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    1、广东版开心英语四下教案备课教学设计Unit1 Hi, Tony! Hi,Jenny!一、 教学目标 1. 学会VOCABULARY 的单词。2. 复习巩固上学期学习的句型:“These are Gogos shoulders.” 、“Touch Gogos toes !”、“What are you doing? Im moving.”3. 懂得“g”、“j”在单词中的发音。二、教学重点 1 掌握“g”、“j”的正确读法和发音。2 熟练运用句式“These are”、“What are you doing? Im”进行交际。 三、 教学难点1熟练运用句式“These are”、“What ar

    2、e you doing? Im”进行交际。 四、 教学用具教学录音带 自制课件 五、 教学过程THE FRIST PERIOD1. revision : Say hello to the students Sing a song which they have learned in last term . Go through the parts of the body .2. Presentation: Present the pictures with the computer .( T: Whats this ? Its a shoulder . Listen to the tape t

    3、wice ,then repeat , thirdly, spell the word one by one . at lasrt chant together just like : “ shoulder shoulder touch your shoulders .” Use the same mean to teach other new words . Read the words together . Let the students to read the words by themselves freely . To test if they can read the words

    4、 . Comes to “Review” T ask a student to come out and present a sentence :“This is ”s shoulder .”( Make sentences by the ss when a pattern drills is presented . ) Continue to presented the target language by that way .3. Practice : Open the books and read after the tape twice of “Conversation”, secon

    5、dly read freely and read together . divide the ss into 2 groups and read together . Let the ss work in group and play a role . A few groups to demonstrate . To review the parts of the body and read the lyrics together and listen to the tape twice . Sing a song after the tape and do the action . A fe

    6、w ss to perform at the front of the classroom.4. Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing .5 .Homework : Copy the new words four for each . Read the text to their parents THE SECOND PERIOD1.revision : Say hello to the students Sing a song “Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes ! Dictation 2.Presentation

    7、: Ask and answer questions . Ss to make sentences after the modern . To listen to the tape and do “Practice1”4. Practice : T make a dialogue with the student and then let them practice by themselves . A few pair to demonstrate . To do Page 6 Item2 .4.Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing .5. Ho

    8、mework : To make sentences of Page5 “Practice2” Read the text to their parents THE THIRD PERIOD1.revision : Say hello to the students Sing a song “Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes ! Ask and answer questions with “What are you doing ? Im .” Etc. .2.Presentation: Listen to the tape and find out what th

    9、e features are . T demonstrate how to pronounce “g” . Ss read it one by one . Ss read the words freely, secondly ask them to set up more examples .3.Practice : Listen to the tape and chant together . Group work then make perfomance .4.Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing .5.Homework : Copy the

    10、 words of “The sounds and words” (4 for each) Read the text to their parents 教学后记:the students like gogos story very much, the story attack the children, they like to act it.Unit Two Are you dancing?Teaching Target: Are you dancing? No, I am not. Im thinking.Is he practicing volleyball?No, hes not.

    11、Hes practicing basketball.Teaching key: New words:exercising working shouting thinkingpracticing talking cutting coloring etc.工具:哑铃、小号、剪刀、画笔等。Sounds and words: ing The first period:一、 词汇:1、 教师拿住篮球边做动作边说:T :I am playing basketball(强调playing)把球传给某一同学运球,教师问:T: What are you doing?S: I am playing.2、 教师拿住

    12、哑铃做动作,全班同学问:T: I am exercising. S: What are you doing?T: exercising. exercising Repeat.S: exercising (拼写三次)同学们也做动作边说exercising.3、 用同样方法教授:working shorting thinking practicingtalking cutting coloring.4、 Open your books to page 10 listen to tape and act.5、 Free talk.Make a dialogue with the new words.

