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    1、哈工程学术英语练习册学术英语练习册姓名:学号:任课教师:日期:2018Training and Practice for English for Academic PurposesPart I 1. Discuss the following questions.What are basic principles the researchers must try to follow when they write their research papers? And would you please list some deadly sins a researcher must avoid w

    2、hen they want to publish a research paper? What are the main contents of a research paper? 2. Translate the following Chinese introduction into English.提高起重机生产力和安全性的设备研究近些年来,就用研究人员对起重机(crane)的研究兴趣与日俱增。起重机种类繁多,从樱桃采摘机(cherry pickers)到巨型塔式起重机(huge tower cranes) ,是建筑工地不可或缺的重要设备之一。由于建筑用起重机工作环境多变(constant

    3、ly changing working environment), 操作者(operator)责任重大(heavy reliance)。过去几十年里,超重机技术日新月异,但是操作员与其他工种人员配合协作方面的技术发展缓慢。起重机的发展步伐如此迅猛,我们似乎要问,在某些方面,是不是已经超出(outstrip)了人们安全使用的能力?本文旨在探讨如何通过新型设备的引进提高起重机生产力以及提出相关安全性的举措,进而为新型起重机的应用和案例提供新的思路。 3. You are writing a research paper entitled “The Effects of Radiation from

    4、 the Sun on Life on Earth”. In your introduction you need to review, in general terms, how the sun supports life on the earth. Prepare an Introduction section for your paper based on the information below. Distance from the earth: 92,976,000 miles The Suns energy comes from nuclear fusion of hydroge

    5、n to helium. Intense radiation, including lethal ultraviolet radiation, arrives at the earths outer atmosphere. Ozone in the stratosphere protects life on earth from excessive ultraviolet radiation. The seasons of the earths climate results from (1) the 23.30 tilt of the earths axis of rotation from

    6、 the normal to the plane of the earths orbit around the Sun, (2) the large coverage area of water on the earth (about 75% of the earths surface), and (3) the rotation of the earth with associated generation of jet-stream patterns. Radiation passing through the earths atmosphere loses most short-wave

    7、 radiation, but some arriving at the surface is converted into infrared radiation which is then trapped by water vapor and other tri-atomic molecules in the troposphere and stratosphere, causing global warming. Life on earth is maintained from photosynthesis and conversion of carbon dioxide to oxyge

    8、n by plants. 4. Translate the following parts of sentences in Introduction into proper English.(1)过去对的研究工作说明(2)A在1932年做了关于的早期研究。(3)文献资料未能证明(4)在方面没有相关的发现。(5)此类方法的主要缺点是(6)尽管它们, 但缺点是:更加复杂,成本高,无法大量供应。(7)尽管在方面做了大量研究,但在方面却少有研究(8)近年来对的研究已引起足够关注。(9)本文讨论了计算的方法。(10)本文旨在阐述(11)研究结果表明(12)本文的组织结构如下。第二部分介绍了第三部分提出新

    9、的设计意义。第四部分得出试验结果证实该理论的结论。5. Translate the Chinese phrases and sentences in Materials and Methods into English. (Pay attention to the tenses and voices)(1) 本次试验的目的是要确定., 从而为.方面的研究提供坚实的基础。(2) 实验中采用两组化合物,第组是., 包含.和.(3) 实验设备主要包括(4) 为解决以上问题,本文运用理论。(5) 按以下步骤进行有氧试验。(6) 本文采用的方法与其他方法相比有以下几点不同。(7) 与其它方法相比,(本方

    10、法)的优点是在方面更准确。(8) 90名符合以上所述要求的参加了本项研究。6. Prepare a short section of Field Methods on the basis of the following information. Maps used: Geologic and topographic maps prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey and South Dakota State Geological Survey. Period of field work: April-September, 2013; June, Jul

    11、y, 2014. Personnel: you, and two Masters Degree candidate students (they will use this study for their research degree) Vehicle: Four-wheel drive Ford suburban Equipment: Brunton compasses, plane-table and alidade, aerial photographs and stereo viewers, rock picks, digital cameras, sampling bags and

    12、 labels. Weather conditions during the field work: rain and snow, early April; thunderstorms, July. 7. Complete the following sentences in Results by translating the Chinese phrases into English.(1) (尽管我们研究中的被调查者来自于两个不同的国家),culturally and socially based differences in waiting time response(在方面的进一步对比

    13、是非常有意义的)。(2) (今后有关于的研究)the effective or cognitive process behind consumers evaluations and expectations for waiting time.(3) (本次研究的目的是确定)the effects of a guide tube design on the turbine efficiency. (试验结果表明), it can clearly be seen that the guide tube has needs(经过精心设计)the operating conditions of the

    14、 cross-flow turbine. The guide tube used in this study (不会提高涡轮机的效率因为)a choking effect.8. Describe the following pie chart based on the information you can see, and then show your results. Fig. 2 Scientific disciplines for Elsevier publication (2016)9. Writing an English Conclusion according to the i

    15、nformation given.Overview of the research: New buckling solutions for regular polygonal elliptical, semicircular and annular Mindlin plates under isotropic inplane loads.Conclusion of the research: the shear deformation effect depresses the buckling loads more significantly with increasing plate thi

