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    1、励志简短英语名言励志简短英语名言 1、赢了自己才能成功。 Win yourself to succeed. 2、我成功因为我志在成功! I succeeded because I aim at success! 3、失败是坚韧的最后考验。 Strength of the failure is the final test. 4、相信你行,你就活力无穷。 Believe that you do, you have infinite vitality. 5、顽强能引导人们走向幸福。 Tenacious can lead people to happiness. 6、健康的身体是实目标的基石。 A

    2、healthy body is the foundation of real target. 7、谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。 Who seize the opportunities, who will come true. 8、人若勇敢就是自己最好的朋友。 If a man be brave is her best friend. 9、伟大的力量存在于我们的内心。 Great power exists in our hearts. 10、没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光。 Without a purpose, life is depressed. 11、热情和欲望可以突破一切难关。 Enthusia

    3、sm and desire can break through all the difficulties. 12、常常是最后一把钥匙打开了门。 Is often the last key to open the door. 13、你要决心成功就要做自已的国王。 You have to do their own king determined to succeed. 14、如果要挖井,就要挖到水出为止。 If you want to dig Wells, we should dig into the water out. 15、成功的秘诀在于对目标的执着追求。 The secret of suc

    4、cess is the constant pursuit of the goal. 16、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走完。 Your choice of road, kneeling also want to finish it. 17、生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。 Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 18、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。 The angry is that taking the others mistake to punish oneself. 19、只有想不到的事,没有做不到的事。 Only

    5、 unexpected, no couldnt do. 20、发光并非太阳的专利,你也可以发光。 Shining is not the patent of the sun, you also may shine. 21、明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。 The hope of tomorrow lets us forget todays pain. 22、人类最大的灾难就是自已瞧不起自已。 Humanitys greatest disaster is from already look down on yourself. 23、成功是因为自已,失败也是因为自已。 Succeeded beca

    6、use from already, failure but also for yourself. 24、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。 Turn your face to the sunshine, that there will be no shadow. 25、烦恼是自己制造自己享用的一种精神。 Trouble is making yourself to enjoy a kind of spirit. 26、你可以很有个性,但某些时候请收敛。 You can have a lot of personality, but some of the time, please. 27、不要为失

    7、败找借口,要为成功找方法。 Dont find excuses for failure, to find methods for success. 28、只有伟大的目标才能产生伟大的动力。 Only the great target can produce great power. 29、要做到坚忍不拔,最要紧的是坚持到底。 To do perseverance, stick to it is the most important thing. 30、人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。 Goals determine what you will be. 31、只要努力抬起你的双脚,胜利将属于

    8、你。 As long as the efforts to lift your feet, victory will belong to you. 32、困难是人生的老师,是一所最好的学校。 The trouble is that the teacher of life, is a better school. 33、外在压力增加时,就应增强内在的动力。 External pressure is increased, you should enhance intrinsic motivation. 34、脚下的路还很长,活着就要坚决走下去。 At the foot of the road is

    9、very long, to live is to firmly go on. 35、与其相信依靠别人,不如相信依靠自己。 Rather than believe depend on others, believe that rely on yourself. 36、伟大人物最明显的标志,就是坚强的意志。 Great men of the most obvious sign, is a h2 will. 37、为空想浪费时间,不如得到更现实的东西。 Dream is a waste of time, more realistic than get something for nothing. 3

    10、8、给自已标价越高,自已的价值实现就越大。 Give your price is higher, the greater their own value realization. 39、如果你想攀登*,切莫把彩虹当作梯子。 If you want to climb, dont put the rainbow as a ladder. 40、确立目标不可随波逐流,要有自已的需求。 Setting goals do not go with the flow, should have their own requirements. 41、没有灯的小路一样可以行走,只要心还在。 No light pa

    11、th can walk, as long as the heart is still there. 42、为别人着想的创新,成就自已的伟大事业。 The innovation of thought for others, their great achievements. 43、只有相信自已,才能让别人肯定你帮助你。 Only believe myself, to make sure you help you to others. 44、人生的轨迹不一定会按你喜欢的方式运行。 The trajectory of life will not necessarily the way you lik

    12、e running. 45、奋斗这一件事是自有人类以来天天不息的。 Struggle this thing is every day since humans began the restless. 46、如果心胸不似海,又怎能有海一样的事业。 If your heart is like the sea, and how can sea the same cause. 47、只要你肯奋斗,没有什么是绝对不可能的。 As long as you are willing to struggle, nothing is absolutely impossible. 48、积极向上的心态,是成功者的最

    13、基本要素。 The positive point of view, is the most basic elements of successful. 49、流过泪的眼睛更明亮,滴过血的心灵更坚强! Tears eyes more bright, drop of blood the heart more h2! 50、问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人。 The regards shouldnt be so careful but it must be sincerely to be moved. 51、不要可怜自已的力气,要全力以赴争做第一。 Dont poor own strength

    14、, to go all out to be the first. 52、流水在碰到抵触的地方,才把它的活力解放。 Water met resistance in place, to get its energy liberation. 53、不管失败多少次,都要面对生活,充满希望。 No matter how many times failure, all want to face life, full of hope. 54、发一次脾气,就等于在进步的梯子上倒退一步。 A temper, is backward step in the progress of the ladder. 55、人

    15、生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。 Life is important is not the station position, but towards direction. 56、觉得自己做得到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。 Feel do and cannot do, in fact, only between a read. 57、一旦立下目标,不达目标绝不罢手,方可成功。 Once set a goal, not reach target will never stop, just can success. 58、做事是否快捷,不在一时奋发,而在能否持久。 Whether to d

