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    1、大英通用英语教学大纲大英通用英语教学大纲课程基本信息课程代码:课程名称(中/英):大学通用英语General College English学分:3.0总学时:64理论学时:32实践学时:32课程性质: 通识课开课学期:1适用专业: 全校非英语本科专业B级班先修课程:无开课单位: 外国语学院制定时间:2018年7月制定(修订)人: 审核人: 批准人: 一、课程简介大学英语是教育部规定的高校非英语专业学生在本科教育阶段的必修课程之一。大学通用英语课程是按照教育部大学英语课程教学要求以及我校的办学目标和定位,结合理工类院系非英语专业学生的个性化需求,以外语教学理论为指导,以英语语言知识与应用技能、


    3、在未来的工作和学习中能够有效地使用英语交流打下良好的基础,满足社会和个人发展的需要,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。具体目标:1. 知识技能目标:掌握英语语音、词汇、语法、语用及篇章结构等方面的语言基本基础知识;能够就熟悉的主题或话题进行口头和书面交流;借助网络资源、工具书等对中等难度的信息进行处理和加工;使学生的听说读写译能力基本能够在日常生活、专业学习以及职业岗位等不同领域或语境中进行有效地沟通和交流。2. 素质教育目标:了解中西方国家在日常生活、文化风俗、社会问题、经济科技发展等方面的差异,培养学生的人文素养和文化自觉意识;拓展学生的国际视野,能够有效地运用所学知识解决跨文化交际中的

    4、冲突,提升跨文化交际能力和团队合作意识。3. 能力培养目标:掌握语言学习策略,培养学生终身学习的能力;掌握文献研究、调研分析和分析解决复杂问题的创新思维能力。(二)课程教学目标与专业毕业要求对应关系表1 本课程对专业毕业要求及其指标点的支撑支撑的毕业要求支撑的毕业要求指标点课程目标10:沟通:能够至少掌握一门外语,能顺利阅读本专业的外文资料,能就机械工程领域的复杂工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,能够根据需要撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达技术思想。并具备一定的国际视野,能在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。指标点10.3具备跨文化交流的语言和书面表达能力,能通过口头及书面方式就



    7、方面的差异,把社会主义核心价值观融入课堂教学,通过中西文化对比,培养学生的人文素养和文化自觉意识。拓展学生的国际视野,培养他们的跨文化交际意识和交流能力,能够与来自不同文化背景的人们进行交流,根据交际需要有效地使用交际策略,为解决复杂问题做好铺垫。三、教学内容及要求 Unit 1 Living Green1.教学内容第一节 Text Reading 1) Opener: Introduce the topic to the class and ask students to say something about what they can do to live green.2) Check

    8、vocabulary.第二节Reading and Interacting1) Get the main idea by guiding students to explore the text to find the familys motives to move to the country, the challenges they overcome, and the benefit they gained.2) Comprehensive Practice3) Explain difficult sentences. e.g.: It is/was that第三节Reading 1 an

    9、d Reading 2 1) Comprehension Check for Reading 1 and Reading 22) Ask students to pick sentences they have difficulty understanding and solve them.3) Translation第四节Integrated Skills Practicing 1) Viewing and Listening: ask students to watch a video for 3 times and then check their answers. 2) Writing

    10、: write an opinion paragraph about what we can do with green living.2. 教学重点、难点1) Grasp key words and expressions: accomplish, inquire available, whatsoever, learn of, consist of, etc. 2) Write a well-developed paragraph with a clear topic sentence.3. 教学要求1)Have a thorough understanding of the text c

    11、ontextually and linguistically;2)Expand their vocabulary about green living and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly;3)Get familiar with the writing of a paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly states the main idea.4. 支撑点课程目标本单元支撑课程目标1和课程目标2。通过学习让学生了解在日常生活中如何从自身做起,倡

    12、导绿色生活,能够运用所学知识讨论与环境污染、绿色生活这一主题。本单元通过讨论式,启发学生如何做到低碳生活。通过知识点的讲授和学习,帮助学生了解美国农村的生活方式;熟悉段落要以topic sentences为开头或结尾这一写作要求;通过写作训练,培养学生保护环境,节约资源的意识,提升自身素质。Unit 2 Tales of True Love1.教学内容第一节 Text Reading 1)Opener:Introduce the topic to the class and ask students to discuss what true love is and make a report.

    13、2) Check vocabulary.第二节 Reading and Interacting1) Get the main idea by guiding students to pick out their names, identities, and locations of the husband and wife and to read paragraphs.2) Comprehensive Practice3) Explain difficult sentences.第三节Reading 1 and Reading 2 1) Comprehension Check for Read

    14、ing 1 and Reading 22) Translation第四节 Integrated Skills Practicing 1) Viewing and Listening: watch a video clip and ask students to fill in the blanks.2) Writing: how to write a letter.2. 教学重点、难点1) Grasp key words and expressions: exchange, correspondence, of late, undergo, on hand, etc. 2) Get famil

    15、iar with the writing of an informal letter.3. 教学要求1)Acquire useful language for telling a love story and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly;2)Write an informal letter to family members;3)Tell a personal story and recount a popular folk tale;4. 支撑点课程目标本单元教学支持课程目标1和课程目标2

    16、。通过对第二次世界大战历史的了解,让学生感悟战争带带给人们的伤害;体会主人公之间的深厚感情,认识到世界和平才是家庭幸福的保障;培养学生分析问题的能力。本单元教学采用启发式、讨论式教学方法,帮助学习掌握基本的语言点,提高其听、说、写的能力;通过阅读与诺曼底登陆相关的文章了解二战历史,提升文化素养,达到教学目标要求。Unit 3 Friendship1.教学内容第一节 Text Reading 1) Opener: Introduce the topic to the class and ask students to discuss what friendship is and make a r

