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    Unit3On Friendship文档格式.docx

    1、3 学会听取确切的信息并加以复述。4 练习基本的阅读技巧,学会记笔记。 学习描写人物个性和表达喜欢或不喜欢。(三) 单元重点 (Unit Pints)1 关键词:语言知识类brag abut, are abut, g alng ith, be dran t sb, feel at ease, ath up ith, find ut, be illing t, zer in n, put the burden n, get a rd in edgeise, fus n, addt, It taest d, teardn交际功能类1) 谚语Birds f a feather fl tgether

    2、物以类聚,人以群分。A an is nn b the pan he eeps 观其友,知其人。ae ne friends but eep the ld 交些新朋友,但别忘了老朋友。hen friends eet, hearts ar 朋友相见心头热。A gd friend is nearest relatin 好朋友是我最亲近的亲戚。A friend arried is a friend lst 有人结婚,就有人丧友。Friendship is lve ith understanding 友谊就是相互理解的爱。Be sl in hsing a friend, sl in hanging 择友要

    3、慎,换友亦是。A an is nn b his friends 观其友,知其人。A ans best friend is his ten fingers 人之挚友为其十指。hse ur friends lie ur bs, fe but hie 交友如择书,少而精。Friends sll n are lng held 慢慢赢得的朋友才能长久。Being friendl desnt st anthing 友善不花一分钱。Frtune aes friends, isfrtune tries the 患难见真情。2 功能: 1)描写人物个性与品质: 参考本第47页 Useful Languagege

    4、nerus, eas-ging, abitius, heerful, trustrth, ipatient, ptiisti, sensitive, d, siable, reserved, laz, attentive, nsiderate, straightfrard, hnest, reliable, puntual, quiet3 语法点: 本出现了新的语法现象由It引导的强调句句型:二、教学设计(Teahing Design)教学内容教学实施建议教学资参考1 Reading 作为“ 交友”这一主题的引入,教师可利用“找朋友”的游戏方法,让学生把拆开的有关友谊的谚语进行配对,使学生学习

    5、掌握更多的谚语。在此基础上,阅读并讲解,使学生对于友谊的内涵有更深刻的了解,更加珍视今天所拥有的友谊。链接1 “找朋友”游戏的操作建议。本第36页-Highlights 部分。2 Listening作为教材第44页的听力部分,可让学生回忆自己幼年时与玩伴共同度过的时光。在听这段材料的时候有身临其境的亲切感。同时建议教师可利用上海外语教育出版社出版的英语(新世纪版)听力,开展相关主题的听力活动作为对教材的补充。第27页- Listening Pratie3 Speaing以“交友”为主题设计口语活动活动一:利用“头脑风暴”的教学手段让学生列出一些描述人物个性和品质的词,思考怎样的人容易交到朋友。

    6、链接2 头脑风暴活动的操作建议。活动二:总结内容,归纳杰妮在交友方面成功的策略,分组讨论为什么这些策略在交友中是至关重要的。活动三:在上述活动的基础上,以“QUI FINDING”的游戏形式让学生探讨交友中要注意的“Ds” 和 “Dnts”。链接3QUI FINDING的操作建议。第4页- Speaing Pratie第46页- Further pratie 4 riting学习如何记笔记,可以结合本第37页练习B进行操练。第47页-Stud Sills部分 StrutureIt引导的强调句句型是本单元的语法教学内容。可以通过句型操练加强学生对于这一语法现象的理解。链接4 语法教学操作建议第4

    7、2页-Struture部分6 Additinal Reading本部分与Unit 3 的内容直接相关。建议放在最后一时,对整个单元内容进行巩固和拓展。本出现的重要词汇:as a result (f), base n, set up, in realit, defineas, share, hld true fr, la a fundatin fr, a lse bnd, have a deep affetin fr本谈及西方人的交友观。学生学习之后对西方人有关友谊和交友的方式有一定的了解。教师可指导学生用listing的方式总结西方人的交友观,结合自己的生活实际总结中国人的交友观,把两者进行对

