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    Chapter 113Word下载.docx

    1、 and that the distant savage lair from which the wind was rushing, was the sea; and that the small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all and beginning to cry, was Pip. Hold your noise! cried a terrible voice, as a man started up from among the graves at the side of the church porch. Keep still,

    2、 you little devil, or Ill cut your throat! A fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes, and with an old rag tied round his head. A man who had been soaked in water, and smothered in mud, and lamed by stones, and cut by flints, and stung b

    3、y nettles, and torn by briars; who limped, and shivered, and glared and growled; and whose teeth chattered in his head as he seized me by the chin. O! Dont cut my throat, sir, I pleaded in terror. Pray dont do it, sir. Tell us your name! said the man. Quick! Pip, sir. Once more, said the man, starin

    4、g at me. Give it mouth! Pip. Pip, sir. Show us where you live, said the man. Pint out the place! I pointed to where our village lay, on the flat in-shore among the alder-trees and pollards, a mile or more from the church. The man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied

    5、my pockets. There was nothing in them but a piece of bread. When the church came to itself - for he was so sudden and strong that he made it go head over heels before me, and I saw the steeple under my feet - when the church came to itself, I say, I was seated on a high tombstone, trembling, while h

    6、e ate the bread ravenously. You young dog, said the man, licking his lips, what fat cheeks you ha got. I believe they were fat, though I was at that time undersized for my years, and not strong. Darn Me if I couldnt eat em, said the man, with a threatening shake of his head, and if I hant half a min

    7、d tot! I earnestly expressed my hope that he wouldnt, and held tighter to the tombstone on which he had put me; partly, to keep myself upon it; partly, to keep myself from crying. Now lookee here! said the man. Wheres your mother? There, sir! said I. He started, made a short run, and stopped and loo

    8、ked over his shoulder. I timidly explained. Also Georgiana. Thats my mother. Oh! said he, coming back. And is that your father alonger your mother? Yes, sir, said I; him too; late of this parish. Ha! he muttered then, considering. Who dye live with - supposin youre kindly let to live, which I hant m

    9、ade up my mind about? My sister, sir - Mrs Joe Gargery - wife of Joe Gargery, the blacksmith, sir. Blacksmith, eh? said he. And looked down at his leg. After darkly looking at his leg and me several times, he came closer to my tombstone, took me by both arms, and tilted me back as far as he could ho

    10、ld me; so that his eyes looked most powerfully down into mine, and mine looked most helplessly up into his. Now lookee here, he said, the question being whether youre to be let to live. You know what a file is? Yes, sir. And you know what wittles is? After each question he titled me over a little mo

    11、re, so as to give me a greater sense of helplessness and danger. You get me a file. He tilted me again. And you get me wittles. He tilted me again. You bring em both to me. He tilted me again. Or Ill have your heart and liver out. He tilted me again. I was dreadfully frightened, and so giddy that I

    12、clung to him with both hands, and said, If you would kindly please to let me keep upright, sir, perhaps I shouldnt be sick, and perhaps I could attend more. He gave me a most tremendous dip and roll, so that the church jumped over its own weather-cock. Then, he held me by the arms, in an upright pos

    13、ition on the top of the stone, and went on in these fearful terms: You bring me, to-morrow morning early, that file and them wittles. You bring the lot to me, at that old Battery over yonder. You do it, and you never dare to say a word or dare to make a sign concerning your having seen such a person

    14、 as me, or any person sumever, and you shall be let to live. You fail, or you go from my words in any partickler, no matter how small it is, and your heart and your liver shall be tore out, roasted and ate. Now, I aint alone, as you may think I am. Theres a young man hid with me, in comparison with

    15、which young man I am a Angel. That young man hears the words I speak. That young man has a secret way pecooliar to himself, of getting at a boy, and at his heart, and at his liver. It is in wain for a boy to attempt to hide himself from that young man. A boy may lock his door, may be warm in bed, ma

    16、y tuck himself up, may draw the clothes over his head, may think himself comfortable and safe, but that young man will softly creep and creep his way to him and tear him open. I am a keeping that young man from harming of you at the present moment, with great difficulty. I find it wery hard to hold

    17、that young man off of your inside. Now, what do you say? I said that I would get him the file, and I would get him what broken bits of food I could, and I would come to him at the Battery, early in the morning. Say Lord strike you dead if you don said the man. I said so, and he took me down. Now, he

    18、 pursued, you remember what youve undertook, and you remember that young man, and you get home! Goo-good night, sir, I faltered. Much of that! said he, glancing about him over the cold wet flat. I wish I was a frog. Or a eel! At the same time, he hugged his shuddering body in both his arms - claspin

    19、g himself, as if to hold himself together - and limped towards the low church wall. As I saw him go, picking his way among the nettles, and among the brambles that bound the green mounds, he looked in my young eyes as if he were eluding the hands of the dead people, stretching up cautiously out of t

    20、heir graves, to get a twist upon his ankle and pull him in. When he came to the low church wall, he got over it, like a man whose legs were numbed and stiff, and then turned round to look for me. When I saw him turning, I set my face towards home, and made the best use of my legs. But presently I lo

    21、oked over my shoulder, and saw him going on again towards the river, still hugging himself in both arms, and picking his way with his sore feet among the great stones dropped into the marshes here and there, for stepping-places when the rains were heavy, or the tide was in. The marshes were just a l

    22、ong black horizontal line then, as I stopped to look after him; and the river was just another horizontal line, not nearly so broad not yet so black; and the sky was just a row of long angry red lines and dense black lines intermixed. On the edge of the river I could faintly make out the only two bl

    23、ack things in all the prospect that seemed to be standing upright; one of these was the beacon by which the sailors steered - like an unhooped cask upon a pole - an ugly thing when you were near it; the other a gibbet, with some chains hanging to it which had once held a pirate. The man was limping

    24、on towards this latter, as if he were the pirate come to life, and come down, and going back to hook himself up again. If gave me a terrible turn when I thought so; and as I saw the cattle lifting their heads to gaze after him, I wondered whether they thought so too. I looked all round for the horri

    25、ble young man, and could see no sings of him. But, now I was frightened again, and ran home without stopping. 我父亲的姓是皮利普,而我的教名是菲利普。在我幼年时期,无论是皮利普还是菲利普,我既发不出这么长的音节,又咬字不清,只能发出皮普。所以,我干脆就把自己叫做皮普,以后别人也就跟着叫我皮普了。 我说皮利普是我父亲的姓,那是有根据的,因为我父亲的墓碑上刻着他的姓,而且我姐姐也这么说。我姐姐嫁给了铁匠乔葛奇里,现在是葛奇里夫人了。至于我,从来没有见到过父亲和母亲,也没有看到过他们两位的照片(其实在他们的时代还不知道什么是照片呢)。最初在我的想象中也有父母亲的模样,那是根据他们的墓碑字形乱造出来的。我父亲墓碑上的字体使我产生了一个奇怪的想法,认为他是个方方正正。胖胖墩墩的黑皮


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