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    1、走向学科的文化研究Towards Cultural Studies as an Independent Discipline: Margins, Domination, Resistance and Awkardness(走向学科的文化研究:边缘征服反抗与尴尬) 讲演人: 费小平(英语语言文学专业教授、博士后) 地点:四川外语学院 科 研 大 楼 时间:2005年11月30日19时-21时 1.1 Cultural Studies as an Independent Discipline1.2 Redefining the Concepts of Culture in the Postmode

    2、rn Conditions1) Culture as a form of text or a physical state (a materiality )2) Culture as a way of life;“ Culture is Ordinary”(Raymond Williams,1958)1.2 Cultural Studies as an Independent Discipline广义的文化研究指向全人类的文化研究,如各种文本中隐在的或显在的文化人类学、女性主义、后殖民主义、新历史主义、意识形态、权力等问题的研究。(陆扬教授语)狭义的文化研究就指大众文化(mass cultur

    3、e)研究、消费文化(consumer culture)研究、流行文化(popular culture)研究、边缘文化(marginal culture)研究。(同上)121 Discourse in English-One set of circumstances for work later called cultural studies arose in Britain and some other counties during the 1950s and after .The Birmingham Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies or

    4、the Birmingham School is the key site for the development of cultural studies.Such circumstances include the personal experiences of various people whose own lifetimes and educations entailed migrations across different cultural borders and worlds,developments in postwar societies resulting in consi

    5、derable cultural change and innovation;and the inadequacy of existing academic discipline to take account of either.The impulses behind cultural analysis have remained a mixture of the intellectural, the personal and the political.Very different sites of culture were examined:from working-class or y

    6、outh culture to political discourses , from the cultures of schools and workplaces to those of shopping and consumerism , from versions of the national culture to “Enterprise Culture”,from the cultural forms of diaspora to those of lesbian sexuality.For this paradigmn ,culture is seen as a site of n

    7、egotiation,conflict,innovation,and resistance within the social relations of societies dominated by power and fractured by divisions of gender ,class and race. Similarly,cultural forms and processes were seen as dynamic forces and not as secondary to or predictable from instittional forms or politic

    8、al and economic organization and decisions.The Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies(CCCS) was founded by Richard Hoggart in 1964 initially within the English Department. Hoggart was the first director ,with Stuart Hall as his deputy. Hall became director in 1968 when Hoggart left to work at UNES

    9、CO. Hall led the Center through its most productive period before leaving in1979. He was succeeded by his own deputy ,Richard Johnson. In the wake of upheavals in the Social Sciences and Arts at the University of Birmingham, the Center became the Department of Cultural Studies.122 Discourse in Chine

    10、se- 文化研究是第二次世界大战后在英国伯明翰大学逐步兴起,尔后扩展到美国、澳大利亚等其他西方国家的学术主潮,是后现代主义语境下的学术主潮,是目前国际学术界最有活力、最富于创造性的学术范式之一,同时又是一个最富于变化,最难以定位的知识领域。其基本学术取向是:1)与传统文学研究注重历史经典不同,注重当代文化;2)与传统文学研究注重精英文化不同,注重大众文化,尤其是以影视为媒介的大众文化;3)与传统文学研究注重主流文化不同,注重被主流文化排斥的边缘文化和亚文化,如资本主义社会中的工人阶级亚文化,女性文化和被压迫民族的文化经验、文化身份;4)与传统文学研究将自身封闭于象牙塔中不同,注意与社会保持密切

    11、联系,关注文化中蕴涵的权力关系及其运作机制,如文化政策的制定和实施、促成翻译生产与销售的诸多因素,等;5)提倡一种跨学科、超学科甚至是反学科的态度与研究方法。主要的代表人物是理查德霍加特(Richard Hoggart)、雷蒙威廉姆斯(Raymond Williams)、EP汤普逊(EPThompson)、约翰费斯克(John Feshik)、托尼本内特(Tonny Bennet)、约翰哈特尼(John Hartney)、洪美恩(Ien Ang)、詹姆逊(F.Jameson)、萨义德(E.Said)、贝尔胡克丝(bell hooks)、斯皮瓦克(G.C.Spivak),等。 (罗钢、刘象愚,2

