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    拓展训练11 健康生活类2解析版高考英语一轮复习能力拓展之概要写作.docx

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    拓展训练11 健康生活类2解析版高考英语一轮复习能力拓展之概要写作.docx

    1、拓展训练11 健康生活类2解析版高考英语一轮复习能力拓展之概要写作2021年高考英语能力拓展之概要写作11健康生活类21.阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Herbal MedicineHerbal medicine, which has been used for medicinal purposes, is the use of plants to treat diseases. Many herbalists use the entire plant, from the flowers, stems, leaves, and roots, in the form of

    2、everything from teas to pills. These plants contain natural, chemical things that can treat the body for a variety of diseases, such as allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, chronic fatigue, and cancer, among others.Nowadays an increasing number of people prefer to adopt these plants to

    3、 treat their diseases because, compared with chemical medicine, herbal medicine has its own advantages. Herbal medicine and remedies are more effective than chemical medicine for certain diseases. The chemical medicine given by a chemist could have certain negative side effects. However, many of the

    4、 herbal medicine and remedies to not have negative side effects. If any, they are softer than chemical medicine. Obesity is the cause of many of the health problems. Herbal medicine can help weight loss more effectively and improve overall health.However, the cure using herbal medicine and supplemen

    5、ts would take some time, and therefore people are supposed to possess enough patience. Worse still, herbal medicine contains a variety of ingredients and people have to be sure that their body agrees with the ingredients and that it is not allergic.A point worth mentioning here is that herbal remedi

    6、es and medicine for certain illnesses may have negative side effects. These side effects may not be shown at once, but would take months or even years. In the early stages, if the herbal medicine is not agreeing with you, it is wise to stop using it.When used correctly and directed by doctors, herbs

    7、 can help treat a variety of disease. But keep in mind that the herbal medicine industry is not regulated, so herbal products are often misleading and may contain additives that are not listed on the label. Some herbs may cause allergic reactions or interact with other drugs, and some are poisonous

    8、if used improperly or at high doses. Taking herbs on your own increases your risk._【答案】Herbal medicine, abstracted from entire plants in various forms, is a way to treat some disease. (要点1)It has more advantages over chemical medicine owing to its better effectiveness and milder side effects. (要点2)H

    9、owever, herbal medicine also has disadvantages like time-consuming recovery, possible recovery, possible allergy. (要点3)Therefore, it is advisable for us to use herbs cautiously in case of potentially risky consequences. (要点4)【解析】【分析】这是一篇概要写作。现在越来越多人喜欢采用草药来治疗疾病,基于该现象,作者通过这篇文章介绍了草药的优缺点。【详解】通读全文,我们可以从以

    10、下四个方面对本文进行总结:草药,以各种形式从植物种提取,是一种治疗疾病的方法;和化学药物相比,它具有更好的疗效和更小的副作用;草药也有缺点,例如恢复耗时长、可能的恢复,以及过敏可能。因此,医生建议我们谨慎使用草药,以免出现潜在的危险后果。故可总结为:Herbal medicine, abstracted from entire plants in various forms, is a way to treat some disease. (要点1)It has more advantages over chemical medicine owing to its better effecti

    11、veness and milder side effects. (要点2)However, herbal medicine also has disadvantages like time-consuming recovery, possible recovery, possible allergy. (要点3)Therefore, it is advisable for us to use herbs cautiously in case of potentially risky consequences. (要点4)2.阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。Accordi

    12、ng to a study at the University of Marland Medical Center in Baltimore, researchers found that people who had a good sense of humor and laughed a lot, not only at home but also at work, had fewer heart problems than people who laughed less, and laughing people tend to live a longer life than the one

    13、s who are not.After reading plenty of information about the benefits of laughing and a careful study of previous papers in this area, a doctor in India started a laughter club. Dr Mandan Damariss laughter club quickly grew into 1,800 groups throughout India and over 6,000 around the world. The laugh

