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    1、卑鄙的我中英文字幕卑鄙的我抱歉 先生 厕所在哪里?Excuse me siris there a commode?贾斯汀!Justin!亲爱的 快拍 我手举金字塔呢Quick honey take my picture. I got the pyramid in my hand.贾斯汀 马上给我回来!Justin you get back here right now! 别上去!No stop! 不行不行 快拦着他 下来 别乱爬No no! Stop him! Go back! Dont climb! 慢点 慢点Wait wait. 小子别动 慢慢来Hold on. Easy little b

    2、oy. 别过去 孩子 站在那 别!Okay stop child! Stop right there. No! 别别别! 他掉下去了No no no! There he goes. 贾斯汀!Justin! 我接着! 我接着!Ive got him! Ive got him! 吉萨金字塔的失窃Outrage in Egypt tonight as it was discovered 让埃及举国震怒that the Great Pyramid of Giza had been stolen 窃贼使用巨型充气赝品掩人耳目and replaced by a giant inflatable repli

    3、ca. 此事造成全球恐慌There is panic throughout the globe as countries and citizens 各国及其国民试图保护其名胜古迹try to protect their beloved landmarks. 执法部门仍毫无头绪Law enforcement still has no leads 人们纷纷猜测leaving everyone to wonderwhich of the worlds villains 是何人犯下此滔天罪行?is responsible for this heinous crime? 而他下一目标又将是哪里?And

    4、where will he strike next? * 今天过得糟糕透顶 * Im having a bad bad day * * 老子地盘该由老子做主 * Its about time that I get my way * * 彻底摧毁所见一切 * Steamrolling whatever I see * 冷冻光! 冷冻光! 冷冻光!Freeze ray!Freeze ray! Freeze ray! * 今天过得糟糕透顶 * Im having a bad bad day * * 别以为我这是针对你 * If you take it personal thats okay * *

    5、我在一旁沾沾自喜 * Watch this is so fun to see * * 我可真是相当卑鄙 * Despicable me * 早上好 格鲁!Morning Gru! 你好吗How you doing? 你好 弗雷德Hello Fred. 对了 你的狗在我院子里到处大便FYI your dog has been leaving little bombs all over my yard 我很是不爽and I dont appreciate it. 抱歉 狗嘛 总是随心所欲Sorry. You know dogs. They go wherever they want to go.

    6、除非死翘翘了Unless theyre dead. 开玩笑呢Im joking! 尽管是大实话 再见啦Although it is true. Anyway have a good one. 那个.好吧Okay. Yeah. * 彻底摧毁所见一切 * Steamrolling whatever I see * * 我可真是相当卑鄙 * Despicable me * * 今天过得糟糕透顶 * Im having a bad bad day * * 别以为我这是针对你 * If you take it personal thats okay * * 我可真是相当卑鄙 * Despicable m

    7、e * 开什么玩笑啊!Youve got to be pulling on my leg! 有人吗Hello! 卖饼干啦Cookies for sale. 回吧 我不在家Go away. Im not home. 你在 我听见啦Yes you are. I heard you. 胡说 这是No you didnt. This 录音is a recording. 才不是 的确是No it isnt. Yes it is. 不信你听 哔声后请留言Watch this. Leave a message beep. 再见啦 语音留言Goodbye recorded message. 走吧 艾妮Agne

    8、s come on. 凯尔!Kyle! 贱狗! 松嘴 松嘴 坐下 我的松饼啊Bad dog! No! No no.Sit. My muffin. 格鲁!Gru! 纳法尼奥博士Dr Nefario. 我了解你此刻的心情I know how you must be feeling. 我也想当失望I too have encountered great disappointment 但你在我心中永远那么优秀but in my eyes you will always be one of the greats. 什么? 出什么事了?What? What happened? 这事传得沸沸扬扬呢Its a

    9、ll over the news! 有人把金字塔给偷了Some fella just stole a pyramid. 大家都说这让别的恶人看起来.Theyre saying he makes all other villains look 像在玩过家家lame. 全体小兵集合!Assemble the minions! 小兵们 集合Minions assemble! 马上 马上Okay. Okay. 气色不错啊 凯文 家人还好吗Looking good Kevin! How is the family? Good? 好了All right. 那不是比利吗 莱瑞 还好吗Thats my Bil

    10、ly boy! What up Larry? 大家好Hello everybody! 好了 好了Yeah all right! 安静 安静Simmer down. Simmer down! 谢谢合作Thank you okay. 你们可能都听说了Now I realize that you guys probably heard 某个恶棍偷走了金字塔about this other villain who stole the pyramids. 真是惊天动地啊Apparently its a big deal. 大家都说这是世纪要案People are calling it the crime

    11、 of the century and stuff like that. 我很不爽吗? 不可能!But am I upset? No I am not! 是有一点啦A little 但我们今年也收获颇丰but we have had a pretty good year ourselves 你们都应计一功and you guys are all right in my book. 不 绝不加薪No no raises! 别指望有加薪Youre not going to get any raises. 我们都有啥辉煌成就?What did we do? 时代广场的巨型屏幕已是我们囊中之物Well

