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    1、新视野大学英语第二册第二单元课文详解第二单元 concern n. 1.U a feeling of worry 担心;忧虑 故事里,父母对他们的女儿表现出极大的担心。 2.C sth. that makes sb. worried 令人担忧的事情(或情况) His main concern is to be able to provide money for his family. 他主要关心的是为家里赚钱。 你的私生活与我无关。vt. 1. make sb. feel worried 使担心;使忧虑 What concerns me most is that despite pay inc

    2、reases, production has not improved. 这不是你的问题,你用不着担心。 2. be about sth. 涉及,与.有关系 这篇文章讲的是代沟问题。 This study concerns couples expectations of marriage.这项研究涉及夫妻对婚姻的期待。 click vi. make a short, sharp sound 发出咔嗒声 钥匙在琐里咔嗒响了一声。 Her shoes clicked against the floor as she walked.n. C a short, sharp sound 咔嗒声 门咔嗒一

    3、声开了。 I heard a click, and then the phone went dead.同类:clink (v.)发出叮当声;tick (v.) 滴答地响 blast vi. produce a lot of noise, esp. music 发出响亮的声音(尤指音乐) 收音机里猛地响起了音乐。 A machine gun blasted just outside the tent.帐篷外,机关枪突然嘟嘟嘟地响起来。 vt. break up by explosion 爆破 They had to blast their way through the mountainside

    4、.他们不得不沿着山坡炸出一条路来。 第一枪打偏了,在墙上炸出了一个洞。 n. C an explosion 爆炸 The blast completely destroyed the building.爆炸彻底摧毁了这栋建筑。 爆炸炸死了168人,炸伤了数百人。 考点:1:(at) full blast 全力以赴地 2: blast forth (声音)突然响起He was working at full blast in order to complete the order before the holiday. 辨析:blast/explode 爆炸Blast 指用炸弹“炸毁”房屋等物体

    5、。Eg:Theyve blasted away the rock to build a new road.Explode 指炸弹“爆炸”或人使炸弹“爆炸”,强调物体爆炸而释放大量热量的一刹那。主语可以是人也可以是炸弹等物。Eg:The firework exploded in his hand. forth ad. out; forward 出来;向外 The sun came forth from behind the clouds.太阳从云后出来。 The house was still burning with thick black smoke pouring forth. along

    6、 with together with 一起,一道Along with hundreds of others, she lost her job when the factory closed. The mother was saved from the fire along with her baby. turn off stop using a piece of equipment by moving a switch 关闭离开时请将所有的灯关掉,我们浪费不起电。She turned off the water, dried herself, and dressed in jeans an

    7、d a shirt. 她把水关掉,擦干身上的水,然后穿上牛仔裤和衬衫。 burst vi. (burst, burst) move somewhere suddenly or quickly, esp. into or out of a place 冲,闯 She burst out of the room without saying a single word.她什么也没说,冲出了房间。 常考:burst through: 冲破,拨开 Eg: The police burst through their door. 警察破门而入。 burst into 1. enter a place s

    8、uddenly 闯入She burst into the managers office and demanded to speak to him. 她冲入经理办公室,要求当面跟他说话。他的伙伴听到这消息非常激动,冲进房间去告诉他。2. start suddenly 突然开始She burst into laughter. 她突然笑了起来。然后,她径直走进卫生间哭了起来。 horrible a. 1.very bad or unpleasant 糟糕的;使人不愉快的 This cake tastes horrible!这蛋糕真难吃! The weather has been really ho

    9、rrible all week.这一周天气真是糟糕透了。 2.shocking; frightening 可怕的;令人恐惧的 What a horrible story!可怕的故事! 听到世界上有这么多人挨饿,没东西吃,感到很可怕。 同族:horror n. 惊骇,恐怖 horribly ad.可怕地;非常地 stuff n. U sth. that one does not know the correct name 东西 Whats the green stuff at the bottom of the bottle?瓶底上那绿色的是什么东西? 我不知道我们如何将这些东西全部搬进车里去。

    10、 vt. push sth. into a space 填;塞 枕头里塞满了羽毛。 The rooms are stuffed with antiques and priceless treasures.这几间房子都塞满了古董和无价之宝。 形近词:staff n.职员 stiff a.硬的;不灵活的 over and over again and again; repeatedly 一再,反复Read the word over and over until you can say it correctly. 一遍一遍地读这个单词,直到你读对了为止。他们反复问同一个问题。 rhythm n.