    8、比,谈谈如何同西方人交朋友。链接 补充材料第49页-Additinal reading链接1说明: 利用“找朋友”的游戏增加学生的学习兴趣,活跃堂气氛。这一环节的运用既能发挥学生的积极主动性,又能使学生在小组活动中共同学习,互帮互助,完成活动任务。让学生在“找朋友”的同时,学习一些有关友谊的谚语。1 教师把有关友谊的谚语分成若干部分,分别写在小卡片上,将卡片发给各个学生2 学生依据所得卡片上的内容寻找朋友,得到完整的句子。3 将句子写在黑板上,让全班一起学习。相关谚语: A false friend is rse than an pen ene 明枪易躲,暗箭难防 A friend in ne

    9、ed is a friend indeed 患难之交, 才是真朋友。 A faithful friend is better than gld 知音胜过金银。 A friend is easier lst than fund 得朋友难,失朋友易。A faithful friend is hard t find 知音难觅。链接2 利用“头脑风暴”提供学生积极思维的好机会。这一环节的运用有利于发挥学生的主动性,让学生在小组活动中互帮互助,以小组活动方式呈现合作结果,让全体学生对有关描述人物个性和品质的词加以学习总结,对新的词汇加以补充与学习。1教师准备空白纸,分发到每一合作小组中。在组员中确定“记

    10、录者”;“汇报者”,并明确职责。时间控制在2分钟。2在“头脑风暴”过程中,“记录者”记录组内成员能想到的所有相关人物性格个性的形容词。3请每组“汇报者”报出所罗列的“职业”总数。以“优胜组”为代表汇报结果。教师可把一些较新,较好的词汇写在黑板上,让全班学生学习。4请其余各组补充未提及的“职业”词汇,共同充实词汇库。 教师补充一些学生未提及的一些新词汇。例:以下是一“优胜组”所列出形容词:generus, eas-ging, abitius, heerful, trustrth, ipatient, ptiisti, sensitive, d, siable, reserved, laz, at

    11、tentive, nsiderate, straightfrard, hnest, reliable, puntual, quiet,intrvert, extrvert, ative, adaptable, aiable, andid, nfident, areful, reative, perative其余组补充词汇:devted, aggressive, fran, faithful, energeti, earnest, strit, stead, disiplined教师补充词汇:alert, aiable, analtial, aspiring, nsientius, enthus

    12、iasti, expressive, nledgeable, sart, selfless链接3 QUI FINDING,“快速寻找”培养锻炼学生的快速判断能力。要求学生在短时间内完成记忆,复述,判断整个过程。强调小组合作,培养了小组协作精神,充分调动学生的积极性。同时因为大量的跑动,活跃堂气氛,使学生寓学于乐。1 以6-8人为一组,每组准备一张纸,写好“Ds”和 “Dnts”,并确定一个记录员。2 教师将列有交友时的注意事项的纸贴在教室的墙上,为方便学生查看,可多复印几份,分别贴在教室四周墙上。3 每组中各个组员轮流去阅读纸上的内容,每次记住一个要点,回到组内告诉其他组员并判断是“Ds”还是

    13、“Dnts”,然后由记录员记录下。时间控制在3分钟内。4 每组汇报记录的总数。以记录最为详细的一组汇报结果,教师把汇报结果写在黑板上,全班一起学习点评。对于遗漏的部分,教师予以补充。相关资料:Ds:Give freed Share ntrl Sh respetListen attentivelBe illing t tae thers advieGive the ther a hane t hse his n preferenesTreat thers ith respetBe initiativeTr t understand h the ther persn has ade a istae

    14、Help ur friend r thrugh the nsequenes f his istaesBring laughter and t ur friendshipEnurage sene h is disuragedSa sething psitiveBe plientarUnderstand and feel fr the ther persns perspetiveDnts:Be pssessiveDeand a friend give his full attentin t uGssip r laugh at thersBe tepted t shut at the thersPa

