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    1、完整版雅思大作文各主题常用短语大全注意:以下内容根据书本整理, 其中可能包含若干拼写和抄写错误,请勿深究。另外英美拼写均有,请自行注意。中英文并不完全对照, 可能有包含关系或者反向理解,请自行查阅工具书,自行理解,切勿死记硬背 。科技提高生产率improve productivity促进信息交流和贸易往来promote trade activity across border思想更开朗enlightened更多娱乐时间、生活更丰富leisure lives have been enriched科技具有教育性和益智性educational and intelligence -enhancing音

    2、乐、电影、专辑、视频music files, albums, video clips裁员make people redundant工作生活的差别越来越模糊boundary between work and play is blurred小愿外出活动sedentary lifestyle以个人为中心的社会concerned about one s own way of life, an insular society develops and forms过分依赖因特网inactive lifestyle rely excessively on the internet for running e

    3、rrands人与人交流少personal interaction reduces关系难以保持hard to maintain and improve relations with friends and family对社会和家庭都不利detrimental to family life or social relations within or outside of work缺乏社会生活和实践经验social life and practical experience引起疾病lifestyle diseases, such as obesity, stroke, diabetes, heart

    4、 diseases机器代替人力replace manpower人们缺少思考如何解决问题work out solutions to problems under different circumstances被动接受信息receive information passively突发事件可以通过信号来确定人的位置in the event of an emergency, locate trapped or injured people using the signals from their mobile phones浏览网页internet browsing说话声音过大,让人感觉不舒服speak

    5、 at an increased volume, feel uncomfortable信息可能被第三方截取或偷听intercept, eavesdrop in有可能增加患癌儿率increase the risk of suffering cancer农业化向工业化转变make a transition from agriculture to manufacture工业生产品多样化manufactured goods现代科技的基础the prototype of modern technologies现代科技是早期科技的革新innovations of those inventions in t

    6、he earliest days of the Industrial Revolution人口过快增长rapid population growth资源使用inefficient energy use环境问题environmental conditions deteriorating动植物减少decline in fauna and flora生活在贫困线以下living on, near or below the poverty line提高生产力boost productivity增加粮食产量increase crop yields不治之症incurable diseases增加工作灵活性

    7、introduce flexibility减少上下班时间reduce interruptions and commuting time增加员工动力increase staff motivation节省办公空间和设备save office space and other facilities, reduce costs管理员工和监督工作manage homeworkers, monitorperformance难以集中培训导致员工技术和工作质量下降lead to possible deteriorating of employee skills and work quality难以保持团队精神,

    8、缺乏交流,疏远感maintain team spirit, lack communicating, a sense of isolation among homeworkers空间小,易管,拷贝方便,不易损坏take up little space, easier to manage, instantly copied, wear overtime减少油墨纸张的消耗cut down on ink production, paper and lumber production方面读者携带使用reader -friendly type, size and font are adjustable传统

    9、书对眼睛伤害程度彳些less harmful to eyes, less eye strain over extended reading time不需要辅助阅读设备require no power source or reading device现代通讯工具增加了口头交流的比重the proportion of oral communications乂子父流力式different forms of communications目的、读者、语气和场合purpose, audience, tone and context对事情的充分解释provide adequate explanation逻辑

    10、的组织arrange and express thoughts logically清楚的表达自己make the purpose clear给出正确和完整的信息give correct and complete details语气neutral and warm in tone减少误会lessen the possibility of misunderstandingXXX的普及the popularity of XXX对生活质量的要求更局higher demand on standards of living电脑和自动化设备computerization and automation支付得起

    11、更多娱乐able to afford recreational activities适应科技keep the pace with the fast development of technology工作时间外的工作work beyond normal working hours教育有助于学习技能acquire new skills提高思考问题能力critical thinking skills)分析问题能力analytical skills解决问题的能力problem solving skills加强理论知识theoretical knowledge增加实践经验practical experi

    12、ence帮助学习者提局就业前景improve career prospects提高社会技能交流技巧improve social skillshone communication skills适应环境的能力提高身体素质adapt to new environmentdevelop physical fitness帮助学生养成良好生活习惯educate them to lead or maintain a healthy lifestyle提高道德标准意识heighten one s awareness of moral standards遵守社会规范conform to rules accept

    13、ed by the society履行责任assume responsibility提高学生对艺术、诗歌和文学的欣赏水平develop an appreciation of art, poetry and literature媒体和信息科技提供机会media and information technologies make different learning opportunities available激烈竞争中生存survive fierce competition提高能力和专业才能improve qualification specialized expertise教育观念转变edu

    14、cation concept is in transition学生不限制在一个年龄段之间students are not confined to a certain age groupvalue of lifequest for knowledge人生价值求知欲业主fa月守W 才目不甲1JS,(spiritual needs)终生教育lifelong education面对卸交流face to face interaction口语相互影响engage at close range and are influenced by each other s verbal communication社交

    15、能力social skills意识团队重要性become aware of the importance of cooperation in group让学生关系紧张result in the interpersonal conflict紧张、自信心不足、自私的性格linked to high anxiety levels, self -doubt and selfishness作弊promote cheating从各种各样的观点和经验中受益benefit from a diversity of perspectives and experiences突出个人能力achieve persona

