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    1、优质文档供应商开发和管理程序供应商开发供应商导入程序Supplier Development Management Procedure供应商开发和管理程序Review and Signature会签FunctionPrepared byVerified byApproved byPositionNameSignatureDate更新记录VersionIssued DateChanged contentPrepared byA2019/7/1 第一版1. Purpose:1. 目的:The purpose of this procedure is to clarify the supplier

    2、development process, standardize the supplier selection and assessment methods, to ensure that suppliers meet the needs of new business, with good quality, reasonable prices, stable delivery time, to cooperate with the smooth production of the plant, continue to reduce costs.本程序的目的是明确供应商开发流程,规范供应商选择

    3、和考核方式,以确保供应商满足新业务的需求,具有良好品质、合理价格、交期稳定,以配合本厂顺利生产,持续降低成本2. SCOPE:2. 范围:This procedure applies to all suppliers providing production materials and services to xxx公司 本程序适用于所有为XX公司提供生产材料和服务的供应商。3. Definitions:3. 定义:Critical supplier关键供应商Supplier of critical components with high-quality risk.提供关键部件且具有高质量风

    4、险的供应商。For example metal, plastic, silicone cover, motor, battery, PCBA, etc例如:金属,塑胶,硅胶套,马达,电池,PCBA等Non-critical supplier非关键供应商All the other suppliers except critical suppliers除关键供应商外的所有其他的供应商A.V.L.合格供应商清单Approved vendor list合格供应商清单RFQ询价单Request for quotation询价单POS市场展销用品Exhibition and promotion artic

    5、les for the sales market市场展销用品4. Responsibility and authority:4. 职责和权限:Engineering工程(ENG)At the beginning of the project, create the bill of materials and provide the specifications and drawings of new raw materials.项目初期,创建物料清单,提供新原材料的具体规格及图纸。Evaluation and application of the production capacity of

    6、molds.模具产能的评估及申请。Define material standards and test requirements.定义物料的标准及测试需求。Sample review, trial production, and approval of standard samples.样品评审,试生产及标准样品的签核。Assist sourcing in evaluating new suppliers.协助采购对新供应商进行评估。Evaluate the technical capability of suppliers and outsourcers.对供应商及外发加工厂进行技术能力评估

    7、。Sourcing寻购部(SC)Search for new suppliers, conduct preliminary evaluation and screening, organize the on-site review.新供应商的寻找,初步评估筛查,组织现场评审。The procurement of new project parts includes collecting quotation RFQ, reviewing, and negotiating quotes based on the target price.新项目零部件的寻购包括收集报价RFQ,基于目标价对报价进行评

    8、审及谈判。Provide qualified samples and follow up with standard samples. Mold contract signing and follow up.提供合格样品并跟进标准样品签样。模具合同签署及跟踪。Transfer supplier information to the purchasing department.交接供应商信息给采购部门。Supplier and price information entered into K3 and OS.供应商及价格信息在K3及OS 里面进行维护。Maintain AVL and suppl

    9、ier form.AVL及供应商表格的维护。Responsible for the price review, verification, and approval.负责价格评审,核查以及批准。Purchase采购Carry out trial production and order and manage the subsequent production materials based on the handover order.基于交接单进行试产以及后续量产物料的订购和管理。Track supplier performance and manage supplier risk.跟踪供应商

    10、的交货表现及进行供应商风险管理。Propose new mold or supplier requirements for supply risk.针对供应风险提出新的模具或者供应商的需求。SQE 供应商质量工程Assist the sourcing department to develop suppliers meeting quality requirements.协助寻购部开发符合质量要求的供应商。Guide supplier quality and assist the supplier in making improvement measures.对供应商质量进行指导及并协助供应商

    11、做改进措施。Evaluate the quality system of suppliers and outsourcers.评估供应商及外发加工厂质量体系。Provide incoming material inspection standards to the supplier.提供产品的来料检验标准给供应商。Review of standard samples.标准样品的评审。Organize an annual audit of critical suppliers.组织关键供应商的年度审核。Supplier performance tracking and optimization