    12、 we stole the Times Square JumboTron! 不错!Nice! 这就是我的风格Thats how I roll. 你们都喜欢用它看足球吧?Yeah you all like watching football on that huh? 不仅如此But thats not all. 我们还将自由女神据为己有We stole the Statue of Liberty 当然是拉斯维加斯的那座小的the small one from Las Vegas. 更不用说埃菲尔铁塔了 也是小的And I wont even mention the Eiffel Tower! A

    13、lso Vegas. 我本没打算现在告诉你们Okay I wasnt going to tell you about this yet 我在计划一件惊天大案but I have been working on something very big! 金字塔与之相比就是小菜一碟Something that will blow this pyramid thing out of the water! 我的好友纳法尼奥博士功不可没And thanks to the efforts of my good friend Dr Nefario. 谢谢Thank you! 他来啦There he is. 他

    14、有款有型的Hes styling. 我们在一个秘密实验室发现了微缩光Now we have located a shrink ray 一旦微缩光得手in a secret laband once we take this shrink ray 我们就能够we will have the capability 制造一起真正的世纪要案to pull off the true crime of the century. 而我们的目标是.We are going to steal. 别急 别急 你们还不知道目标呢Wait wait! I havent told you what it is yet.

    15、喂Hey. 戴夫 麻烦你认真听Dave listen up please. 我们的下一个目标是.Next we are going to steal 制造点神秘气氛pause for effect 月球!the moon! 一旦我得到了月球And once the moon is mine 世人就会不惜一切代价赎回the world will give me whatever I want to get it back! 而我将成为史上最大恶人!And I will be the greatest villain of all time! 这就是我的计划Thats what Im talkin

    16、g about. 喂?Yes? 格鲁 我算了一下Hello Gru? Ive been crunching some numbers 我们经费不足以支持这个计划and I really dont see how we can afford this. 没办法 我变不出钱来It cant be done. Im not a miracle worker. 别紧张Hey chillax. 银行贷款就行了 我是他们的宠儿Ill just get another loan from the bank. They love me! 伊迪斯 别这样Edith stop it! 干嘛 走路碍着你了?What

    17、? Im just walking. (海蒂小姐女童院)Miss Hatties Home for Girls 你好 海蒂小姐 我们回来了Hi Miss Hattie. Were back. 你们好 姑娘们Hello girls! 我们出去这会有人收养我们吗Anybody come to adopt us while we were out? 让我想想Let me think. 没有!No! 伊迪斯 这是什么玩意儿Edith! What did you put on my desk? 泥巴饼A mud pie. 没人会收养你的 伊迪斯 你自己清楚Youre never gonna get ad

    18、opted Edith. You know that dont you? 嗯 我知道 很好Yeah I know. Good. 今天业绩如何 完成目标了吗So how did it go girls? Did we meet our quotas? 还行吧Sort of. 我们卖了盒迷你薄荷味的We sold mini-mints 盒可可螺旋的和盒可可坚果的 choco-swirlies and coco-nutties. 好吧Okay. 说得好像业绩很好Well you say that like its a great sale day. 看着我Look at my face! 真的那么好

    19、吗Do you still think its a great sale day? 盒可可坚果饼Eighteen coco-nutties. 我觉得还能更进一步 你们说呢I think we can do a little better than that dont you? 是的Yeah. 没人想在羞愧小屋里过周末吧?We wouldnt want to spend the weekend in the Box of Shame would we? No. 不想 海蒂小姐No Miss Hattie. 很好 出去吧 帮我收拾收拾Okay good. Off you go. Go clean

    20、something of mine. 嘿 佩妮 嘿 佩妮Hi Penny. Hi Penny. 嘿 大伙Hi guys. 喂 妈 抱歉 想给你打电话来着 但是.Hello Mom. Sorry I meant to call but. 恭喜你 把金字塔给偷了I just wanted to congratulate you on stealing the pyramid. 是你偷的吧?That was you wasnt it? 或者是哪个货真价实的神偷?Or was it a villain whos actually successful? 告诉你 妈 我正在策划一起Just so you

    21、 know Mom I am about to do something 惊天地泣鬼神的案子thats very very big very important. 你听了以后一定会非常自豪的When you hear about it youre going to be very proud. 那祝你好运 挂了Good luck with that. Okay Im out of here. (银行)BANK (万恶银行)BANK OF EVIL 格鲁求见博金斯先生Gru to see Mr. Perkins. 请稍等Yes please have a seat. 这是我的一小步Thats o

    22、ne small step for man 却是人类的一大步one giant leap for mankind. 妈 迟早有一天我也会登上月球Ma someday Im going to go to the moon. 太晚喽 儿子Im afraid youre too late Son. 航天局不送猴子上太空喽NASA isnt sending the monkeys any more. 喂Hey. 我要用维矢量这个名字申请助恶贷款Im applying for a new villain loan. Go by the name of Vector. 矢量是个数学术语Its a math