    13、6、 分组自学Target教师指导、鼓励学生创新。7、 让学生扮演不同的角色,给予表演的同学以表扬与鼓励。8、 布置作业:抄写单词,熟读Target.The second period一、 1、复习上节课所学的新单词。2、检查Target的掌握情况。二、 导入新课1、 分组讨论自学conversation, 教师作指导、鼓励创新。2、 让不同组别作表演,教师多鼓励表扬同学。(特别是答与意识不强的同学)。3、 教师适当作总结。三、 练习:1、 Open your book to page 11 and finish. Practice1、教师注意指导中下生。2、 Finish the pract

    14、ice 2, Cheek the answers and correct them.四、 布置作业:熟读Conversation.The third period一、 复习:1、 检查单词掌握情况。二、 练习:1、 完成p13的填空,请三个同学把答案写在黑板全班Check the answer 并改正。2、 Open your book to P12 and listen the song: Whats everyone doing now? First listen to the tape just listen and then listen to tape and act it last

    15、 sing by themselves and act it.3、 Finish the “look and write” Check the answers and correct them.三、 Sounds and words.1、 Lister to the words: egg、 hug、 mug 、jog、 bag、 dig.2、 教授单词:注意情景教学。3、 总结每一个词的共同点,全班齐声朗读三次。4、 读“Look 、write and say”把有发g音单词找出来。四、 布置作业:抄写单词。五、 教学后记:the vocabulary in this unit is so l

    16、ong, they felt it is so difficult for them to remember. Unit 3 Im washing the carThe First Period教学目标: 1、学习Vocabulary部分的单词和词组,要求四会。2、学习Target部分对话,并能运用这些句型进行对话。教学重点: Vocabulary部分的单词、词组和Target部分的对话。教学难点: 运用所学的单词、词组及句型进行模仿对话。教学过程:一、Revision1. (学生做动作)Ask and answer.T: Whats sb doing now?S: He (She) is -

    17、ing. /Im ing. /They (We) are ing.2. Chant: Whats everyone doing now?二、Presentation(一) 学习Vocabulary部分的单词及词组 1、师创设情景(拿起扫帚扫地),自问自答: T: What am I doing? T: Im sweeping the floor. 2、出示sweeping the floor图片,并放录音让学生模仿跟读几次。 3、把图片贴在黑板上,并在图片下板书sweep the floor. 4、用同样方法教学其它词组: cleaning the dishes making the bed

    18、folding the clothes watering the plants dusting the furniture washing the clothes 5、Books open, listen to the tape and repeat. 6、Play games.(抛球看图说短语比赛) 规则:教师把球抛给每组同学,接到球的同学就要看图赶快说出一个短语,说对了加1分,说错了加一分。(注意:每组的机会要均等,而且每组里讲的短语不许相同。)(二) 学习Target部分的句子 1、让学生认真记读背诵板贴的词组,然后教师抽走washing the clothes这张卡片,再让一个学生回忆

    19、并做出这一动作。 T: Is she/he cleaning the window? S: No, she/he isnt. Shes washing the clothes. 2、用同样的方法,让几个学生作擦窗动作 T: Are they cleaning the windows? S: Yes, they are. T: Are they reading? S: No, they arent. 3、Books open, listen to the tape and repeat. 4、Pairwork: (两人一组看图问答) Is he/she doing ? Are they doin

    20、g ? 5、Play games: (猜一猜) 规则:教师用布蒙住一位学生的眼睛,叫另一外一位学生出来做动作,被蒙上眼睛的同学用句型Is sb doing sth. now?或Are they doing sth?来猜,其它同学回答Yes/No,直到被蒙上眼睛的同学猜对为止。三、Summarize(让学生总结这一节课所学的内容)四、Homework 1、背诵Vocabulary部分的单词和Target部分的句子。2、Copy the new words and drills.The Second Period教学目标: 1、巩固学习Vocabulary部分的单词、词组和Target部分的对话。

    21、2、能熟练掌握Whats sb doing sth.?和 Is sb. doing sth?这些句型及其问答。教学重点、难点: 现在进行时的问句及其答句。教学过程:一、Revision1、创设情景或让学生做动作,学生间互相问答: S1: Whats sb. doing ? S2: Sb. is doing sth.或 S1: Is sb. doing sth.? S2: Yes, sb. is. / No, sb. isnt.二、学习Conversation1、Let the students read the conversation by themselves.2、Listen to th