    16、o things fast, is not at that time the work, but can last. 59、拥有健康的身体和心灵是实现诸多目标的基石。 Have a healthy body and mind is the foundation of many goals. 60、目标的实现建立在“我要成功”的强烈愿望上。 Based on I want to success, to achieve the goal of the h2 desire. 61、机会只对进取有为的人开放,庸人永远无法光顾。 Opportunity is open to a promising en

    17、terprising man, only shallow never visit. 62、让我们将事前的忧虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧! Lets concerns, will advance change to advance thinking and planning! 63、胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 Victory wont come to us, I must own to victory. 64、不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。 Dont strive for success, make a man of value. 65、只要给自已带来信心,采取一

    18、些手段是很有必要的。 As long as give own confidence, it is necessary to take some means. 66、目标和信念给人以持久的动力,它是人的精神支柱。 Goals and beliefs give a person with lasting power, it is the spiritual pillar of the people. 67、强烈的信仰会赢取坚强的人,然后又使他们更坚强。 h2 faith will win it takes a h2 man, and then make them h2er. 68、跛足而不迷路,能

    19、赶过虽健步如飞但误人歧途的人。 Lame and not lost, although can overtake aid but misguided. 69、给别人开启一扇窗,也就让自已看到了更完整的天空。 Open a window for others, also let oneself see more complete the sky. 70、乐观者在灾祸中看到机会;悲观者在机会中看到灾祸。 The optimism sees the opportunity in the disaster; The pessimist sees the disaster in the opportun

    20、ity. 71、没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 No one without contempt, endurance and struggle to conquer fate. 72、永远不要走捷径,便捷而陌生的路,可能要了你的命。 Dont ever take shortcuts, convenient and a strange road, may be the death of you. 73、做了好事受到指责而仍坚持下去,这才是奋斗者的本色。 Do something good to blame but still stick to it, this is the e

    21、ssence of striver. 74、勇士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。 Warriors stroke turbulent flow without destruction, tragic coward in calm drowning. 75、一时的挫折往往可以通过不屈的搏击,变成学问及见识。 A temporary setback can often through the unyielding fight, into knowledge and insights. 76、生命力的意义在于拚搏,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场。 The meaning of life l

    22、ies in the struggle, because the world itself is an arena. 77、梦想是一个美丽的矿藏,需要我们用行动去挖掘它的财富。 Dream is a beautiful, we need to use action to excavate its wealth. 78、不要订微不足道的计划,因为它没有使人热血沸腾的魅力。 Dont planned the trivial, because it does not make people excited. 79、任何情况下,背后不说她人是非。如果一定要你说,说好话。 In any case, be

    23、hind dont say shes wrong. If have to say you, say a good word. 80、卓越的天才不屑走旁人走过的路。他寻找迄今未开拓的地区。 Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored. 81、目标越明确,决心越好下,信心就越大,力量能用到点子上。 Goal is clear, determination, the better, the greater the confidence and strength to the point. 8

    24、2、人生中屡次的失败是成功的根基,而屡次的成功是失败的前兆。 The repeated failure in life is the foundation of success, and repeated success is the precursor of failure. 83、只有每天再度战胜生活并夺取自由的人,才配享受生活的自由。 Unless he daily conquers life and capture of freedom, freedom is good to enjoy life. 84、不管多么险峻的高山,总是为不畏艰难的人留下一条攀登的路。 No matter h

    25、ow steep mountains, are always for those who left a climbing road. 85、目标和信念是战胜困难和不幸的利剑,可以使人发挥出超常的潜能。 Target and faith is the sword, overcome difficulties and misfortune can make people to exert extraordinary potential. 86、成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。 Success is not in the future, but from the mome

    26、nt you decided to do, continue to accumulate. 87、在一个崇高的目标支持下,不停地工作,即使慢,也一定会获得成功。 With a lofty goal support, the work, even if slowly, you will achieve success. 88、要让事情改变,先改变自己;要让事情变得更好,先让自己变得更强。 To make things change, to change myself. To make things better, let oneself become more h2. 89、强大的信心,能克服来

    27、自大自然和内心的恶魔,产生无往不胜的勇气。 h2 confidence, to overcome from nature and inner demons, have the courage to prevail. 90、乐观的人能重整旗鼓东山再起,悲观的人因缺乏自信,往往一败涂地。 Optimistic people can rally stage a comeback, pessimistic people due to a lack of self-confidence, tend to lose. 91、胜利不是只靠打一场仗就能赢得的,你需要的也许是艰苦的长期抗战。 Victory i

    28、s not only rely on to play a game of war will win, you need may be hard for a long time of Anti-Japanese War. 92、伟大的成就,来自为远大的目标所花费的巨大心思和付诸的最大努力。 Great achievements, the great heart from cost by big goal and put it into the best. 93、记住你的价值,它不因你的外观的不雅而贬值,是金子总有发光的一天。 Remember your value, it is not beca

    29、use of your indecent and depreciation, the appearance of the gold always shine one day. 94、从来就没有救世主也不靠神仙皇帝,要创造幸福生活必须全靠我们自已。 Has never been a savior were not immortal emperor, to create a happy life must rely on our own. 95、坚持自已的信念,自信地付诸行动,比起一遇到挫折就放弃的人更具有优势。 Stick to your own beliefs, confidently into action, than give up any setback has more advantages.


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