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    Marrakech 中英对照翻译.docx

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    Marrakech 中英对照翻译.docx

    1、Marrakech 中英对照翻译-第二课:Marrakech马拉喀什见闻 1 As the corpse went past the flies left the restaurant table in a cloud and rushed after it, but they came back a few minutes later.一具尸体抬过,成群的苍蝇从饭馆的餐桌上嗡嗡而起追逐过去,但几分钟过后又飞了回来。2 The little crowd of mourners - all men and boys, no women-threaded their way across the

    2、market place between the piles of pomegranates and the taxis and the camels, walling a short chant over and over again. What really appeals to the flies is that the corpses here are never put into coffins, they are merely wrapped in a piece of rag and carried on a rough wooden bier on the shoulders

    3、of four friends. When the friends get to the burying-ground they hack an oblong hole a foot or two deep, dump the body in it and fling over it a little of the dried-up, lumpy earth, which is like broken brick. No gravestone, no name, no identifying mark of any kind. The burying-ground is merely a hu

    4、ge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot. After a month or two no one can even be certain where his own relatives are buried. 一支人数不多的送葬队伍其中老少尽皆男性,没有一个女的沿着集贸市场,从一堆堆石榴摊子以及出租汽车和骆驼中间挤道而行,一边走着一边悲痛地重复着一支短促的哀歌。苍蝇之所以群起追逐是因为在这个地方死人的尸首从不装进棺木,只是用一块破布裹着放在一个草草做成的木头架子上,有四个朋友抬着送葬。朋友们到了安葬场后,便在地上挖出一个

    5、一二英尺深的长方形坑,将尸首往坑里一倒。再扔一些像碎砖头一样的干土块。不立墓碑,不留姓名,什么识别标志都没有。坟场只不过是一片土丘林立的荒野,恰似一片已废弃不用的建筑场地。一两个月过后,就谁也说不准自己的亲人葬于何处了。3 When you walk through a town like this - two hundred thousand inhabitants of whom at least twenty thousand own literally nothing except the rags they stand up in- when you see how the peop

    6、le live, and still more how easily they die, it is always difficult to believe that you arewalking among human beings. All colonial empires are in reality founded upon this fact. The people have brown faces-besides, there are so many of them! Are they really the same flesh as your self? Do they even

    7、 have names? Or are they merely a kind of undifferentiated brown stuff, about as individual as bees or coral insects? They rise out of the earth,they sweat and starve for a few years, and then they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard and nobody notices that they are gone. And even th

    8、e graves themselves soon fade back into the soil. Sometimes, out for a walk as you break your way through the prickly pear, you notice that it is rather bumpy underfoot, and only a certain regularity in the bumps tells you that you are walking over skeletons.当你穿行在这样的城镇其居民20万中至少有2万是除开一身聊以蔽体的破衣烂衫之外完全一

    9、无所有当你看到那些人是如何生活,又如何轻易地死去时,你永远难以相信自己是行走在人类之中。实际上,这是所有的殖民帝国赖以建立的基础。这里的人都有一张褐色的脸,而且,人数如此之多!他们真的和你一样同属人类吗?难道他们也会有名有姓吗?也许他们只是像彼此之间难以区分的蜜蜂或珊瑚虫一样的东西。谁也不会注意到他们的离去。就是那些小坟丘本身也过不了很久便会变成平地。有时当你外出散步,穿过仙人掌丛时,你会感觉到地上有些绊脚的东西,只有这些有规则的突起的土包才会告诉你,你正踩在死人骷髅上。4 I was feeding one of the gazelles in the public gardens.我正在公

    10、园里给其中一只瞪羚喂食。5 Gazelles are almost the only animals that look good to eat when they are still alive, in fact, one can hardly look at their hindquarters without thinking of a mint sauce. The gazelle I was feeding seemed to know that this thought was in my mind, for though it took the piece of bread I

    11、was holding out it obviously did not like me. It nibbled nibbled rapidly at the bread, then lowered its head and tried to butt me, then took another nibble and then butted again. Probably its idea was that if it could drive me away the bread would somehow remain hanging in mid-air.动物中也恐怕只有瞪羚还活着时就让人觉

    12、得是美味佳肴。事实上,人们只要看到它们那两条后腿就会联想到薄荷酱。我现在喂着的这只瞪羚好象已经看透了我的心思。它虽然叼走了我拿在手上的一块面包,但显然不喜欢我这个人。它一面啃食着面包,一面头一低向我顶过来,再啃一下面包又顶过来一次。它大概还因为把我赶开之后那块面包仍会悬在空中。6 An Arab navvy working on the path nearby lowered his heavy hoe and sidled slowly towards us. He looked from the gazelle to the bread and from the bread to the

