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    1、日常活动解析版高考英语一轮复习能力拓展之概要写作2021年高考英语能力拓展之概要写作04日常活动1.阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。“Parents today want their kids spending time on things that can bring them success, but ironically, weve stopped doing one thing thats actually been a proven predictor of successand thats household chores.” says Richard Rend

    2、e, a developmental psychologist in Paradise Valley, Ariz., and co-author of the forthcoming book “raising Can-Do Kids”. Decades of studies show the benefits of chores-academically, emotionally and professionally.Giving children household chores at an early age helps to build a lasting sense of maste

    3、ry, responsibility and independence, according to research by Marty Rossmann, professor at the University of Minnesota. In 2002, Dr. Rossmann analyzed data from a longitudinal(纵向的) study that followed 84 children across four periods in their lives-in preschool around ages 10 and 15, and in their mid

    4、-20s. She found that young adults who began chores at ages 3 and 4 were more likely to have good relationships with family and friends and to achieve academic and early career success and to be self-sufficient, as compared with those who didnt have chores or who started them as teens.Chores also tea

    5、ch children how to be empathetic and responsive to others needs, notes psychologist Richard Weissbourd. In research, his team surveyed 10,000 high-school students and asked them to rank what they treasured more: achievement, happiness or caring for others. Almost 80% chose either achievement or happ

    6、iness over caring for others. As he points out, however, research suggests that personal happiness comes most reliably not from high achievement but from strong relationships. “Were outof balance,” says Dr. Weissbourd. A good way to start re-adjusting priorities, he suggests, is by learning to be ki

    7、nd and helpful at home.The next time that your child asks to skip chores to do homework, resist the urge to let him or her off the hook. Being slack(懈怠的) about chores when they compete with school sends your child the message that grades and achievement are more important thancaring about others. Wh

    8、at may seem like small messages in the moment add up to big ones over time.【答案】Parents today overlook the significance of kids sharing housework, but studies show chores help children develop better in studies, mental health and even future careers. Besides, it enables kids to become responsible and

    9、 self- reliant. Still, by doing their share of chores, kids grow to be loving, caring and helpful. So its important for parents to let children take up housework.【解析】【分析】这是一篇概要写作。【详解】概要写作写作步骤1)细读原文。首先要仔细阅读短文,掌握文章主旨。文章主要说明了如今的父母忽视了让孩子分担家务的重要性,但研究表明,家务可以帮助孩子在学习、心理健康甚至未来的职业生涯中发展得更好。此外,它使孩子成为负责任和自力更生。尽管


    11、一些互不相干的句子,但也不要每两句之间都加关联词语,以免显得生硬。(4)不排斥用原文的某些词句,但不要照搬原文的句子,如果不能完全用自己的话语表达,至少对原文句子做一些同义词替换,如果结构上也能有一些转换会更好。(5)计算词数,看是否符合规定的词数要求。2.阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Many couples who already have one healthy, happy child, are facing a dilemma(困境),that is, the issue of whether to have a second child or not. The

    12、y have hard jobs and limited time and money, but they want to make sure that their only child does not become a lonely child. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of having a second child? That is what so many couples are very much concerned about and eager to understand.One popular saying

    13、is that one child means a lonely child. Thats why many single- child parents plan to have a second child. They feel guilty about their decision to have only one child, because there are no other children in the family for their only child to play with, which may make the child feel lonely at times,

    14、especially during vacations.Another common argument against having just one child is that an only child may be more spoiled than one with brothers or sisters. If one couple have only one child, the child cant learn to share things with others and is less capable of getting along well with other chil

    15、dren than one who grows up with brothers or sisters.However, in many parts of the world, more and more parents are still choosing not to have a second child because they argue that there are advantages for the child as well as the parents. With just one child, they suggest, there is little chance of

    16、 family arguments concerned with children. Besides, as an only child in the family, the child can receive more quality time and attention. This often leads to increased self-respect and independence, which can lead to the child being more confident.Unluckily, there is no simple answer to the questio

    17、n of whether or not to have a second child. Every family is different, and what is suitable for one family may not be for another. The important thing, in the end, is to make a decision that both you and your spouse(配偶)feel confident about._【答案】【参考范文l】Whether to have a second child puzzle many coupl

    18、es. Some believe it means being no longer lonely and helps their children learn to share and become sociable. However. Having one child will let the child become more independent and confident due to more quality life and attention to the child. Of course, its decided by the couples. 【参考范文 2】Opinion

    19、s are divided as for whether to have a second child. To avoid their child being lonely and spoiled, many couples prefer to have a second child. But still more people would rather choose not to do so because it might increase family problems and “more children” means “less quality time and attention”

