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    1、模联前瞻性报道模联前瞻性报道篇一:模联mpc新闻报道 Skin in the game -joint investment, shared burden SHANGHAI, April, 13th, (MENA) China The crux of the current global imbalance, from the point of Chinas view, is that only a minority of the most advanced countries possess the knowledge, innovation and flourishing service s

    2、ectors that will enable them to enjoy strong economic and financial prospects. These same countries are also the worlds largest debtors. Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of developing countries suffer a short age of capital. This, at root, is the origin of the recent financial crisis. But even m

    3、ong the giants, China is in a league of its own, with a $2 trillion arsenal of reserves, a current-account surplus, little connection to foreign banks and a budget surplus that offers lots of room to boost spending, China still expressed concern on some other countries which suffer more during the f

    4、inancial crisis. Except for the typical suggestions such as more detailed regulations, strengthened supervision, tighter collaboration, the core call of China is the establishment of a diversified international monetary system. In fact, multiple currencies can not only ease the dilemma of financial

    5、situation, but can also weaken their rivals to some extent. In order to achieve such a tough goal, China advocated creating an international reserve currency that decoupled from a sovereign state, and able to keep its value long-term stability, and apart from this, China strongly suggested expanding

    6、 the using range of the international monetary fund's Special Drawing Rights (SDRS). However, the topic of SDRs has been controversial during three sessions even most countries have already reached a general consensus. On the contrary, China poised a quite optimistic attitude to SDRs. The value

    7、of the SDR is based on a basket of currencies (the dollar, euro, yen and pound) that might expand one day to include the yuan, which obviously will be a good news for China. But MENA holds the view that, if the Chinese want the yuan included in the SDR, they will probably have to liberalise their ca

    8、pital account first. That would be welcome in itselfas a shrewd lawyer would no doubt be as quick to point out as a sharp economist. Have the Chinese really considered the sacrifice that it will make, or they just regard it as a path to the refining of not only Chinese financial systems but also the

    9、 global ones? USA Though the financial crisis was global, it originated in Americas uniquely fragmented financial system, overseen by a patchwork of federal and state regulators. Since recession ended in June 2009, GDP growth has averaged 2.8%, roughly its long-term trend. After so deep a slump, the

    10、 pace is usually much faster. The gap between actual and potential GDP has been stuck at around 5% since late 2009 (see chart 1). From some angles, the picture is even worse. Measured by totting up income rather than spending, the economy is no bigger than in 2006. The proportion of working-age peop

    11、le with jobs is lower than in the trough of the recession. A little to surprise, USA agreed with the proposal of SDRs. In fact, the dollar system is so beneficial to the USA that it will never abandon it. First, the reserve-currency status of the dollar helped to create global imbalances. Surplus co

    12、untries have little choice but to place most of their spare funds in the reserve currency since it is used to settle trade and has the most liquid bond market. But this allowed Americas borrowing binge and housing bubble to persist for longer than it otherwise would have. Second, the country that is

    13、sues the reserve currency faces a trade-off between domestic and international stability. Massive money-printing by the Fed to support the economy makes sense from a national perspective, but it may harm the dollars value. The explanation by the USA delegate is so selfless that it is almost willing

    14、to sacrifice itself for the sake of the stability of the global finance. MENA cant help to doubt whats the meaning of presence of US delegate. Japan Seen as lesson to be drawn by European countries, Japan successfully showed the world how to stop oneself from more efficient development in the econom

    15、ic field. Actually, there is no financial crisis in Japan but a real economic crisis, taking a terrible toll on real economy, especially export businesses. After struggling out of its “lost ten years”, Japan had nothing to fight such a storm. In spite of great losses in real economy, Japans financia

    16、l systems and social structure have not changed, the competence of businesses and the country itself either. With its stable financial systems, Japan is very likely to recover from present waning and further its development. Japan Government asserts that government is the core of prevention mechanis

    17、m.Japan also advocates that governments should attach importance to fiscal stimulus,strengthening the governmental supervision of finance, both financial derivatives and credit rating agencies and setting up an affiliated institution for those rating agencies involved in the supervisory colleges. Ja

    18、pan appeals to enlarge the capital scale of IMF and other international financial institutions to assist vulnerable emerging economies and countries undergoing financial crisis. While since there are already rating agencies, MENA cannot see any necessity to setting another one, affiliated included.