    15、 n attentin t the thers advieae plaints ver ftenFus n urselfverhel the persn ith attentinBe ritialnplize the nversatin链接4 语法的学习除了教师的精讲之外,离不开学生的实际语言练习与运用。创设活动让学生积极参与,使语法学习不再被动接受、死记硬背。句型操练:学生两两组合,组织对话进行操练。A: here has hn gne? B: He has gne t the inea A: here as it he had gne? B It as the inea that he h

    16、ad gne链接补充材料1 Sile at that persn This is ver iprtant A ind sile an ae peple feel s eling 2 eep exhanging glanes ne in a hile Dnt d this t uh r it an be taen the rng a hat u are ding is aring up bth f u 3 hen u feel read, e up Se freigners feel unfrtable beause the a nt spea great English Dnt laugh A

    17、ept their aent and graatial errrs as part f their har 4 Intrdue urself and hat Peple are the sae inside, n atter here the e fr Give a genuine plient Everne lies plients u ight get ne in return! Invite ur friend t g ut fr ffee, a stud date r a tur f the it 6 Read up n the plae and ulture f ur sn-t-be

    18、 friend As ur freigner questins abut their bagrund Everne ants t tal abut the plae here the e fr 7 Help ur friend get austed t a ne a f life Be supprtive 8 Let ur friendship blss Dnt fre it And reeber a little variet never hurt anne 9 Sile ften Let the n that u are friendl and apprahable 10 Dnt be (

    19、t) fini Be reasnable Se lals a pt t eat n banana leaves and u anted t eat n a hina plate Dnt treat urself as a VIP hen hanging ut ith the hen u reall ant eat hat the all an “exti” dish, tell the hnestl BUT plitel11 Sh the that u are an interesting and ausing persn Let the n ur strengths and eanesses

    20、 and vie versa This a u an fr an alliane t bee friends12 Be fun t be arund u dnt have t be a superstar t be fun u dnt even have t d artheels u d need t be psitive and friendl, hever, s that peple feel gd hen there arund u Fr the ver first nversatin u have ith sene, u shuld use bd language t nve that

    21、 u are affable, nn-threatening, and apprahable Sile frequentl, laugh ften, and ae ee ntat In ur rds, be nfident, but dnt be , ndesending, r ean-spirited13 Be a gd listener an peple thin that in rder t be seen as “friend aterial” the have t appear ver interesting Far re iprtant than this, hever, is t

    22、he abilit t sh that ure interested in thers Listen arefull t hat peple sa, reeber iprtant details abut the (their naes, their lies and dislies), as questins abut their interests, and ust tae the tie t learn re abut the Peple lve t tal abut theselves, and the easiest a t be liable is t listen u dnt a

    23、nt t be the gu r girl that alas has a better str than anne else r that hanges the subet abruptl instead f ntinuing the fl f nversatin These peple appear t rapped up in theselves t be gd friends 14 Be trustrth ne f the best things abut having a friend is that u have sene t h u an tal abut anthing, ev

    24、en serets that u hide fr the rest f the rld The e t being a gd nfidante is the abilit t eep serets, s its n seret that u shuldnt tell ther peple things that ere tld t u in nfidene Befre peple even feel frtable pening up t u, hever, u need t build trust Be hnest abut urself and ur beliefs, and dnt gs

    25、sip abut thers r spread rurs 1 Be true t urself A gd friend seties des things he r she desnt ant t d, suh as helping a friend ve r ging t see a band that u dnt reall lie, but u shuld never feel pressured t d sething u thin is rng Sta true t ur nvitins and beliefs, and if this auses u t lse se friends, ure better ff ithut the ull als find that ur integrit a help u in a lt f ther friends, and if u ust be urself ull ae friends h lie u fr h u are


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