    12、of supplier resources to ensure competitive supply capacity.供应商表现的跟踪及供应商资源的最优化确保有竞争力的供应能力。QA质量部At the beginning of the project, establish inspection specifications according to the standards provided by the project.项目初期,根据工程提供的标准制定检验规范。Assist in sample testing and validation.协助样品检验和承认。LAB实验室Develop

    13、test standards according to engineering test requirements.根据工程的测试需求制定测试标准。Complete the sample test and outsourcing the third party test.完成样品的测试以及委外第三方测试。5Procedure details5 . 程序内容:5.1 Supplier type 5.1 供应商类别5.1.1 According to the importance of materials, SCM divides suppliers into A, B, and C three

    14、types.5.1.1 供应链采购根据材料的重要程度,将供应商分为A,B,C 三类。种类代码Type Code描述Description包含类型For ExampleA提供关键部件且影响最终产品主要性能或安全性能的物料供应商。Suppliers provide critical parts and materials that could affect the function or safety of our products.1)主要电子类,包含:PCBA PCB IC芯片 电池 马达等;2)主要机构类,包含:硅胶 塑壳 金属等;3)化妆品类。4)说明书/标签(医疗器械)1) main e

    15、lectronic classes, including:PCBA PCB IC Battery motor, etc.;2) central institutions, including:Silicone plastic metal, etc.;3) cosmetics.4) Instruction/label (medical device)B提供对产品的重要功能有一定影响的物料和外包加工的供应商。Suppliers provide materials and outsourcing that could take effect on partial function.1)一般零部件,如

    16、:充电器。2)外包加工厂;3)一般包装材料类,包含:化妆品包装材料等。1) general parts, such as a charger.2) outsourcing processing plants;3) general packaging materials, including cosmetics packaging materials, etc.C提供生产、包装等辅助材料的供应商。Suppliers provide accessory production and packaging materials.1)其他电子、机构类零部件,包含:DC头、LED灯、MOS管、TVS管、连接

    17、线、电感、电容、电阻、二极管、晶振、开关、滤波器、三极管、天线,端子等;2)其他包装材料类,包含:纸箱等;3)辅助材料,包含:螺丝等。1) other electronic and mechanical parts, including DC head, LED lamp, MOS tube, TVS tube, USB cable, inductance, capacitance, resistance, diode, crystal oscillator, switch, filter, transistor, antenna, etc.;2) other packaging materi

    18、als, including cartons, etc.;3) auxiliary materials, including screws, etc.说明:供应商种类包含但不限于以上举例。Remark: the type of supplier includes but is not limited to the above examples.5.2. Evaluation packet:5.2 评估包:(表单2)适用表格清单Applicative form listABCXXX-XX-XXXX标准采购合同 XXX-XX-XXXX Standard purchase agreementXXX-

    19、XX-XXXX质量保证协议XXX-XX-XXXX Quality assurance agreementXXX-XX-XXXX供应商能力评估报告XXX-XX-XXXX Supplier capability assessmentXXX-XX-XXXX供应商审核报告XXX-XX-XXXX Supplier audit report5.3 Demand for new suppliers:5.3开发新供应商需求:5.3.1 According to the development requirements of the new project, the engineering department

    20、 has no supplier who can meet the new product development among the current suppliers. The engineering department applies to the purchasing department for new supplier development requirements.5.3.1工程部根据新项目开发需求,在目前供应商中没有能够满足新产品开发的供应商,工程部向寻购部提出新供应商开发要需求申请。5.3.2 Due to the insufficient capacity of the

    21、 current supplier, the purchasing department applies to the sourcing department for new supplier development.5.3.2采购部因目前供应商产能不足,向寻购部提出新供应商开发申请。5.3.3 Due to supplier quality or supplier performance, the supplier, is eliminated, and the sourcing department needs to develop alternative suppliers.5.3.3因