    11、C, U a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements 节奏 Im not keen on the tune but I love the rhythm.为了跳好舞,你需要感受音乐的节奏。 扩展:the rhythm of the tides 潮水的涨落 Rhythmic a. 有节奏的;节奏分明的 reach for move ones hand or arm in order to touch or hold sth. 伸手去摸;伸手去取There was a noise outside, so Bill reached for his

    12、 flashlight. 我来不及伸手掏枪。 as well as in addition to (除.之外)既.又.;和他在日本工作过,也在意大利工作过。Flowers are chosen for their scent as well as their look. 选花既要闻其香,又要观其色。 grab vt. take sth. suddenly or roughly 抓住,夺得 小偷抢了那个妇女的包跑开了。 She grabbed her clothes and ran out when the alarm went off.警报响起时,她抓起衣服就往外跑。 考点: grab hol

    13、d of 抓紧 Eg: He grabbed hold of her and wouldnt let go. 他抓住她不松手。 grab at/ for 抓住,夺得 Eg: A drowning man will grab at a straw. 快淹死的人连一根稻草也要去抓。 thorough a. including every possible detail 全面的,彻底的 医生为病人做了全面检查。 The police made a thorough search of the house and found the child hiding under a chair.警察彻底搜查了

    14、那所房子,发现孩子藏在椅子下。 同族:thoroughly ad. 同义:complete a. makeup n. U paint, powder, creams, etc. that people put on their face 化妆品 She hadnt taken off her stage makeup yet when I saw her.我见到她时她还没有缷去戏妆。 我化好妆后,就准备和你去饭馆。 as usual in the way that happens most of the time 像往常一样,照例一切照常进行,好像什么也没发生过。As usual, theyd

    15、 left the children at home with the babysitter. 像往常一样,他们将孩子留在家里由保姆看管。 toast n. 1. U bread made brown by heating 烤面包 He had toast for breakfast.他早餐吃了烤面包。 She had a slice of toast and a cup of coffee.她吃了一块烤面包,喝了一杯咖啡。 2. C an act of drinking, esp. in order to thank sb., wish sb. luck, etc. 祝酒,干杯 We dra

    16、nk a toast to our teachers health.我们干杯祝老师身体健康。 Id like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.我提议为新娘新郎干杯。 vt. hold up ones glass and wish sb. success, happiness, luck, etc. 祝酒,干杯 让我们为两国的友谊干杯。 Lets toast Edward for a job well done.让我们为爱德华出色的工作干杯。 disgusting a. very unpleasant 令人厌恶的,令人反感的 臭蛋味道很难闻。

    17、Rubbish was piled everywhereit was disgusting.到处堆着垃圾,真叫人恶心。 同族:disgust n.厌恶/v. 令人厌恶或反感 disgustingly ad. 讨厌地 bug vt. (infml.) bother; annoy; trouble 打扰;使烦恼 有些人不先打电话就来,实在讨厌。 It just bugs me that I have to work so many extra hours for no extra money.我必须加班加点地干这么多小时,却没有额外的工钱,实在让人烦恼。 eyeliner n. C 描眼膏;眼线笔

    18、 French eye-liners are well-known to the world.法国眼线笔世界有名。 She was wearing thick, black eyeliner.她描了浓浓的黑色眼线。 tattoo n. C patterns made by putting ink into the skin 文身 She said she hated to see the tattoo on his arm.她说她讨厌看见他手臂上的刺纹。 He has a tattoo of a snake on his left arm.他的左臂刺了一条蛇。 vt. have pattern

    19、s made by putting ink into the skin 在身上刺文身 He had the words I love you tattooed on his chest.这男人的左臂刺了一条蛇。 pierce vt. make a hole in 穿孔于,打眼于 Many women have pierced their ears.很多女士都扎了耳朵眼。 针刺进了她的手指。同族:pierce n. 钻孔器 piercing a. 刺穿的 piercingly ad. 刺透地;感动地 bolt vi. move fast or run away suddenly 奔;窜 The

    20、noise of the explosion made the horses bolt.一声爆响,把那些马吓跑了。 警察来到时,窃贼立即逃跑了。考点:1. a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳;事件的突发或突然转变 Eg. The news came like a bolt from the blue. 这个消息传来,犹如晴天霹雳。 2. the nuts and bolts 具体细节 Eg. You have to study the nuts and bolts of English grammar. 你必须研读英语语法的具体细节。 in peace and quiet ca

