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    1、口语考试范文英语口语考试话题作文口语考试范文英语口语考试话题作文 Everybody have different opinions about seatbelts, some people think it is not necessary because theres rarely usage of it, but some people think it is necessary because they think its for their own safety. I think it is necessary and essential to wear a seatbelt, it

    2、 is about others and my own safety. If I dont wear a seatbelt, the posibility of aidents would happen more often. For example, if you dont wear a seltbelt when you are in the front seat and an aident aurs when your car smashed into another car, you would be racing forward non-stop until you hit some

    3、thing. But if you did wear a seatbelt, you would still go forward but got stopped by the seatbelt and save your life. I strongly remend everybody to wear their seatbelts the first thing they got in their cars, it is for your safety and others safety, thats what seatbelts are designed for, right? 够不够

    4、?我亲自写给你的。很开心帮到你。 Myself Hello everyone!My name is Lucy.I am a girl.I am thirteen years old.I live in China.So I am a Chinese.I am from China.I am in Class six Grade seven.My favourite food is KFC.I like to do many exercises.I like badminton best.I think I can do it very well.I have two small eyes.I

    5、am not very tall.But I am very happy.Iam happy every time.My BirthdayMy birthday is September fifteenth.When is my birthday,I will invite many friends to have a birthday party. On my birthday.My parents,my aunt,my uncle and my friends e to my birthday.They will give me some birthday gifts.For exampl

    6、e:a birthday card,a birthday cake with some candles and some candies.On that day,I can watch TV or play puter games. On that day,I am very happy! My Friend I have many friends,but my best friend is Ivy.She is thirteen years old.She likes to watches TV or play the puter games.She sometimes watch film

    7、 on puter.She usually does some exercises.Her favourite sport is badminton.I like playing badminton,too.But I think she is not good at badminton.She is good at playing the violin.I also like to play violin.She has big eyes,tall nose and a small mouth.She is a beautiful and clever girl.I think we are

    8、 the best friends. Three Meals There are many kinds of food in the world.But my favourite food is Chinese foods. In the morning,I always eat two eggs,some bread and a bowl of milk at half past six.I have lunch at the noon.I sometimes eat meat and rice, sometimes I eat dumplings and something like th

    9、ese.In the evening,I always eat some vegetables and some porridge. I like Chinese foods very much,I think they are delicious.I think the people who are live in the world will all like to eat Chinese food!My Family This is my family.There are five people in my family.They are my grandmother,my grandf

    10、ather,my mother,my father and me. My mother is a businesswoman.She is forty years old.She has black, long and straight hair.She likes to go shopping when the things are very cheap.My father is a businessman.He is very tall.He has small eyes.He likes sleeping very much .I like watching TV and playing

    11、 puter games. I have a happy family.What about you? My favourite animals There are many animals in the world.But I like monkey,elephant and dog best.My favourite animal are dogs,monkeys and elephants.One day,my friends and I go to the zoo to watch animals. We see many animals,but I like monkeys,dogs

    12、 and elephants best.Monkeys like to eat bananas.They are jumping up and down.When we see these pictures,we all laugh.We see a little elephant,its sleeping.Then I see many dogs They are playing on the grass. I love animals!The Weather In China There are four seasons in China.They are spring,summer,au

    13、tumn and winter. They are March,April and May in spring.The spring in China is warm and windy.The flowers are blooming in spring. They are June,July and August in Summer t.The summer is hot and sunny.The people are eating ice cream. They are September,October and November in autumn.In autumn,the wea

    14、ther is cool and cloudy.The children are flying kites. The are December,January and February in winter yThe weather is cold and snowy.We can play with snow and we can make a snowman. I like spring,summer autumn and winter.I like all the seasons. Spring Festival There are many festivals in China,but

    15、my favourite festival is the Spring Festival. In the Spring Festival,we can watch TV about The Spring Festival party,and we can have much money,at that time,we will be very happy!We can visit my grangmother and grangfather.We can go to other cities to have a travel,and we can have many photos about

    16、our family.After many years we can put them out,and look at them,I think,at that time, we will think:they are very interesting! My Day In the morning,I get up at six oclock.Then I brush my teeth and wash my face.I have breakfast at six thirty.At seven,I go to school.I work hard at school,I learn man

    17、y subjects in the school,I read, I write.At twelve oclock,I have lunch.Then I go to school.After school,I play sports.I go home at six oclock in the afternoon.When I am at the home,I do my homework.In the evening,I have supper with my family at seven oclock.At ten oclock,I go to bed.This is my day!