    22、为供应商质量或者供应商绩效原因,供应商被淘汰,寻购部需要开发替代供应商。5.3.4 Because the supplier is not working with AA for itself reasons, sourcing needs to develop alternative suppliers.5.3.4 由于供应商自身原因不再与AA公司合作,寻购部需要开发替代供应商。Note: it is not allowed to have a single supplier for a part.注:理论上不建议料件只存在单一供应商。5.4 Principles of supplier s

    23、election5.4 供应商选择原则:5.4.1 Preference is given to suppliers certified by the ISO9001 quality system. (cosmetics need to pass ISO22716, medical device suppliers need to pass ISO13485.)5.4.1优先选择供应商通过ISO9001质量体系认证的供应商。(化妆品需要通过ISO22716,医疗器械供应商需要通过ISO13485.)5.4.2 The suppliers will be selected preferentia

    24、l who meet REACH/ROHS requirements, and suppliers will be required to provide REACH/ROHS statements and test reports.5.4.2优先选择符合REACH/ROHS 要求的供应商,供应商需要提供REACH/ROHS声明及测试报告。 5.4.3 Suppliers need to pass local government environmental and fire assessment.(Must)5.4.3供应商需要通过地方政府环境,消防评估。(必须)5.4.4 Follow t

    25、he principle of high quality and low price and geographical proximity.5.4.4遵循质优价廉和地域就近原则。5.4.5 Outsourcing finished equipment suppliers should meet the laws and regulations related. 5.4.5外包成品器械供应商需符合目标市场法规要求。5.4.6 Must select suppliers who obey the IKEA IWAY standard. The Suppliers and their sub-sup

    26、pliers must prevent child labor and must protect young workers5.4.6 必须选择符合宜家IWAY标准的供应商。供应商和下级供应商必须杜绝使用童工和保护未成年员工。 5.5 NEW Supplier survey:5.5 新供应商调查:5.5.1 New suppliers can be collected through Alibaba, Baidu, yellow pages, Qizhong, Qishinbao, Google, and so on.5.5.1新供应商收集可以通过阿里巴巴,XX,黄页,企查查,启信宝,goog

    27、le等。5.5.2 The sourcing department needs to receive the business license and qualification certificate of the supplier, and the sourcing engineer also needs to re-confirm the information provided by the supplier, such as enterprise legal person, company address, business scope, and qualification cert

    28、ification information.5.5.2寻购部需要收集供应商的营业执照,资质证明,寻购工程师还需要对供应商提供的信息进行再次确认,如:企业法人,公司地址,经营范围,资质认证信息真伪。5.6 New supplier development:5.6 新供应商开发:5.6.1 Sourcing engineers need to show our brand, company image, and our needs to the suppliers by email.5.6.1 寻购工程师需要通过邮件向供应商展示我们的品牌,公司形象,以及我们的需求。5.6.2 When SC re

    29、ceived the development requirements of new suppliers, and the sourcing engineer shall issue the XXX-XX-XXXX supplier capability assessment report and non-disclosure agreement to potential suppliers. The suppliers business license and qualification certificate should be collected and filed.5.6.2 寻购工程

    30、师在接到新供应商开发要求后,向潜在供应商发送供应商能力评估报告(XXX-XX-XXXX),保密协议。需要收集供应商的营业执照,资质证明,并存档。5.6.3 Submit the collected supplier information and supplier capability assessment report to the SCM manager for approval.5.6.3 将收集到的供应商相关资料和供应商能力评估报告,递交采购经理批准。5.6.4 For category A and B suppliers, after the supplier capacity as

    31、sessment report is approved, the sourcing engineer shall organize the engineering department, supplier quality engineering, and purchasing to conduct field visits to the supplier and evaluate the suppliers production capacity and actual operation status. The supplier quality engineer is responsible for completing the supplier audit report (XXX-XX-XXXX), and submitting it to the en


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