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    1、以下是关于广州景点的英文导游词,希望对大家有帮助。广州英文导游词:广州六榕寺英语导游词The Six Banyan Temple in Guangzhou is a 1400yearold Buddhist monastery, dating from 537AD during Chinas Southern and Northern Dynasties Period, when Buddhism in China was in its prime. Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty in South China was the most zealous devo

    2、tee of Buddhism among all the emperors throughout the history of China. At that time, a Buddhist priest called Tanyu, who was a maternal uncle of Emperor Wu, was planning to bring the Buddhist relic they got in Cambodia to Guangzhou from Nanjing. To await the arrival of this Buddhist relic, the then

    3、 governor of Guangzhou, Xiao Yu by name, specially had this temple built. The original structure of the temple was destroyed by fire in the middle of the 10th century during the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty. The existing temple was built in 989 and the pagoda was reconstructed in 1097.Th

    4、is temple has got different names. In 1100, when Su Dongpo, a celebrated writer and calligrapher of the Northern Song Dynasty, came to visit the temple and was asked to leave a piece of his calligraphy in the temple, he wrote down two Chinese characters Liu Rong, meaning Six Banyan in English, becau

    5、se he was deeply impressed by the six banyan trees then growing in the temple. Since then the temple has been commonly known as the Six Banyan Temple and the pagoda, the Six Banyan Pagoda. Now the facsimiles of these two characters can still be seen engraved on the stone tablet in a corridor and on

    6、the slab over the lintel of the front door.The Hall of Heavenly KingsThe entrance hall of the temple is called The Hall of Heavenly Kings and is the shrine for Mile Buddha (Maitreya) and the Heavenly Kings (or the Divas as are called in Buddhist sutra).The statue in the middle, the man with a big be

    7、lly, is Mile Buddha, who is commonly known as the Laughing Buddha because he is always grinning from ear to ear. He is the future savior that will deliver all living beings to the Buddhist paradise after Sakyamunis Buddhist power is exhausted, and so he is also known as the Future Buddha. The couple

    8、t on both sides is a compliment to the Laughing Buddha, meaning literally: A big belly can hold the worlds troubles that are troubling people. An open mouth is smiling at those who are to be smiled atOn either side of the hall we can see two statues. They are the four Heavenly Kings, who are protect

    9、ors of Buddhist doctrines, with each taking care of one sidethe east, west, north and south. It is their joint efforts that ensure harmony, peace and prosperity of the world. The four objects they are holdinga pipa(a Chinese pluck instrument),an umbrella, a snake and a swordcombine to mean that Budd

    10、ha will ensure a favorable weather for the crops so that people may live a happy life.(Individually, the one playing a pipa takes charge of the affairs in the East and is associated with harmony, as are all musicians; the one holding an umbrella, which is a symbol of rain that nourishes the crops, i

    11、s in charge of the northern affairs; the third protector holding a snake in his hand takes charge of the affairs in the West and is believed to be able to tame all evildoers and keep them under control; the sword carrier ,who looks after the southern affairs, is supposed to be able to bring wind.)St

    12、atue at the back of the Laughing Buddha is the patron of the temple, Wei Tuo or Veda by name, who is number one among the 32 generals under the four Heavenly Kings.The Six Banyan PagodaThe Six Banyan Pagoda was built for keeping Buddhist relics. According to the records, some holy ashes from Buddhas

    13、 teeth, a sword, a bronze tripod and some other Buddhist treasures are buried under the foundation of the pagoda. This octagonal magnificent pagoda, with its blue glazed tiles, vermilion beams, painted walls and red pillars all in good match, looks like a flowery column and so it is often referred t

    14、o as the Flowery Pagoda.The highlight of the visit to the temple is to climb the pagoda. This 57meterhigh pagoda looks to have only 9 stories on the outside but actually has 17 stories inside. On each of the 9 external floors, there are many entrances leading to its interior but only one is accessib

    15、le to the staircase. So, if you lose your way, you just turn around the circle and you will find your way up or down! On the top floor, there is a huge bronze column with 1023 Buddha figurines in relief. Cast in 1358, this bronze column, together with its attachments, weighs over 5 tons.The Sakyamun

    16、i HallTo the west of the pagoda is the main hall of the templethe Sakaymuni Hall. In this hall, the statues of Sakyamuni Buddha, Amida Buddha and the Pharmacist Buddha (Bhaisajyaguru) are enshrined. They are the three master Buddhas of the central, western and eastern worlds.These three bronze Buddha statues, all 6 meters high and each weighing 10 tons, wer


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