    17、eport.2) Deal with the new words and expressions.第二节 Reading and Interacting1) Have a discussion on Text Organization.2) Comprehensive Practice 3) Explain difficult sentences.第三节 Reading 1 and Reading 2 1) Comprehension Check for Reading 1 and Reading 22) Translation第四节 Integrated Skills Practicing

    18、1) Viewing and Listening2) Speaking: provide students with some useful sentence patterns and ask them to role-play the interview as required.3) Writing: write a passage with the topic: Friendship is often compared to a flower.2. 教学重点、难点1) Grasp key words and expressions: slip away, insight, extended

    19、, mutual, involve, take on,end up with, etc.2) Know what to do to keep friendship alive by comparing it to a flower garden;3) Undertake a further exploration of friendship and friends in different countries;3. 教学要求1)Acquire useful language while exploring why some friendships last whereas others wea

    20、ken and fall apart, and know how to use properly the key words and expressions in context;2)Talk about how to get along with a roommate;3)Write a well-developed paragraph about friendship by comparison (analogy).4. 支撑点课程目标本单元教学内容支持课程目标1和课程目标2。通过学习提升学生的英语语言基础知识,提高其听说读写译能力;通过“友谊”这一主题的探讨,了解中西方文化差异,提升学生

    21、的跨文化交际能力和文化自觉意识。本单元采用讨论式,引导学生探讨“友谊”的含义友谊终止的各种原因;通过中西文化对比法,了解中西方对“友谊”看法、态度以及如何处理朋友关系等方面的差异,拓展学生的国际视野,更好地与不同文化背景的人进行交际。Unit 4 Study Abroad教学内容第一节 Text Reading 1) Opener : have Ss work in pairs and describe the first and second graph of Opener by using the Helpful Expressions/ Sentence Patterns given2)

    22、 Reading and Interacting 3) Comprehensive Practice 第二节 Reading 11) Comprehension Check for Reading 12) Summarize the text by asking Ss to do the task in focusing on the main ideas第三节 Reading 2 1) Comprehension Check for Reading 22) Translation第四节 Integrated Skills Practicing 1) Viewing and Listening

    23、2) Speaking and Writing 2. 教学重点、难点1) Get familiar with the writing of an application letter2) Understand the criteria used by admissions officers and those used by students when they select foreign institutions of higher education to apply to 3. 教学要求1) Have a thorough understanding of the text conte

    24、xtually and linguistically;2) Build up their vocabulary about how the experience of overseas study may differ from that in China and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly;4. 支撑点课程目标本单元教学内容支撑课程目标1和课程目标2。通过知识点的讲授和学习,拓展学生的国际视野,能够有效地解决跨文化交际中的冲突,提升跨文化交际意识和能力以及文化自觉意识。本单元采用讨论式,利

    25、用文化对比的方法,引导学生对国外大学生活的探讨,通过对中西方在教育体制、大学生的校园生活、学习模式以及社交方式等方面的文化比较,帮助学生了解文化差异,出国学习的利与弊,为将来出国留学做好思想准备,培养学生分析问题的能力。Unit 5 Pioneers of Flight教学内容第一节 Text Reading 1) Opener : Warm up to the topic of aviation by talking about humanitys dream of flight2) Reading and Interacting 3) Reading and Comprehending 第

    26、二节 Reading 11) Comprehension Check for Reading 12) Translation第三节 Reading 2 1) Comprehension Check for Reading 22) Translation第四节 Integrated Skills Practicing 1) Viewing and Listening2) Writing Practice: ask students to write a paragraph about Howard Hughes and his Spruce Goose 2. 教学重点、难点1) Have a t

    27、horough understanding of the text contextually and textually2) Tell the stories of Wan Hu, Howard Hughes, and Leonardo da Vinci, who are all pioneers of flight3. 教学要求1) Explain why these pioneers were ahead of their time and how their work relates to aviation today;2) Build up a basic vocabulary to

    28、talk about humanitys dream of flight and aviation, and learn to use the key words and expressions.4. 支撑点课程目标 本单元教学内容支撑课程目标1和课程目标3。通过各知识点的讲授和学习,可以提升学生的英语语言基础知识和技能,培养他们敢于尝试和实现梦想的勇气。本单元采用任务型教学法,在小组活动中培养学生的团队合作意识。通过课文主题的探讨,帮助学生了解创新精神、敢想敢为才是成功的首要条件,提升创新思维能力,达到课程目标。Unit 6 Make Movement in China1.教学内容第一节 T

    29、ext Reading 1) Opener:Ask students to work in pairs and discuss the three questions given in Opener2) Reading and Interacting: Ask students to do the task in Focusing on the main ideas on their own, and then call on individual students to report their answers.3) Comprehensive Practice 第二节 Reading 11

    30、) Comprehension Check for Reading 12) Translation第三节 Reading 2 1) Comprehension Check for Reading 22) Translation第四节 Integrated Skills Practicing 1) Organize a discussion about the possible benefits of bring the maker movement into the classroom.2) Help students revise their writings according to su

    31、pport the following guidance: Sufficient evidence is provided to support the topic sentence; Smooth transition is achieved between sentences.2. 教学重点、难点1) Understand what the maker movement is about and why it is important2) Talk about their own experience of making something of their own;3) Write a well-developed paragraph with a clear topic sentence.3. 教学要求1) Have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;2) Build up an active vocabulary to talk about the maker movement and know how to use the key words and expressions in context prop


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