    16、l distinctions有利学生个人发展personal achievement强性concerted effort有动力lack motivation造成团队进度不快achieve little progress效果不佳outcomes are not successful调整教学材料和教学方法adjust materials and methods of instruction适合学生adjust curriculum to student s aptitude掌握学习节奏teach at a faster or slower pace不会骄傲自满reduce arrogance导致学

    17、生缺乏自尊心foster lower self -esteem对学习成绩缺乏期望lower aspirations养成学生对学业不积极的态度develop negative attitudes toward school厌学心理resistant to schooling进一步拉大优秀学生和落后学生的差距widen the gap between the low and high achievers学生之间激烈的竞争result in fierce rivalry among students打好基础lay a solid foundation有助十职业发展career development

    18、前车之鉴summary of antecedents借鉴前人知识draw on the empirical knowledge of the generations before us避免走弯路avoid taking a wrong path把握今天做出正确决定make a wiser decision at the present time关注自身文化背景cultural identity保持民族自豪感preserve ethnic dignity社会团结social solidarity世界日新月异undergo dramatic changes历史可能歪曲事实distort the t

    19、ruth扩大视野broaden their horizons提高分析和比较信息的能力the ability to analyze and compare information增加课业负担add to the pressure a student experiences与学生生活社区不大have no relevance to the community in which students are living基因特征genetic tendencies给予我们内在的能力和特征endow us with inborn abilities and traits行为模式behavioral pat

    20、terns思考模式ways of thinking双胞胎fraternal twins分开抚养reared apart相似之处show many similarities在一起抚养rear under the same condition会有很大的/、同do not resemble each other环境的影响和约束influenced and conditioned by environment拓宽知识面have a broad knowledge of many subjects沉迷于电脑obsessed with the computer严重影响学习create distractio

    21、ns影响视力impair vision过分依靠电脑excessive reliance on computer use在交通上浪费时间no waste of time in transportation残疾学生students with disabilities多媒体使得教学更加生动make the class more lively with the use of multimedia按照自己的接受程度尽心学习learn at their own pace提高学习效率improve the efficiency of study减少老师负担even out workloads增加学习乐趣in

    22、crease learning enjoyment提问和反馈之间的停滞lag time between student input and feedback太多干扰使得学生分散注意力too many distractions at home需要更强的自制力demand a high level of autonomy and commitment沟通障碍cause communication barriers因材施教teach students in accordance with their own characteristics and differnces监控学生不良行为discern

    23、students inappropriate behaviors对于社会有害的认识be aware of social evils校园暴力school violence滥用药物misuse of drugs酗酒alcohol -related problems破坏公物sabotage反社会行为anti -social behavior监督学生在校表现monitor the behavior of youths at school提高道德准则的认知increase their awareness of moralstandards模仿大人的行为imitate the way parents sp

    24、eak and behave分辨对错tell right from wrong行驶监护权commit their guardianship为监护不当承担责任accountable for negligence给予指导provide parental guidance树立正确的道德观和价值观cultivate a child s value and behavior付出相应的代价pay a price for being neglectful parents管教不严lack of discipline虐待abuse or neglect社会环境social settings身心健康326phys

    25、ical and mental health以暴力解决问题solve problems by means of violence逆反心理result in rebellion影响小孩和父母的关系impair the relation between children and parents对父母的憎恨incite hatred for their parents失去对学习和生活的自信have little confidence on their study and future life建立自尊keep their self -respect导致自闭症cause autism管教孩子的方式a

    26、form of discipline对自己犯的错误有更深的记忆gain a profound understanding of their faults时刻提醒自己/、再犯相同的错误prevent them from committing the same errors不敢勇于尝试和面对失败afraid to try and fail表现出不足够的自制fail to demonstrate considerableself-regulation缺乏独立性lack of independence不能单独面对困难和解决问题conquer difficulties and handle differ

    27、ent situationsf是处feel unworthy悲观压抑suffer high levels of depression使得小孩不能表现自我deny children the opportunity to express individuality养成良好生活习惯form appropriate behavior patterns改止不良行为stop their misbehaviors选择正确的成功之路take the right path to success缺乏良好教育机会lack of the access to quality education不好的家庭环境withou

    28、t a living and nurturing homeenvironment体验小同事物的机会无法拓展人际圈have few opportunities to broaden experiencesdifficult to expand their social networks办事屡屡碰壁encounter obstacles but obtain no supportfrom others承担起家里的负担bear a burden, including domestic affairs变得更加成熟have the maturity to behave and think like an

    29、 adult韧性忍受困难more resilienthave extraordinary endurance of hardships承受压力接受挑战more accustomed to pressure and problemsmore willing to take on challenges与人为善being kind -hearted形成自己的人际圈a strong circle of friends巩固基础333reinforce their education with homework and reading增加责任感增加知识strengthen his or her sense of responsibilityimprove general knowledge提高基本技能increase mastery of basic academic skills, such as reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics学会适应压力死记硬背的人deal with stressful feelingsrote learner抑制想象力little room for imagination过分强调成绩overemphasize school performance不


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