    22、e tape and repeat.3、Teach the new words: busy cant breakfast wait4、Read around the conversation by themselves, then act it out.5、分组表演对话,对有创的学生给予表扬。三、学习Chant activity1、Talk about the pictures, then ask and answer. T: Whats the girl doing? Is she washing? S: No, she isnt. Shes folding the clothes. T:

    23、Is the boy dusting? S: No, he isnt. Hes sweeping the floor. 2、Listen to the tape carefully and then repeat.3、分组chant, 看哪组chant得最好。4、Chant together, 一边做动作,一边chant, 让学生真正地动起来。四、Exercises 1、师出示Practice 1&2 和P18 Look and write 部分的图片,让学生来火车的形式快速地说现短语。 2、Play games: 教师把练习中出现的图片贴在黑板上,每组派出一个代表,教师说短语,看哪组代表最先

    24、找出相应的图片,哪组就获得1分,分数最高的一组获胜。 3、口头完成Practice 2 & Activity 2. 4、笔头完成以上练习,并订正。五、Summarize六、Homework 完成下列句子: 1、What _ you doing? I _ _(读书)。 2、What _ they _ ? They are _ the floor (扫地). 3、Is Jenny _ the window (擦窗)? _, she isnt. She _ _ _ _(整理床铺)。 4、Are they _ the clothes (折衣服)? Yes, _ _. The Third Period教

    25、学目标: 1、继续巩固学习Whats sb doing sth.?和 Is sb. doing sth?这些句型及其问答。2、学习Sounds and words部分的字母的发音及单词。 3、能独立完成Workbook的练习。教学重点、难点: Sounds and words部分的字母的发音及单词。教学过程:一、Revision1、出示图片或让学生做动作,互相问答: S1: Whats sb. doing ? S2: Sb. is doing sth.或 S1: Is sb. doing sth.? S2: Yes, sb. is. / No, sb. isnt.2、出示P19 Activit

    26、y 部分的图片,让学生用以上句型进行问。答。二、学习Sounds and words1、出示图片或创设情景教学单词,并提醒学生注意字母组合ck及 ke在单词中的发音。2、听录音,录音读到哪个单词,就让学生指到哪个单词。3、跟录音机读单词,然后自由记忆单词。4、出示图片快速拼读单词。三、Listen and chant.1、看图问答: T: Whats this? S1: Its a lake. S2: Its a snake. S3: Its a cake. T: What colour are they? S: They are black. .2、让学生自由朗读诗句。3、Listen to

    27、 the tape and point to the pictures.4、让学生跟录音一起chant.四、完成Workbook的练习。五、Summarize六、Homework1、背诵本课的单词和句子。2、把Sounds and words部分的单词分别写一行。教学后记:it take lots of time for the students to learn the vocabulary, the conversation is very interesting.Unit Four Review 1一、 学习目标:(Teaching objectives) 1、 Vocabulary:

    28、shoulders, teeth, knees, fingers, toes, wave, put, move, exercising, working, shouting, thinking, practicing, talking, cutting, coloring, sweeping the floor, cleaning, the windows, doing the dishes, making the bed, folding the clothes, watering the plants, dusting the furniture, washing the clothes.

    29、2、 Conversation: These are Gogos shoulders. Touch Gogos toes! What are you doing, Jenny? Im moving my desk. Are you sleeping? No, Im not. Im thinking. Is he practicing volleyball? No, hes not. Hes practicing basketball.二、 教学重点:(Teaching key points)操练A: What are you doing?B: Im A: Are you ?B: Yes, I

    30、am. /No, Im not.A: Is she/he ?B: Yes, she/he is. /No, she/he isnt.三、 教学难点:(Teaching key points)Is she going to Are they going to 四、 教学手段:(Teaching medium)Picture Cards 1-30, Crossword information gap WB p. 49, Matching game WB p. 50 图画卡片1-30. WB p. 49 的Crossword information gap, WB p. 50的 Matching game.五、教学课时:二课时六、教学步骤:(Teaching procedure)The first period复习一1热身运动教育手举书本,指着图画。T:What are they doing?要不同的学生回答.新课呈现T: Now lets listen to the tape.播放A句的录音,然后暂停。T: Are they exercising,(Sls name)? Sl: No, theyer not. Theyre


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