    12、000)2. 0 Key Concepts of Cultural Studies21 Cultural Geography(文化地理学)the Country and the City(乡村与城市)Culture and national identity(文化与民族身份)Orientalism:discourses of the East(东方主义:东方话语)Travelling cultures,diasporic cultures and global cultures(旅行的文化,族裔散居文化与全球化文化)22 Cultured bodies(被文化建构的身体)The social

    13、construction of corporeality(肉体性的社会建构)Body techniques(肉体技术)Power,discourse and the body:Foucault(权力,话语与身体:福科)Fashion,Gender difference and representations of femininity and masculinity(服饰,性别差异与女性特征、男性特征之表征)the body as a medium of expression and transgression(作为表述与僭越媒介的身体)Cyborgism,fragmentation and

    14、the end of the body(赛博主义,碎片化与身体的终结)23 Subcultures:reading,resistance and social divisions(亚文化:阅读,抵抗 与社会分化)Subcultures:power,divisions and interpretation(亚文化:权力,分化与阐释)Deviantsand gangs(异常分子与帮派)Folk devils,moral panics and subcultures(民间魔鬼,道德恐慌与亚文化)Youth subcultures in British cultural studies(英国文化研究中

    15、的青年亚文化)Youth subcultures and gender(青年亚文化与性别)Youth subcultures and race(青年亚文化与种族)24 Politics and culture(政治与文化)Cultural politics and political culture(文化政治与政治文化)Cultures of political power(政治权力的文化)Cultures of Resistance(抵抗的文化)25 Visual culture(视觉文化)Visual culture and visual representation(视觉文化与视觉表征)

    16、Modernity and visual culture:classic writers and key themes(现代性与视觉文化:经典作家与重要主题)Technologies of realism:photography and film(现实主义技术:摄影与电影)Foucault:the gaze and surveillance(福科:凝视与监视)Tourism:gazing and postmodernism(旅游:凝视与后现代主义)/simulacra and hyperreality(镜像与超现实性)26 Culture, time and history(文化,时间与历史)

    17、Now: modernity and the present(现在:现代性与当下)Then:history and the past(那时:历史与过去)If or when:the future(假设或此时:未来) 3.0 Political and Ideological Heritages of Cultural Studies as an Independent Discipline31 Political Ones:Theoretical Sources of the British New Left(英国新左派)32 Ideological Ones:The Scrutiny(“细绎

    18、”/“细察”集团) led by the British Critic Leavis ,and Mathew Arnolds Notion of “Culture and Anarchy”(“文化与无政府状态”)4.0 Methodologies of Cultural Studies41 Broadly: Contemporary Literary(Cultural) Criticism and Cultural Anthropology42 Narrowly: Gramscis theory of Marxist emphasis on the role of culture in res

    19、istance and hegemony domination(葛兰西的), Althusers theories of subjectivity and ideological state apparatus(阿尔杜塞的) as well as Foucaults discourse of power(福科的.)5.0 Leading Figures of Cultural Studies and their Major Texts5.1 For Culture and Cultural Studies in general1)aymond Williams(1921-1988): Cult

    20、ure and Society(文化与社会,1963), The Long Revolution(漫长的革命,1965), The County and the City(乡村与城市,1973), Marxism and Literature(马克思主义与文学,1977), Television:Technology and Cultural Form(电视:技术与文化形式,1974)2)Michel Foucault(1926-1984): Insanity and Civilization(疯癫与文明,1961),The Birth of the Clinic(临床医学的诞生,1963),

    21、 The Archaeology of Knowledge(知识考古学,1969), Discipline and Punish(规训与惩罚,1975), The History of Sexuality(性经验史,1984)3)特里伊格尔顿:文化的观念(中译本,2003)4)詹姆逊:后现代主义与文化理论(中译本,1996),晚期资本主义的文化逻辑(中译本,1998)5)巴赫金:妥斯陀耶夫斯基的诗学问题(中译本)5.2 Culture, power and inequality-1) E.P.Thompson(1924-1993): The Making of the English Work

    22、ing Class(英国工人阶级的形成,1968), The Poverty of Theory and Other Essays(理论的贫困与其他论文,1978)2)Richard Hoggart(1918-):The Uses of Literacy(识字的用途,1957), A Local Habitation(地方性聚居,1988), An Imagined Life(想象的生活,1992)3) Karl Marx(1818-1883): Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts(1844年经济学-哲学手稿,1844), The German Ide