    19、But Japan really has its outstanding mechanism on honest financial, and that could be point to be emphasized and what other countries can learn from. Japan is more willing to wait and see how could the DR serve its interests, but we can be sure that Japan will drag in the mud for a period in the nea

    20、r future. Indonesia Indonesia suffered during the financial crisis due to its fragile economic structure, so it appealed to Strengthen the supervision of international financial system. No mater developed or developing countries must control their endless desire for fortune to build a benign interna

    21、tional financial environment and willing to strengthen the supervision of international financial system. However, MENA thinks that Indonesia should also pay enough attention to domestic stability as a basis of healthy finance. Joint investment, shared burden can be the terminal goal of this G20 con

    22、ference, but whether it will be a mere banner or a reality, that remains a doubt. Editor: XU Bingchun 篇二:浅谈新闻的前瞻性 浅谈新闻的前瞻性 新闻是对已发生的事和刚刚发现的事,做第一时间的描述。前瞻性就是把研究对象选定,研究方式预定好,继而对这些因素进行深入研究。所谓新闻的前瞻性,是指事件、新闻发生前的参考性预测。现在的新闻报道,不仅需要艺术的语言,哲学的指导总结,科学的论断,更需要预言家的前瞻。只有这样才具有可读性,才能拥有大批的读者,从而在众多媒体中脱颖而出,一枝独秀。 在新闻报道诞生的

    23、百年里(其实,最早的新闻报道应该推到古罗马时期凯撒的“我来了,我看了,我赢了”),风风雨雨,沉沉浮浮,从来没有像今天如此的复杂。经济大潮波澜壮阔,起也新闻,落也新闻;战争频发,为经济脱困插晖,羸也新闻,输也新闻;政权体制更叠像走马灯,立也新闻,垮也新闻;意识思潮泾渭分明,雅也新闻,俗也新闻;新闻的舞台越来越向三维、四维发展,而随着人们日益热心公共事业,关心天下大事乃至自然现象,新闻也就更加抢眼而为大众所“必需”。 以上是原因也好,大势也好,都令传统的新闻呈现老化而力不从心,新概念下的新闻正在骑马找马,边学边用,正处于系统成型期。新的各种思维表达方式也正露出冰山一角,正有待于日后现实的检验。 在

    24、这里,我只提出一个新闻前瞻性的问题。 如今国际社会风云变幻,真可谓“城头变幻大王旗”,我们的新闻工作者不仅要在第一时间出现在第一现场,还要写出第一篇的报导,尽管穿着防弹衣,冒着枪林弹雨,也无非是被动的描摹,这基本是所有记者、大牌记者“只能如此”的终结之路。 以刚刚结束的利比亚战争为例。如果我们的记者能总揽阿富汗战争、赛尔维亚战争、伊拉克战争的历史,结合利比亚所处的地理位置,阿拉伯世界的国际处境和地位,现代化战争的作战理念、利比亚的军事思想脉络、军事装备的注重程度,法英等国面临的国际、国内情况,再加上对卡扎菲本人性格的研究,就可以做出一系列大胆的推测。 这一系列大胆的推测,不仅是国际问题专家的工

    25、作,也是我们新闻工作者的使命。我们所提供的不是“事后”的资料,而是“事前”的参考。 法英占据着居高临下的空中优越,就决定了战争不可能出现大规模列阵会战的场景,只能是“皮卡车战争”和阻击手隐藏在建筑物之内的巷战。卡扎菲的性格偏执刚强,所以他不可能投降,在没有伊拉克大山可以做掩护的情况下,只能是被人从水泥管子内抓住并打死。法英等国的空中打击,在现代战争的理念之下,只能是赛尔维亚战争的又一次再现。 这绝非是“事后诸葛”,完全可以在战争开始时就“沙盘演习”一样推绎出来, 篇三:前瞻性报告写作指导(中文) 前瞻性报告写作指导(中文) 一、格式要求 媒体代表: 学校: 通讯社: 所驻委员会: 议题: 正文

    26、 (需加粗) 二、字体字号 1.题头:宋体 小四号字体 2.正文:宋体 小四号字体 三、报告架构(建议) 第一段 从本媒体的角度对本次大会进行一个比较宏观的展望。(可以与本媒体所属的国家或国家集团的相关代表进行联系,并开展 采访,从他们的口中获知本国或国家集团在本次会议上的诉求。) 第二段 A. 该委员会可能会形成哪些国家集团(bloc), B. 这些国家集团之间存在哪些方面的分歧, C. 如果他们希望解决这些分歧,需要做出怎样的努力, 第三段 本通讯社希望会议最后达成何种有效措施与结果。 注:本架构仅作建议,媒体代表可自由发挥。 四、准备工作(建议) 1.在进行前瞻性报道的撰写之时,请仔细阅