    20、, which in turn makes them less confident and self-respectful. Anyhow, its important to make the decision by the parents themselves.【解析】【分析】这是一篇议论文的概要写作。议论文一般都有论点、论据、论证,同学们只要把文章的结构理清楚了,写这篇概要写作就容易很多。【详解】第一步:阅读文本,分析文章的写作结构。第一段提出文章议论的主题:what are the advantages and disadvantages of having a second child

    21、?(有二孩的好处和坏处有什么?);第二段第三段论述的是有二孩的好处;第四段论述的是没有二孩的好处,最后一段表明结论:是否要二孩没有固定的答案,最重要的是夫妻双方做出适合自己的决定。第二步:确定内容摘要的写作结构。第一句话点名主题,第二句写要二孩的好处(总结第二段与第三段),第三句写没有二孩的好处,最后一句总结文章中的结论。第三步:列提纲 (重点词组)puzzle(使困惑);being no longer lonely(不再孤单);help learn to share(帮学会分享);become sociable(变得善于交际);become more independent and conf

    22、ident(变得更加独立和自信);due to(由于);be decided by(被决定)等。第四步:遣词造句:同学们在写作时不能逐句翻译,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,同时要点表述要完整,文章要通顺,准确使用时态和语态。第五步:连句成文:写作时要适当使用连词、过渡词和插入语,使文章浑然一体。同时恰当而合理地使用一些高级词汇和句型,如定语从句等,以提高文章档次。【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了较多句式,如:第一句使用了whether引导的主语从句;第二句使用了宾语从句;第三句使用了动名词作主语与表示原因的介词短语

    23、due to。此外本文还使用了一些高级词汇,puzzle;being no longer lonely;help learn to share;become sociable;become more independent and confident(变得更加独立和自信);due to;be decided by等。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。3.阅读下文,根据其内容写一篇60词的概要。For decades, doctors have warned patients that too much salt

    24、 can be bad for the heart. Heart attack has long beenconsidered a grown-up problem, but new research suggests that salt is starting to affect children. Eating too much salty food when youre young can lead to health problems later.Salt is made up of two elements: sodium andchlorine. Dietary guideline

    25、s recommend that adults and kids aged 9-13 shouldnt consume more than about a teaspoon of sodium daily. The average American eats twice this amount.This worries doctors because too much sodium results in the body producing more blood. To pump the extra blood, the heart has to work harder. This cause

    26、s a rise in blood pressure-a measurement of how stressed the heart is. High blood pressure often leads to heart disease.A kid with high blood pressure is more likely to become a grown-up with high blood pressure. Reducing salt might also help stop childhood obesity. British researchers recently foun

    27、d that kids who eat less salt also drink fewer sugary soft drinks. Drinking fewer fizzy drinks makes kids less likely to gain weight, become obese and develop high bloodpressure.Salt can affect more than just your heart and weight. A recent study found that a growing number of kids in theUSaresuffer

    28、ing from kidney stones. This painful condition usually affects people aged over 40. Now, kids as young as five are getting it.Cutting down on salt can be hard, but you can retrain yourself to prefer less salty food. The best way to reduce the amount of sodium you eat is to make changes gradually. St

    29、art by adding half as much salt to your dinner as you normally do. Switch to fresh foods instead of canned and bottled versions. And go easy on the condiments. You might also want to start reading nutrition labels. You may be surprised to learn that there are1,150 mg of sodium in a double cheeseburg

    30、er, and over 2,000 mg in many frozen meals.【答案】概要写作文中主要提到太多的盐(主要是钠)摄入会导致三个方面的健康问题:高血压、肥胖、心脏病和肾结石,而且文中主要讲到对孩子的危害。同时也提出了解决办法,主要是逐步减少摄入、多吃新鲜食品、多看食品营养标签。Eating too much salt has health risks for children such as causing high blood pressure, heart problems, obesity and kidney stones.But there are several

    31、 ways to cut down on salt. Children can reduce the amountof salt they usually use by half. They should eat fresh foods and reduce thecondiments they add to food. Finally, they should check the amount of salt infood by reading nutrition labels.【解析】【分析】本文为说明文,要求写一篇概要。【详解】概要写作首先要通读全文内容,通晓文章大意;然后提炼语言;最后用高度概括性的句子表达出全文内容。本文主要写出三点:一、太多的盐(主要是钠)摄入会导致三个方面的健康问题:高血压、肥胖、心脏病和肾结石,二、主要讲到对孩子的危害。三、提出了解决办法,主要是逐步减少摄入、多吃新鲜食品、多看食品


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