    18、China I live in China.I am Chinese.So I know about my country. China is west of U.S.In China,the peoples language is Chinese.We are all speak Chinese.Bei _g is the capital city of China.If you e to our country.You will see Tian anmen Square,Palace Museum,Greet Wall and the Summer Place.The Chinas fl

    19、ag is red and yellow.It has five stars.The stars are yellow.October first is National Day.Its very important. I love China! Canada There are many countries in the world.Now I will _ you something about Canada. Canada is north of the U.S.The capital city of Canada is Ottawa.In Canada.They always spea

    20、k English and French.The Canadas flag is red and white.It has a leaf,and the leaf is red. There are many places of interest in Canada.For example:Niagara Falls,Rocky Mountians and something like these. The Canada is very beautiful.Do you like there? 还是自己写比较好,背起来容易多了。有时候一篇文章只要稍加改动就可以当做好几个题目了。比如我最难忘的一

    21、件事,我最敬佩的一个人,中间只要有几句话衔接就可以连起来了。考普通话的时候不要求太强的连贯性,但是也不可以相差太多了。口语的时候要求你中间别连不是,支支吾吾不说话了就行了。考的是你表达语言的时候的连贯,而不是你语文水平。有时候你要是强背书的话,中间一忘记就很容易连不是了。 不好意思。我在网上查到的。希望能帮你1、 我的学习生活 2、我的业余生活 3、我的假日生活 4、我的朋友 5、我尊敬的人 6、我的成长之路 7、我的愿望(理想) 8、我的家乡(或熟悉的地方) 9、我喜爱的动物(或植物) 10、我喜爱的职业 11、我喜爱的文字(或其他艺术形式) 12、我喜欢的季节(天气) 13、我喜欢的节日

    22、14、我喜欢的明星(或其他知名人士) 15、我喜爱的书刊 16、我知道的风俗 17、我所在的集体 18、我向往的地方 19、我和体育 20、谈谈服饰 21、谈谈科技发展和社会生活 22、谈谈美食 23、谈谈社会公德(或职业道德) 24、谈谈个人修养 25、谈谈那环境保护的认识 26、谈谈卫生与健康 27、童年的回忆 28、难忘的旅行 29、学习普通话的体会 30、购物(消费)的感受 适用题目 1、 我的学习生活 2、我的业余生活 抛开书山题海重压的学习生活,我在读书之余喜欢做的事情很多很多,譬如给朋友写写信,与他们谈谈生活的苦与乐,特别是当我有什么烦恼闷闷不乐时,写信便是我最乐于去做的事情了,

    23、把一切不快乐的事情都罗列在信上,这样等到写完一封信,一切的烦恼,也烟消云散了。当然,像这样的信,大多数都不会寄出,这样做只不过是为了发泄罢了。 如果条件允许呢,也喜欢与同学朋友出去散散心,但由于受条件限制,也只能去近一点的地方了。假日里,一顶太阳帽,一辆自行车,三五个人,就可以快乐地玩上一整天!多好! 平时除了喜欢写信,出去散心外,我还喜欢种花,家里种活的几盆花,功劳全归于我!现在,远离家乡,上了师范,我也常想念我的花,每当给家里打电话时,都不忘附上一句:记得帮我给花浇水。花呢,也给家人照料得很好!在这么多花中,我最喜欢的是太阳花。初种太阳花,只需把苗种植入盆内,浇上一点水,保证花苗能活就可以

    24、,其它的可以不用操心,因为无论天气怎样,它都不会向死神屈服。太阳花结籽,不必收藏,它自己落在盆内的土壤中。冬去春来,自会破土而出,由此,周而复始,它的生命之火,永不熄灭。还有那菊花,水仙花它们也同样的美。 写信、出去散心、养花都是我平时爱干的事,它们给我的生活带来了很大的乐趣,使我每天过得很充实,当然,除了这些,我也经常地看一些书,学一些在学校里所学不到的东西。这就是我的业余生活,简约而不简单! 适用题目28、难忘的旅行3、我的假日生活 8、我熟悉的地方 18、我向往的地方 提起难忘的旅行,在我的脑海里马上浮现出去年“五一”假期中的一次旅行。(一到节假日,我就会出去旅行,今年五一也是一样。)记