    23、ematical term 带有箭头的数量 既有方向也有数量a quantity represented by an arrow with both direction and magnitude. 维矢量 就是在下Vector! Thats me 因为我作恶累累 目标明确 数额巨大cause Im committing crimes with both direction and magnitude. 哦嘢Oh yeah! 看我的新武器Check out my new weapon. 食人鱼枪 哦嘢Piranha gun! Oh yes! 能发射活食人鱼 没见过吧Fires live pir

    24、anhas. Ever seen one before? 肯定没 我发明的No you havent. I invented it. 需要演示一下吗Do you want a demonstration? 有时候特别难把这些食人鱼放回去.Shoot! So difficult sometimes to get the piranha back inside of my. 格鲁先生 博金斯先生在等你Mr. Gru Mr. Perkins will see you now. 银行只需要借给我So all I need 制造火箭的资金is money from the bank to build a

    25、 rocket. 然后 月球就是咱的啦And then the moon is ours. 精彩的演讲Well very nice presentation. 我想看看这个微缩光Id like to see this shrink ray. 没问题 我很快就能得手Absolutely! Will do. Soon as I have it. 你没有微缩光?You dont have it? 还敢厚颜无耻来银行贷款?And yet you have the audacity to ask the bank for money? 是的Apparently. 你知道我们银行Do you have a

    26、ny idea 在你身上投资了多少钱吗 格鲁of the capital that this bank has invested in you Gru? 迄今几乎没有哪起案子能赚钱With far too few of your sinister plots actually turning a profit. 怎么说呢 假如你是这个苹果How can I put it? Lets say this apple is you. 如果你还不起钱If we dont start getting our money back. 你滴明白?Get the picture? 格鲁 关键是 现在人才辈出L

    27、ook Gru the point is there are a lot of new villains out there 比你更年轻 胃口更大younger than you hungrier than you 比你年轻younger than you. 就像外面那个维矢量Like that young fellow out there named Vector. 金字塔就是他偷的He just stole a pyramid! 明白了 明白了Ive got it. Ive got it. 那么制造火箭那笔经费.So as far as getting money for the rock

    28、et. 拿到微缩光 否则免谈Get the shrink ray then well talk. 最高机密研究所 东亚TOP SECRET RESEARCH FACILITY EAST ASIA 傻帽Suckers! 傻帽Suckers! 到手了!We got it! 怎么回事What? 喂 喂 怎么 嘿!Hey! Hey! What! Hey! 别别别No no no! 是你You! 以后冻别人头的时候 记得三思Now maybe youll think twice before you freeze someones head! 回见啦 格鲁So long Gru! 快 不能让他得逞Qui

    29、ck! We cant let him get away! 前上方 前上方Up ahead! Up ahead! 开火 立刻Fire! Fire now! 没打着You missed me! 快来爸爸这Come to papa! 接住咯Take that. 真有趣啊How adorable. 锁定你了!Got you in our sights! 简直轻而易举.Like taking candy from a. 什么?What? 嘿 格鲁Hey Gru! 尝尝这个的滋味Try this on for size! 太奇怪了 怎么回事Thats weird. What is going. 幽闭恐怖

    30、症要犯啦This is claustrophobic! 不不不No no no! 太窄了 这里太窄了Too small! This is too small for me! 我恨死那家伙了I hate that guy! 请照拂我们.and please watch over us 保佑我们一夜安睡and bless that well have a good nights sleep. 保佑没有虫子会趁我们熟睡时And bless that while were sleeping no bugs will crawl into our ears 爬进我们耳朵 在脑子里下蛋and lay eg

    31、gs in our brains. 谢谢你描述那么恶心的一幕 伊迪斯Great. Thanks for that image Edith. 请保佑快快有人领养我们And please bless that someone will adopt us soon 而且爸爸妈妈都很和善and that the mommy and daddy will be nice 还能养独角兽做宠物and have a pet unicorn. 阿门Amen. 阿门 阿门Amen. Amen. * 我爱独角兽 我爱独角兽 * Unicorns I love them Unicorns I love them *

    32、* 独角兽呀独角兽 我爱死你们啦 * Uni uni unicorns I love them * * 如果真有独角兽 * Uni unicorns I could pet one * * 我就可以养一只 * If they were really real * * 它们真的存在哦 * And they are * * 我拥有一只并且宠爱它 * So I bought one so I could pet it * * 它爱我 我爱它 * Now it loves me Now I love it * 维矢量的城堡VECTORS FORTRESS (安全警报)SECURITY ALERT 别.什么.Dont you. What the. 好运咯 小丫头们Good luck little girls! (海蒂小姐女童院)Miss Hatties Home for Girls 哇 真棒Whoa! Cool. 你好 我们是海蒂小姐女童院的孤儿Hi! Were orphans from Miss Hatties Home for Girls. 与我何干 别捣乱 别这样嘛I dont care. Beat it! Come on! 我们在卖饼干呢 赚钱上学嘛Were selling cookies so


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