    16、ckness and greater boundary restrain.Directions for future research: other loading conditions, such as shear loading, partial loadings and non-uniform loadings at the edges; boundary conditions involving point supports, mixed edge conditions and elastic restraints. 10. Translate some of the expressi

    17、ons from Discussion part of a paper.(1) This research investigated the effects of two different learning methods.(2) The data reported here suggest that the reaction rate may be determined by the mount of oxygen available.(3) 最终,我们相信本文提出的设想会在诸如机器人技术等领域有更广泛的应用。(4) 然而,对的要求在实际中存在局限,我们在今后的研究中努力克服该局限。(5)

    18、 我们相信,将来对的研究将提高的性能。(6) The experimental and theoretical values for the yields agree well.(7) 通过引进可以克服这一缺点,这可以成为将来研究的课题。11. Translate the following part of Conclusion into English.本文对如下问题进行了研究:连接到某网址或下载某网页的等待时间(the waiting time needed to connect with certain websites or to download some web pages)是如何

    19、影响人们对所访问因特网的评价的?为了回答这个问题,我们开发了一套概念框架和模型,来描述消费者从上网的经历中是如何受益的(derive utility from the internet experience)。基于Kahneman et al. (1997)开发的模型,我们认为影响人们对所访问的因特网评价的还有其他受益因素(four different concepts of utility)。为了验证本模型,我们利用计算机进行了四个实验,实验中被调查对象需要对等待某网上杂志(an internet magazine)打开网页进行评价。12. Translate the following p

    20、art of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS into English. 感谢国家自然科学基金( National Natural Science Foundation of China,grant LM05110)对本项目的支持,本文的作者对王明礼教授对本手稿详细的阅读并提出有益的建议表示诚挚的谢意。同时非常感谢李佳教授和陈曦博士对数据分析方面给予的支持。作者还要感谢大连造船厂对本研究提供样品所给予的帮助。13. Translate the following sentences into English.(1)The purpose of this study is to investi

    21、gate the optical properties of aerosol during haze-fog episodes in Beijing. (2)The basic concepts and data collected are presented. (3)本文说明了这种技术对核探测的应用。 (4)本研究的范围涉及DSP的产品和规格。 (5)本文的重点在于核能的和平利用。14. Write an abstract of one of your scientific papers about 200 words including title, abstract and key wo

    22、rds. (必须完成)15. Analyze the layout of the following samples in the group:Optical Properties of Aerosol During Haze-Fog Episodes in BeijingAbstract:The purpose of this study is to investigate the optical properties of aerosol during haze-fog episodes in Beijing. The aerosol optical depth (AOD) , Angst

    23、rom exponent (a) , size distribution and single scattering albedo (to) during haze-fog episodes were analyzed between 2002 and 2008 using AERONENT data. During haze-fog episodes, the aerosol optical depth showed a decreasing trend with wavelengths, and showed high values with an average 1.34 at 440

    24、nm. The magnitude of Angstrom exponent was relatively high during haze-fog episodes and the mean values reached 1. 11. The frequency distribution of a was up to 94% when a 0.9, indicating the predominance of fine particles during haze-fog episodes in Beijing. The aerosol volume size distributions pr

    25、esented a bimodal structure (fine and coarse modes). The maxima(peaks) radius of fine mode showed an increasing trend with AOD, however, those of coarse mode showed a decreasing trend with AOD. The size distribution showed a distinct difference in dominant mode for the different AOD. The single scat

    26、tering albedo showed an increasing trend with AOD during haze-fog episodes in Beijing. The mean value of to was 0.89 at the four wavelengths and the to exhibited a low sensitivity to wavelengths.Layout:16. Error correction for research paper writing. Please revise the following incorrect sentences a

    27、ccording to what you have learned in academic paper writing. (1). Sentence Fragments. Make sure each word group you have punctuated as a sentence contains a grammatically complete and independent thought that can stand alone as an acceptable sentence.Incorrect: Tests of the Shroud of Turin have prod

    28、uced some curious findings. For example, the pollen of forty-eight plants native to Europe and the Middle East. Revised: Incorrect: Scientists report no human deaths due to excessive caffeine consumption. Although caffeine does cause convulsions and death in certain animals. Revised: (2). Sentence S

    29、prawl. Too many equally weighted phrases and clauses produce tiresome sentences. Incorrect: The hearing was planned for Monday, December 2, but not all of the witnesses could be available, so it was rescheduled for the following Friday. There are no grammatical errors here, but the sprawling sentenc

    30、e does not communicate clearly and concisely. Revised: (3). Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers. Place modifiers near the words they describe; be sure the modified words actually appear in the sentence. Incorrect: When writing a proposal, an original task is set for research Who is writing a proposal?

    31、Revised: Incorrect: Many tourists visit Arlington National Cemetery, where veterans and military personnel are buried every day from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Revised: (4). Faulty Parallelism. Be sure you use grammatically equal sentence elements to express two or more matching ideas or items in a series. Incorrect: The candidates goals include winning the election, a health program, and education. Revised: Incorrect: Some critics are not so much opposed to capital punishment as postponing it for so long. Revised: (5). Unclear Pronoun Reference. Pronouns must clearly refer to d


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