    13、gazelle, with a sort of quiet amazement, as though he had never seen anything quite like this before. Finally he said shyly in French: 1 could eat some of that bread.一个正在附近小道上干活的阿拉伯挖土工放下笨重的锄头,羞怯地侧着身子慢慢朝我们走过来。他把目光从瞪羚身上移向面包,又从面包转回到瞪羚身上,带着一点惊讶的神色,似乎以前从未见过这种情景。终于,他怯生生的用法语说道:“那面包让我吃一点吧。”7 I tore off a pi

    14、ece and he stowed it gratefully in some secret place under his rags. This man is an employee of the municipality.我撕下一块面包,他感激地把面包放进破衣裳贴身的地方。这人是市政当局的雇工。8 When you go through the Jewish Quarters you gather some idea of what the medieval ghettoes were probably like. Under their Moorish Moorish rulers th

    15、e Jews were only allowed to own land in certain restricted areas, and after centuries of this kind of treatment they have ceased to bother about overcrowding. Many of the streets are a good deal less than six feet wide, the houses are completely windowless, and sore-eyed children cluster everywhere

    16、in unbelievable numbers, like clouds of flies. Down the centre of the street there is generally running a little river of urine.当你走过这儿的犹太人聚居区时,你就会知道中世纪犹太人区大概是个什么样子。在摩尔人的统治下,犹太人只能在划定的一些地区内保有土地。受这样的待遇经过了好几个世纪后,他们已经不再为拥挤不堪而烦扰了。这儿很多街道的宽度远远不足六英尺,房屋根本没有窗户,眼睛红肿的孩子随处可见,多的像一群群苍蝇,数也数不清。街上往往是尿流成河。9 In the baza

    17、ar huge families of Jews, all dressed in the long black robe and little black skull-cap, are working in dark fly-infested booths that look like caves. A carpenter sits cross-legged at a prehistoric lathe, turning chair-legs at lightning speed. He works the lathe with a bow in his right hand and guid

    18、es the chisel with his left foot, and thanks to a lifetime of sitting in this position his left leg is warped out of shape. At his side his grandson, aged six, is already starting on the simpler parts of the job.在集市上,一大家一大家的犹太人,全都身着黑色长袍,头戴黑色便帽,在看起来像洞窟一般阴暗无光,苍蝇麋集的摊篷里干活。一个木匠两脚交叉坐在一架老掉牙的车床旁,正以飞快的速度旋制椅子

    19、腿。他右手握弓开动车床,左脚引动旋刀。由于长期保持这种姿势,左脚已经弯翘变形了。他的一个年仅六岁的小孙子竟也在一旁开始帮着干一些简单的活计了。10 I was just passing the coppersmiths booths when somebody noticed that I was lighting a cigarette. Instantly, from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews, many of them old grandfathers with flowing grey bea

    20、rds, all clamouring for a cigarette. Even a blind man somewhere at the back of one of the booths heard a rumour of cigarettes and came crawling out, groping in the air with his hand. In about a minute I had used up the whole packet. None of these people, I suppose, works less than twelve hours a day

    21、, and every one of them looks on a cigarette as a more or less impossible luxury.我正要走过一个铜匠铺子时,突然有人发现我点着一支香烟。这一下子那些犹太人从四面八方的一个个黑洞窟里发疯似地围上来,其中有很多白胡子老汉,都吵着要讨支烟抽。甚至连一个盲人听到这讨烟的吵嚷声也从一个摊篷后面爬出来。伸手在空中乱摸。一分钟光景,我那一包香烟全分完了。我想这些人中没有谁会每天工作少于12个小时,可是他们个个都把一支香烟看成是一件十分难得的奢侈品。11 As the Jews live in self-contained com

    22、munities they follow the same trades as the Arabs, except for agriculture. Fruit sellers, potters, silversmiths, blacksmiths, butchers, leather-workers, tailors, water-carriers, beggars, porters - whichever way you look you see nothing but Jews. As a matter of fact there are thirteen thousand of the