    21、lmly; in a peaceful state 平静地我累了,你不能让我静一静吗?I wish she would just leave me in peace and quiet so that I can think about the problem without interruption. upset a. feeling ill, worried, or anxious 不适的;心烦的;苦恼的 我丢了钱包,心里非常不快。 vt. (upset, upset) make sb. worried, anxious, or ill 使心烦;使苦恼;使不适 The news of hi

    22、s sons disappearance upset him.他儿子失踪的消息使他心烦意乱。 最让我不安的是她撒了谎。 knot n. 1. C an uncomfortable feeling, esp. in the stomach, caused by fear, anger, etc. 紧张(感);心窝揪紧 a knot of fear一阵恐惧 He is full of knots.他心乱如麻。 2. C a join made by tying rope, cloth, etc. (绳索、布条等打成的)结 Please tie a knot at the end of rope.请

    23、在绳子的一端打个结。 Can you help me undo the knot?帮我打开这个结好吗? awful a. very bad or unpleasant; terrible 糟糕的;可怕的 他在办公室里度过了糟糕的一天。 I felt awful about not being able to help.我帮不上忙,心里很难受。 同族:awe n./v. 敬畏 awfully ad. 非常,很,十分同义:horrible a. 可怕的,恐怖的 dreadful a. 可怕的 tune n. C a number of musical notes that form a pleas

    24、ing pattern of sound 曲调;旋律 I cant remember the tune of that song.我记不起那首歌的调子。 tuneless a. without tune; not having a pleasant tune 不成调的;不悦耳的 A young man walked by, singing a tuneless song.一个年轻人从身边走过,哼着不成调的歌。 反义词: tuneful 和谐的,曲调优美的 Eg. The song is tuneful, but her voice is tuneless. 歌很有旋律,可她的嗓子不动听。 of

    25、fensive a. causing offence; unpleasant 讨厌的;令人不快的 His remarks were deeply offensive.他的话非常无礼。 There is an offensive smell in the room.房间里有难闻的气味。 考点:take the offensive 进攻,采取攻势 Eg. They decided to take the offensive. 他们决定采取攻势。同族:offense n.进攻,攻势 offensively ad.冒犯地,讨厌地 offend v. 冒犯反义:inoffensive a. 不冒犯人的,

    26、不讨人嫌的 lyric n. C (s) words of a song, esp. a popular song 歌词 I like the lyrics of this song.我喜欢这首歌的歌词。 He wrote some great music, but the lyrics he wrote werent that good.他创作了一些好音乐,但他写的歌词不怎么样。 make ones blood boil make sb. angry 使某人生气她那难听的音乐使她父亲很生气。他那样对待他的孩子,令我非常气愤。 appeal vi. 1. (to) attract; inter

    27、est 使喜欢;吸引 This music is too old-fashioned to appeal to young people any longer.到国外工作的想法对我真的有吸引力。 2. make a strong request for help, support, etc. 恳请;呼吁 The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim.警方呼吁公众提供有关被害者的情况。 rid a. no longer annoyed by sb. or sth. unplea

    28、sant or unwanted 摆脱.的 常用词组: get rid of 摆脱;除去 给他点钱,你就可以摆脱他了。 把药吃了,感冒就好了。 vt. (rid, rid) make sb. or sth. free from sth. unpleasant or unwanted 使摆脱,使去掉 You must rid yourself of these old-fashioned ideas.你必须抛掉这些陈旧的观念。 Will science finally rid us of this disease? knots in ones stomach an unpleasant tigh

    29、t feeling 紧张,不安He said he felt knots in his stomach. 他说他感到不安。她第一次见他的父母时感到紧张。 piercing n. C a hole made through part of ones body in order to wear jewelry there 刺穿的孔 她两耳都打了耳朵眼。 Body massage and ear piercing are offered at the small shop. negative a. 1.bad or harmful 不好的;负面的;消极的 Im feeling very negati

    30、ve about my jobin fact Im thinking about finding a new one.我觉得我的工作很没劲,事实上我正考虑找一份新工作。 所有这些对我的工作都产生了负面影响。 2.saying or meaning no 否定的 What is the negative form of this word?这个词的否定形式是什么? 他没有解释,只是给了否定回答。 考点:negativity n. 否定性;消极性 negatively ad. 否定地,消极地反义:positive a. 肯定的,乐观的,积极的 influence n. C, U an effect on sb. or sth. 影响;作用 The fact that hes rich and famous had no influence on our decision.


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