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    奥鹏西安交通大学 英语1新录作业集答案刘仙泉Word文件下载.docx

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    奥鹏西安交通大学 英语1新录作业集答案刘仙泉Word文件下载.docx

    1、Part Two1-5 BCACD 6-10 BACBD. Reading Comprehension1-5 DDADC 6-10 ABBCD. TranslationJack is studying in his second year in a high school. He is very fond of writing. He has not only finished the writing tasks assigned by his teacher, but also composed many essays. Jack is often seized with a sudden

    2、inexpressible impulse, and then a sequence of vivid pictures came to his mind. At this time he cant hold back his feelings and put then down. These essays turn out to be his best writings. His English teacher regards him as the apple of his eye. He himself also wants to make writing his career. 1. 从

    3、孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔的时候,我的脑子里就断断续续的转着当作家的念头。2. 我痛恨那些长而乏味的段落协作,老师读者受累,我写着痛苦。3. 艾伦舅舅家诙谐有趣的场景全都重现在我的脑海中,我回想起来,当晚我们笑作一团,争论着该如何把面条从盘子上送到嘴里才算合乎礼仪。4. 第二天早上,我别无选择,只好把我为自己而写的贝尔维尔晚餐的故事交了上去。5. 我做好准备,打算在菲利戈尔先生的半晌一无所获地混上一年,不少日子过去了,还真不出所料。Unit Two1-c, 2-h, 3-g, 4-a, 5-d, 6-b, 7-f, 8-e1. uneasiness 2. corresponded 3. soa

    4、ked 4. unavailable5. referred 6. estimate 7. injure 8. touching9. practically 10. extensive1-5 B D A C B 6-10 C A D D C 11-15 C D D B C 16-20 A D A B C1. other 2. from 3. up/ upon 4. to5. prepared 6. speak of 7. Therefore 8.disagreeable/ disgusted9. more 10. of1-5 A D D A B 6-10 D B B C B1-5 BADCB 6

    5、-10 BADDCYesterday we had a class reunion in Shanghai. The years went by before the whole class gathered together upon graduation. We could have an earlier gather-together, but we had been postponing it until now because we all wanted to achieve a successful career development first.Although I have

    6、kept up correspondence with most classmates, I was still overexcited to see them, and was kind of choked up to see the old friend who had been abroad for years. This reunion is absolutely the most valuable experience in my life.1. 他准是完全沉浸在所读的东西立了,因为我不得不桥挡风玻璃来引起他的注意。2. 听上去他像是得了感冒什么的。3. 他摇了摇头,“我已经读了好几

    7、遍了。我想我都能背出来了。”4. 可我知道他还老想着老埃德。他又开口时,与其说是跟我说话,还不如说是自言自语。5. 失去朋友真不是个滋味,失去个真正的老朋友更让人受不了。Unit Three1-e, 2-f, 3-g, 4-d, 5-b, 6-c, 7-h, 8-a1. complete 2. inquired 3. initiate4. relevant 5. genesis 6. precision7. alienates 8. procession 9. challenging10. proportional 1-5 BCCAB 6-10 DCADC 11-15 DBDAD 16-20D

    8、 B A A C1. called 2. designed 3. was 4. because 5. as 6. moved7. used 8. for 9. burned10. rebuilt1-5 BADBA 6-10 BDCDA.1-5 CABDA 6-10 ABDDDScience is highly important for people today. Many technological inventions brought about by the development of science have a profound effect on the way we live.

    9、 Take the invention of the computer for example. People use it to convey information and do many other things. Moreover, many people can not do without it in their daily life. But lets put the clock back to the past. People were in two minds about whether to use it or not, because some people worrie

    10、d about its side-effects. But that was only a brief hesitation, in the end, we accept it, and make it part of our life.1. 无论我们是否愿意,我们生活的世界在过去一百年间已经变化了许多,而且在未来的一百年里可能变化更多。2. 即使所有用于研究的政府资金都被取消(现政府最擅长此事),竞争的力量仍将继续带来技术的发展。3. 唯一能阻止进一步发展的办法或许是一个压制任何新事物的全球政府,但人类的进取心与创造力如此旺盛,即便这个政府也不会成功。4. 如果我们承认,我们无法阻止科学技术

    11、改变我们的世界,我们至少可以确保科技带来的变化方向正确。5. 当今世界充满危险,因此就有了那个令人毛骨悚然的玩笑,说我们尚未受到外星文明造访的原因在于:但凡文明发展到我们目前的程度,它们往往就自我毁灭了。Unit Four1-f, 2-e, 3-a, 4-h, 5-g, 6-b, 7-c, 8-d.1. comprehensive2. vision3. confidence4. reluctantly5. skilled 6. precision7. determination8. depression9. delighted10. assumption1-5 BAAAB 6-10 AABBC

    12、 11-15 ABACA 16-20 BBCDA1. a 2. and 3. for4. with 5. be 6. published7. later 8. College 9. by10. add1-5 BACBC 6-10 ACDCC1-5 BBACB 6-10 CDCACTom was a novice in the factory, who even had no idea how to do with some simple instruments. After a few months, however, people were amazed at his great progr