    27、读其他委员会的背景文件。 2.不妨想想其他通讯社将如何解读议题,以体会各通讯社报道风格的差异。 五、注意事项 1.正文中不能出现“我认为”等字眼,应用“本通讯社认为”或“本报认为”代替。 2.所有通讯社的前瞻性报道将被汇总,在会前发放给所有媒体代表。 3.部分优秀的前瞻性报道的稿件将刊印在会议第一份报纸上,在大会的第一天发放给与会人员。 4.上交日期为 月 日之前,上交至(邮箱) 六、范例报告 记者:董思豆 学校:黑龙江大学 通讯社:美联社 委员会:非洲经济委员会 议题:埃博拉疫情后的非洲建设 美中两国利用埃博拉病毒争夺与非洲国家经济联系的制高点,究竟谁是赢家, 美联社(5月24日)电 本通讯

    28、社认为:美国在本次模拟联合国大会中将提出的关于在埃博拉病毒蔓延非洲时期加强对疫区国家的援助实际上是为了削弱以中 国为代表的发展中国家与非洲经济的联系,并以此作为加强美非经济联系的基础或者条件。 在本届模拟联合国大会上,各国将对埃博拉疫情的扩散提出防范和控制的有效措施,结成联盟致力于改善非洲经济发展滞后的问题,为实现工业化和贸易自由化、实现一体化的领导机制,共同积极促进灾后非洲建设。而美国的态度和行为,在一定程度决定了全球抗击埃博拉,促进非洲经济发展的大方向,因此,在本次模拟联合国大会召开之前,本社记者顺利采访到美国代表蔡钰杰,他表示:在埃博拉肆虐非洲的同时,美国随时准备帮助建设非洲内部贸易和非

    29、洲与世界贸易的能力,特别支持努力营造促进发展的有利商业环境并称将永远致力于深化和巩固与非洲的伙伴关系,以实现非洲国家在新伙伴关系下确认的发展优先事项。 从世界经济领域上看本次大会将分为四大集团:以中国,俄罗斯为代表的金砖国家;以德国为代表的欧盟,以美国为代表的西方经济体,以疫区国家为代表的非洲联盟。与以往公共卫生安全事件中的美国形象不同的是,在疫情在疫情控制和防护上,美国政府除了充分利用其资金和技术优势,提供巨额资金援助外,少有地注入了人道主义精神,已派出3000多名由国防部、疾病预防控制中心、美国国际开发署以及其他美国卫生官员组成的人员到利比里亚、塞拉利昂和几内亚协助救灾工作,与国内公众淡漠

    30、态度相反的举动,不免让人产生与中国政府积极作秀抗衡的质疑。 在本次抗击埃博拉疫情过程中美国政府取得了一系列的成果,1.在该地区建造了15个埃博拉病毒治疗单位;2.提供了超过400公吨的个人防护设备和其他医疗救援物资;3.在该地区经营了超过190个埋葬团队;4.进行积极的接触者追踪,以确定传播链;5.培训专业化医疗卫生保健工作者并进行社区宣传;6.与国际伙伴合作,确保旅行者在可能接触埃博拉传染源之前离开该地区。但仍以辅助角色为主,并未充分利用其技术优势将新型药品投入使用,从根本上体现强国作为:在埃博拉病毒没有白热化之前,中美两国对于争夺非洲这块“经济处女地”都各有优势。近年来,美国等西方大国为代

    31、表的国际社会,抓住非洲经济持续增长的有利时机,调整非洲政策,大力推进“伙伴关系”战略,由于非洲发展基础薄弱,对外部支持依赖严重,资金技术充裕的美国有显著的优势;中国原有的一系列援非项目的建成改善了非洲的产业结构,促进就业,拉动经济发展,从而使得两国交好,激活了中非经济建设的关系链条。在埃博拉病毒期间,加派援助队伍,将人道主义精神发挥至极致。 在本次大会的美国方面提案中,还有一个令人瞩目的讨论,美国政府并不认为非洲经济的发展全部依靠外界因素:“我国认为国际支助是重要的,但非洲经济增长的最重要决定因素莫过于非洲人自己进行的持续改革。我们敦促在改革方面采取进一步行动,以吸引投资、促进透明的商业氛围、减少贸易壁垒和促进区域融合。”美国代表蔡钰杰这样说道。 本通讯社认为:鉴于全球局势尤其是中东局势发展,美国越来越意识到加强美非经济联系的重要性和迫切性。通过技术和经济手段来制约中国的“道义沟通战略”,从而影响非洲经济,为把控世界经济而夯实最后一块地基。本社希望在大会期间美国代表能够解释为非洲建设而采取的的具体行为,真正达到在不损害本国利益的前提下真正帮助非洲经济建设。而究竟中美在这场博弈中谁能获得最终的胜利,让我们拭目以待。


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