    25、得那是在去年的五月二日,我邀上几个好友,向望周山进发,带上野餐必需品。望周山是我们家周围最高的山。走在山路上,两侧开满了杜鹃花,不知是天然的,还是刻意种植的,都是那么的灿烂,使人心情顿时欢腾起来。那时山上旅游的人很多,好不容易找了一块空地,铺上桌布,享受着美食,天南地北地和好友们聊着,不时地迸发出笑声,真是人生一大乐事! 可能有人会问,这是极普通的野餐旅行,为什么是你最难忘的呢?当然用餐后的经历就不一般了。 那天我们还算准备得很充足了,看了天气预报,还不放心地带了三把伞。但山中天气真是无法预测,中午的天空本是一片晴朗,但在我们享受美食和观赏了望周山美景后,天空突然乌云密布,我们有紧急下山的愿望

    26、,但望周山的险峻至今使我心有余悸。于是用三把伞把我们七个人撑起,等待着山和雨的怜悯。但似乎天漏了,不仅有风,更是雷电交加,使伞下的人无法抵挡风雨的洗礼。这时一个朋友机智地拿出中午用的桌布,鼓励我们顶在头上,周边用雨伞撑起,我们总算能一遮风雨了。 说来有趣,山上有许多人都来不及撤离,就见到路上的人们顶雨一路狂奔。到了我们这小小的“雨中航母”前,不由分说的“请罪”了一声钻了进来。 现在想来还一样有趣,虽然雨后的望周山是一片洗礼后的天地,使人心旷神怡,但那次的经历始终难忘,当然还有愉悦的野餐、美丽的风景和那怒放的杜鹃花。(这就是我的假日生活,简简单单,却充(chong)满乐趣!) 适用题目17、我所

    27、在的集体 我所在的班集体是一个充满活力、团结互助、温暖快乐的大家庭。 我们班同学大多数农村,一样的装束,一样的朴素,一样的乡村风俗,使得我们在一起生活、学习相处得很融洽。没有高贵贫贱之分,有的只是平等,互助友爱。 我们的班集体是团结的,学校每学期都分年级开展体育比赛活动。有蓝球赛,排球赛,足球赛,羽毛球赛等。无论是哪项比赛,只要有我们班参加的,都会看到我们班男女同学在赛场旁观看,做拉拉队,队员们出来休息马上会有同学递给一杯矿泉水。 递上擦汗的毛巾。正因为场外同学的团结一致,鼓舞了赛场里的队员们,每次比赛,我们班的男女队总会获得奖状。男同学还多次得了蓝球赛的冠军。当然,取得比赛的胜利,很大程度上

    28、决定于队员们的球技,但如果不能团结一致,赛场内的队员们彼此矛盾,不互相配合,胜利的结果能得到吗?所以,班集团结的力量是巨大的,而我们班的团结友好是取得每次胜利的一个保障。 团结、和谐、友爱的班集风气,还让每们同学的心里都感到踏实、温暖,哪位同学有自己不能解决的问题,他(她)首先想到的是班集体,找同学们帮助共同解决。哪位同学有了困难首先向他(她)伸出支持之手的是我们自己班的同学,哪位同学的成绩落后了,班里的同学就组织大家帮他(她)把学习赶上。 总之,我们班是一个充满活力团结、互爱、互助、温暖快乐大家庭。 我爱我们的这个大集体。 1.Of course, good relationship jus

    29、t as a sail of ship, if you didnt have sail, how can you go far as you want. Campus life just as a very big family, if you want to be a good family member, you must keep good relationship with others. 2.Yes, Animals are good friends of human being, they give up happy and make the ordinary life go sm

    30、oothly everyday. If we dont like animals and kil them randomly, it seems kill ourselves life chronicly. 3.It depends on the conditions. If it is a very bad thing and not good for me to go on, of course, I will give up. If it is one persue of dream, if i insist on for a long time very hard but give u

    31、p at last, I will feel its a little pity for my life and it would be bad for my development later. So, in the situation, I will go on until get suess. 4.Firstly, food, Asia people like rice and well done, but western countries like beef and only a little cooked. secondly, clothes, maybe western countries are more open at last, the shopping manner, westerns countries more like go shopping on inter, but in our country, quite la


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