    13、ess in work. He became a skilled worker, capable of handling complicated instruments. Whats more, he never turned down others request for help. Through concerted efforts, he and his colleagues worked out a series of technical problems. At the yearly prize-awarding ceremony, all present couldnt help

    14、complimenting him on his strong character and his readiness to help others at work. 1. 等我第二天晚上下班回到家,草坪已经修整过了,花园除了草,热星岛也清扫过了。2. 我设法凑了一小笔微薄的周薪,就这样托尼每天清扫垸子,有什么零活,他都干了。3. 可我换依托你是否能有能力学会看图纸、用千分尺,是否能胜任精密的工作。尽管如此,可我怎么能拒绝他呢? 4. 他学会了在千分尺上辨认一般万分之一英寸,会用镶嵌着金刚石的工具制作砂轮。5. “哎,等等,”我应到。“有个人干活勤勉,人品端正,至一点我担保。他有个好工作。眼下

    15、,你从那点钱上什么也得不到,放多少年还是那么些。至少他会给你付利息。Unit Five1-d, 2-g, 3-a, 4-f, 5-b, 6-h, 7-c, 8-e1 response2 sensible3 thoughtful4 reflection5 straighten6 absorbed7 insightful8 romantic9 reality10 haunted1-5 CCDAB 6-10 BCBBA 11-15 AABBC 16-20 C D A B A1. growth 2. constant 3. designed4 key 5. strengths 6. independe

    16、nt7. extensive 8. apply 9. opportunities10. leading1-5 BCADA 6-10 CBACA1-5 BCCDA 6-10BADBD Having been waiting for a long time and seeing no person coming. Tom turned on TV to kill time. At that time, he was so absorbed in the game on TV that he didnt hear them come in. After entering, the boy caugh

    17、t his knee and danced on one foot. A woman, aged over 40, whose red hair was pinned up, was standing directly behind the boy. She seemed to be a bit strange with her dyed hair, glowing pin and body which was more than a little overweight. She gripped the boys arm firmly. On noticing them, Tom made h

    18、is way to them and his face broadened to a smile.1. 约翰布兰查德从长凳上站起身来,整了整军装,留意着格兰的中央车站进出的人群。2. 他从书架上取下一本书,很快就被吸引住了,不是被书的内容,而是被钱币的眉批。3. 在接下来的一年当中,两人通过新建增进了了结。每一封信都入一颗种子撒入肥沃的心灵之土。4. 设想我美丽动人,我将会一直深感不安,唯恐你只是因为我的容貌就贸然与我相爱,而这种爱情让我憎恶。5. 于是。晚上七点,他侯在车站,寻找一位过去一年中在自己生活中占据了如此特殊地位的姑娘,以为素未谋面,但其文字伴随着他、始终在精神上支撑着他的姑娘。U

    19、nit Six1-d, 2-g, 3-f, 4-h, 5-b, 6-c 7-e, 8-a, 1. survived2. original3. evidence4. judgment5. cooperating6. envied7. expand8. relieve9. negotiation10. intelligence1-5 BABBA 6-10 DBBCC 11-15 BACBA 16-20 CDCAC1. that 2. of 3. to 4. given 5. puma 6. where7. away 8. unless 9. proved10. place1-5 ADBBC 6-1

    20、0DCCBA 11-15 DACDA 16-20 DBB1-5 CAAAB 6-10 CDBABOne day, Susan took her two-year-old daughter, Ann, to the zoo in the countryside. In the zoo, when Ann went to the cage of a gorilla, she found the gorilla depressed, and then she went up to stroke. Unexpectedly, the female gorilla, which just suffere

    21、d from the loss of her child, hugged Ann at once when she saw her. At this, the keeper figured out something had gone wrong with the gorilla and phoned an animal researcher, Kate, to come to the zoo. Kate has dealt with the gorilla for five years. She undertook to negotiate with the gorilla with ges

    22、tures as soon as she arrived, trying to convince her that no one will hurt her and persuade her to release Ann. Maintaining eye contact with Kate, the gorilla kept holding frightened Ann in her hand. It was obvious that she was hesitating. The tense situation lasted for a long time. Finally, she rel

    23、eased Ann and everyone present felt relieved. 1. 意识到这是在讨价还价,延德里加大了筹码,又给了一片菠萝。2. Careful bargainer that she was, Colo then broke the key chain and gave Jendry a link, perhaps figuring克罗真是个精明的讨价还价者,它把钥匙链拉断,给了延德里一段,或许在算计着3. 迈尔斯已开始用塑料片充当硬币,而下特克竟认定,它可以把塑料片拗成两片,以此扩大钱币供应量。4. 随后,它似乎是想起了迈尔斯要他与人分享,便把梗儿地给了迈尔斯。5. 动物为什么会愿意与人合作?行为主义者说,动物认识到合作于己有利时就会这么做。这没错,但我觉得这一解释尚不充分。Unit Seven1-c, 2-h, 3-f, 4-a, 5-g, 6-d, 7-b, 8-e. Fill in the blanks with the given words, change the for


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