    23、ology(德意志意识形态,1846), The Communist Manifest(共产党宣言,1848),路易波拿巴的雾月十八日4)Georg Lukacs(卢卡契): History and Class Consciousness(历史与阶级意识,1921)5) Antonio Gramsci: Selections from the Prison Notebooks(狱中札记,1971) 5.3 Communication and representation-1) Stuart Hall(斯图亚特霍尔,1932-):The Popular Arts(流行艺术,1964), Resi

    24、stance through Rituals(通过仪式的抵抗,1976), Policing the Crisis(监控危机,1978)5.4 Topographies of culture:geography, power and representation-1 )David Harvey(大卫哈维,1935-): The Limits to Capital(资本的界限,1982), The UrbanExperience(城市的经验,1988), The Condition of Postmodernity(后现代性状况,1990)2) Paul Gilroy(保罗吉尔罗伊,1956-)

    25、:The Empire Srtikes Back(帝国反击,1982),There Aint No Black in the Union Jack:The Cultural Politics of Race and Nation(英国国旗上没有黑色:种族与民族的文化政治学,1987), Small Acts:Thoughts on the Politics of Black Cultures(微小的行为:对黑人文化的思考,1993), The Black Atlantic:Modernitynd Double Consciousness(黑色大西洋:现代性与双重意识,)Benedict And

    26、erson(1935-): Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism(想象的共同体:对民族主义起源与传播的思考,1983)4)罗钢、刘象愚:后殖民文化批评读本(1998).Said(萨义德,):Orientalism(东方学,))埃里 凯杜里民族主义(中译本,2002)安东尼D. 史密斯:全球化时代的民族主义(中译本,2002)厄内斯特 盖尔纳:民族与民族主义(中译本,2002)许宝强等:解殖与民族主义(中译本,2004)9)迈克克朗:文化地理学(中译本,2003)10)陈顺馨、戴锦华:

    27、妇女、民族与女性主义(中译本,2004)5.5ulture ,time and history-1)C.L.R.James(詹姆斯,1901-1989): The C.L.R.James Reader (CLR詹姆斯读本,ed.Anna Grimshaw,1992)5.6 Politics and culture-1) bell hooks(贝尔胡克思,1951-): Aint I a Women: Black Women and Feminism(我不是妇女吗?-黑人妇女与女性主义,1981), Yearning: Race ,Gender and Cultural Politics(向往:

    28、种族,性别与文化政治,1991)2 ) S.Hall(霍尔) and P.du Gay(杜盖伊): Questions of Cultural Identity(文化身份问题,1996)3) J.Dollimore(多里摩尔): Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault(性的不和谐:从奥斯丁到王尔德,从弗洛伊德到福科,1991)4) Judith Butler(巴特勒): Gender Trouble : Feminism and the Subversion of Identity(性别麻烦:女性主义与身份颠覆,1990

    29、)5) Julia Kristeva(1941-):Power of Horror: An Eassay on Abjection(恐怖的权力:论卑下,1982),The Kristeva Reader(克里斯蒂娃读本,ed. Toril Moi,1986)5.7 Cultured bodies-1)MMauss(莫斯):Body techniques(“身体技术”),in Sociology and Psychology: Essays(trans. B.Brewster, 1979)2)NElias(蔼里斯):The Civilizing Process,Volume 1:The Hist

    30、ory of Manners(教化的过程,第1卷:礼貌的历史,1978)3) M. Berman(贝曼): All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity (所有凝固之物均化为乌有:现代性的体验,1983)4) E. Leach(里奇): Culture and Communication (文化与传播,1976)5) Michel Foucault : Discipline and Punish(规训与惩罚)5.8 Subcultures: reading, resistance and social divisio

    31、ns-1) Mike Davis(迈克德维斯): City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angles(夸兹之城:挖掘洛杉矶的未来,1990)2) S.Hall(霍尔) and T.Jefferson(杰佛逊):Resistance through Rituals:Youth Subcultures in Post-war Britain(1976)3) P. Cohen(科恩): Subcultural conflict and working_class community (亚文化冲突与工人阶级共同体),in S.Hall,D.Hobson,.Lowe,PWillis(eds),Culture,Media,Language:Working Papers in Cultural Studies,1972-79(文化,传媒,语言:文化


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