩展出的现实实相,我们种族(艾莎莎尼)的集体意识也牵扯其中。21its a collective event although there may be shall we say from crop circle the crop circle a greater or lesser degree of involvement of different beings at different times for various reasons.尽管我们会说麦田圈事件中,不同次元生命在不同时间为了各种各样的原因或多或少涉及其中,但它主要

    19、还是一个(人类和其他次元生命的)集体事件。35energy manipulation again vibrational resonant electromagnetic energy manipulation is the actual mechanism used and manipulated by能量操作,基于振动的电磁能量操作才是麦田圈真正的形成机制,而这一机制the blending emerging and directing of collective consciousness.正是集体意识在幕后融合,形成并最终引导发生的。it is a type of language,

    20、type of symbolism, type of speaking to oneself in dreams to wake up这是一种语言,是一种符号,是一种唤醒梦中之人的话语from the dreams you have been having and move into other realms of awareness and perceptive ability.令你们从沉睡中醒来,并通往另一层意识和觉知的领域。6:03the cattle mutilations that may have occurred in the one that you have mentione

    21、d你提到出现麦田圈的地方也出现了被虐杀的牲畜,是个衍生品或副产品,in a sense is an offshoot of the fact that certain areas are conducive electromagnetically to certain phenomenology happening more easily 原因是某些地区从电磁能量方面上更容易引起某种现象(麦田圈)发生and it may be conducive to more than one thing happening in that area而且不止是单一一种现象,还包括其他现象(牲畜死亡)23so

    22、 an area that might be very good for producing crop circles electromagnetically 容易发生麦田圈的地区, 28might also be very good for certain kinds of technological craft to come through into your dimension for other reasons and other agendas 也可能同样容易被其他维度的飞行器穿入你们的维度,因其它的目的或议程in that sense which is simply seeing

    23、 our overlapping agendas theyre not really connected except through the所以这个意义上看,那只是不相干的议程行为在地里位置上重叠了, 41electromagnetic phenomenology that makes that area particularly good one to do both of those things in. 仅由于该区域的电磁能量环境对两件事的开展都很适合而已It was kind of the door was open and so a lot of different things

    24、came in.这有点像一扇门打开了了,然后一大堆各种各样的东西就进来了。52Okay thank you very much Bashar. this has been very informative.太感谢你了巴夏,真是受益匪浅。I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge with us.感谢你乐于同我们分享你的知识。7:we thank you as well for your willingness to create this platform and foundation for this transmission and communication我们也同样感谢你们乐于创造这次传输和交流的基础和平台which can only add to the overall experience of both of the realities we existing and the one reality we are co-creating it together这同时增进了我们彼此所处之实相以及我们共同创造之实相的体验。thank you and a good day.感谢,祝好的一天。thank you.谢谢你。


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