    23、m, all living in the space of a few acres. A good job Hitler wasnt here. Perhaps he was on his way, however. You hear the usual dark rumours about Jews, not only from the Arabs but from the poorer Europeans.犹太人生活在一个自给自足的社会里,他们从事阿拉伯人所从事的行业,只是没有农业。他们中有卖水果的,有陶工、银匠、铁匠、屠夫、皮匠、裁缝、运水工,还有乞丐、脚夫放眼四顾,到处是犹太人。事实上

    24、,在这不过几英亩的空间内居住着的犹太人就足足有一万三千之多。也算这些犹太人好运气,希特勒未曾光顾这里。不过,他也许曾经准备来的。你常听到的有关犹太人的风言风语(不利传言),不仅可以从阿拉伯人那里听到,而且还可以从较穷的欧洲人那里听到。12 Yes mon vieux, they took my job away from me and gave it to a Jew. The Jews! They re the real rulers of this country, you know. Theyve got all the money. They control the banks, fi

    25、nance - everything.“我的老兄啊,他们把我的饭碗夺走给了犹太人。想必你也知道这些犹太人吧,他们才是这个国家真正的主宰。我们的钱都进了他们的腰包。银行、财政一切都被他们控制住了。”13 But, I said, isnt it a fact that the average Jew is a labourer working for about a penny an hour? “可是,”我说道,“大多数普通犹太人不也是为了一点微薄的工钱而辛勤劳作的苦力吗?”14 Ah, thats only for show! They re all money lenders really

    26、. They re cunning, the Jews. “噢!那不过是做出样子来给人看的(做秀)。事实上他们都是些放债获利的富豪。这些犹太人就是鬼得很。”15 In just the same way, a couple of hundred years ago, poor old women used to be burned for witchcraft when they could not even work enough magic to get themselves a square meal. 与此恰恰相似的是,几百年前,常常也有些苦命的老太婆被当成巫婆给活活烧死,然而事实上她

    27、们就连为自己变出一顿象样饭菜的巫术都没有。16 All people who work with their hands are partly invisible, and the more important the work they do, the less visible they are. Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous. In northern Europe, when you see a labourer ploughing a field, you probably give him a second glanc

    28、e. In a hot country, anywhere south of Gibraltar or east of Suez, the chances are that you dont even see him. I have noticed this again and again. In a tropical landscape ones eye takes in everything except the human beings. It takes in the dried-up soil, the prickly pear, the palm tree and the dist

    29、ant mountain, but it always misses the peasant hoeing at his patch. He is the same colour as the earth, and a great deal less interesting to look at. 所有靠自己的双手干活的人一般都有点不太引人注目,他们所干的活儿越是重要,就越不为人所注目。不过,白皮肤总是比较显眼的。在北欧,若是发现田里有一个工人在耕地,你多半会再看他一眼。而在一个热带国家,直布罗陀以南或苏伊士运河以东的任何一个地方,你就可能看不到田里耕作的人。我一次又一次地注意到了这个情形。在

    30、热带地区,一切自然景色可以尽收眼底,惟独看不见人。人们可以看到干巴的土地、仙人掌、棕榈树,还有远处的群山,但往往遗漏了在地里锄地的农夫。他的肤色和土壤的颜色一样,却远远不及土壤中看。17 It is only because of this that the starved countries of Asia and Africa are accepted as tourist resorts. No one would think of running cheap trips to the Distressed Areas. But where the human beings have b

    31、rown skins their poverty is simply not noticed. What does Morocco mean to a Frenchman? An orange grove or a job in Government service. Or to an Englishman? Camels, castles, palm trees, Foreign Legionnaires, brass trays, and bandits. One could probably live there for years without noticing that for n

    32、ine-tenths of the people the reality of life is an endless back-breaking struggle to wring a little food out of an eroded soil. 正因如此,贫困潦倒的亚非国家倒成了旅游胜地。没有人会想组织游客去贫民窟去旅游,尽管费用低廉。但在居住着棕色皮肤的人的地方,他们的贫困却完全无人注意。摩洛哥对于一个法国人来说意味着什么呢?无非是一个能买到橘园或者谋取一份政府差使的地方。对于一个英国人呢?不过是骆驼、城堡、棕榈树、外籍兵团、黄铜盘子和匪徒等富于浪漫色彩的字眼而已。就算在那儿居住多年的人们也未曾注意到,对于当地百分之九十的居民而言,生活是一场为了从贫瘠的土地上榨出一点食物而进行的永无停息、艰苦卓绝的抗争。18 Most of Morocco is so desolate that no wild animal bigger than a hare can live on it. Huge areas which were once covered with forest have turned into


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