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    广东版开心英语三下Culture 2《Eating》word教学设计.docx

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    广东版开心英语三下Culture 2《Eating》word教学设计.docx

    1、广东版开心英语三下Culture 2Eatingword教学设计Content of course Culture 2 : Eating1st_periodTeaching Objectives1.Study the new words.Chinese food: rice, noodles, mantou, congee ,dumplings ;eat ,breakfast , lunch , dinner. 2.Be able to master the sentences. What do you eat?I have . for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner. /

    2、I use a bowl , a spoon and chopsticks .3. Know different eating habits in different countries.Teaching Key Points/Difficult Points1. Be able to master the new words 2. Use the sentence. What do you eat ?I have.for breakfast/lunch/dinner. /I use a bowl , a spoon and chopsticks .Teaching aidspictures

    3、, food cards , cards ,kichen tools ,Teaching procedureReview1. Revise the words of food. Rice , bread, cake, juice , steak , fish ,milk , noodles , ice cream and fruit . Show pictures and spell them .2. Talk about favorite food. What do you like ? I like steak / ice cream / milk / fish and noodles .

    4、New Lesson1. T: I like eating. Do you like eating ? S: . I like Chinese food. (Show picures. ) I like rice, noodles , mantou , congee and dumplings. Every mornig I have congee, mantou ,dumplings and noodles for breakfast. I have rice, and fish for lunch. I have rice, fish and potatoes for dinner. I

    5、use a bowl , a spoon and chopsticks .Repeat the words and the sentences.2. Show the pictures. And study Chinese food. mantou T: Read the word man, tou , mantoun. I like mantou. Do you like mantou? Ss : Yes , I do . / No , I dont. Spell it .congee dumpling T : I like congee and dumplings . Con, gee ,

    6、 congee . Ss:Con, gee , congee . Spell the word congee and airwriting .Du- m-p- ling , dumpling . Ss :Du- m-p- ling , dumpling . Spell it . T: I have congee and dumplings. What do you eat ? (Guiding) Ss : I have congee and dumplings . T : I have mantou, congee and dumplings for breakfast. What do yo

    7、u eat ? (guiding) Ss : I have mantou, congee and dumplings for breakfast . Repeat the words mantou, congee and dumplings. Review the words rice, noodles , bowl, spoon and chopsticks .3. Review the words with games. Match the words on the platform. Then match the words in groups . Summary .4. Study t

    8、he sentences. Write on board . What do you eat ? I have . for breakfast / lunch/ dinner. / I use . T: I have noodles , mantou , congee and dumplings for breakfast. What do you eat ? ( Guiding) Ss: I have noodles , mantou , congee and dumplings for breakfast. Read eat , ea-t ,eat .Do the action. Brea

    9、kfast, br-ea-k -fa-s-t , breakfast. Repeat and spell it . Ss . T(Show a bowl ,a spoon and chopsticks ): I use a bowl , a spoon and chopsticks. use , spell use . Ss: . (Guiding) Ss: I use a bowl , a spoon and chopsticks. Repeat the sentences. Check several Ss .T : What do you eat ? S1/S2/. : I have .

    10、 for breakfast. T: I have rice and fish for lunch . What do you eat ? (Guiding) Ss : I have . for lunch . T : lunch, lun- ch, lunch. Spell the word lunch . Ss: . T: I use a bowl and chopsticks . Ss repeat the sentences . Continue with the other dinner/ I have . for dinner.4.Practice the sentences. I

    11、 have . for breakfast/lunch/dinner. I use . 5. Practice in groups . Divide the class into three groups. What do you eat ? I have . for breakfast. I use . /What do you eat? I have .for lunch. I use ./What do you eat ? I have . For dinner. I use.Rotate again to practice these three sets of sentences .

    12、 6.Summary. Say the knowledge about Chinese food rite , and develop a good food habit .7.Do exercises. A. / B. Check the anwer .ExercisesA. Fill the lacks of letter , and write Chinese meaning .1. r_ c_ ( ) 2. d_ _pl_ _ _( ) 3. c_ _ g_ _( ) 4.n_ _ d_ _s ( ) 5. m_ _ t _ _( ) 6.br_ _kf_ _t ( )7. d_ _

    13、n_ _ ( ) 8. l_ _ ch ( ) B. Fill blanks according to the pictures. 1. I have _ , _ and _ for breakfast. 2. I have _ and _ for lunch.3. I have _ and _ for dinner.4. I use _ , _ and _.Homework A. Review the new words and the sentences.Read and copy them , and use the words to make sentences . B . Make

    14、your own menu. I have . for breakfast_I use _ for lunch_I use _ for dinner_ I use _Writing on board. Culture 2 Eating What do you eat? I have . for breakfast/lunch/dinner. congee mantou noodles I use . dumplings rice bowl /chopsticks/spoon Content of course Culture 2: Eating 2rd_periodTeaching Objectives1. Revise the words. P62 Read and spell them .2. Words: Western food : cheese , hamburger , sandwich, salad , potato and menu .3. Sentences : I have . for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner. / I use a fork , a plate, a spoon and a knife .4.Know


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