    14、ter club had even inspired World Laughter Day,which people celebrate on the first Sunday of May every year. Instructors at the clubs get people laughing not only through jokes but through simple laughing exercises. For example, instructors and participants repeat the chant “ho-ho-ho” and “ha-ha-ha”

    15、together. Whats more, participants also do the “lion laugh” by sticking out their tongues and waving their hands around their ears. Other exercises focus on breathing and simple yoga exercises. In a word, all the activities that can cause laugh are included in the clubs.These laughter clubs are very

    16、 popular in hospitals and nursing homes nowadays in India, where participants can forget about their aches and pains while laughing. It seems that laughing may be just as important as eating right and exercising.Not everyone can join a laughter club, but we all can take part in the same practice. Ac

    17、cording to the doctor, besides taking part in the clubs, everyone can do something to make themselves laugh. How can you make laughing a part of your daily routine? If you feel funny about joining a laughter club, you can rent a funny movie, remember a funny experience, do some sports, go to the zoo

    18、, watch the monkeys or even, just make yourself laugh. You will not be able to keep a straight face all the time.So, dont worry; be happy. Laugh a little and live longer._【答案】Researchers found that laughing could make people live a healthier and longer life. Based on sufficient information, a doctor

    19、 in India opened a laughter club to make participants laugh through various activities. Actually, the idea of laughter clubs is prevailing in India nowadays and people attach great importance to laughing. So its advised that everyone should try to do more laughing in one way or another.【解析】【分析】这是一篇概

    20、要写作。【详解】本文根据其内容要求写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。根据第一段中researchers found that people who had a good sense of humor and laughed a lot, not only at home but also at work, had fewer heart problems than people who laughed less, and laughing people tend to live a longer life than the ones who are not.可知,Researchers foun

    21、d that laughing could make people live a healthier and longer life.“研究人员发现,笑可以让人活得更健康、更长寿。”第二段第一句After reading plenty of information about the benefits of laughing and a careful study of previous papers in this area, a doctor in India started a laughter club.可知,Based on sufficient information, a doc

    22、tor in India opened a laughter club to make participants laugh through various activities.“根据足够的信息,印度的一位医生开设了一个笑声俱乐部,让参与者通过各种活动开怀大笑。”第三段第一句These laughter clubs are very popular in hospitals and nursing homes nowadays in India, where participants can forget about their aches and pains while laughing.

    23、可知,Actually, the idea of laughter clubs is prevailing in India nowadays and people attach great importance to laughing.“事实上,笑俱乐部的想法现在在印度很流行,人们非常重视笑。”最后一段第一句Not everyone can join a laughter club, but we all can take part in the same practice.可知,its advised that everyone should try to do more laughing

    24、 in one way or another.“有人建议每个人都应该试着以这样或那样的方式多笑一笑。”根据以上分析,这篇文章概括为四句话:Researchers found that laughing could make people live a healthier and longer life. Based on sufficient information, a doctor in India opened a laughter club to make participants laugh through various activities. Actually, the idea

    25、 of laughter clubs is prevailing in India nowadays and people attach great importance to laughing. So its advised that everyone should try to do more laughing in one way or another.3.阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Three hundred years ago, people had much shorter lives than we have nowadays. At present, t

    26、he average life people can live is 66 years. In some countries, such as Japan and France, it is more than 80 years. The main reason for this is better diet, better hygiene (卫生) and better health care(医疗保健). In the old days, if people survived to be an adult, they often lived to 60 or 70.It was much

    27、more dangerous to have children in those days. Nine percent of women died when having children. Even worse, women had more children than women do today. For example, in 1800, the average American family had 7 children. However, the average American family has less than 2 children now. People in thos

    28、e days knew much less about hygiene than we do. Many people thought it was dangerous to take a bath. They often bathed only once or twice a year. Instead they used perfume to cover their body odor (气味). Poor people didnt have enough money to buy toilets or clean water.Toothpaste wasnt available in t

    29、hose days, either. Only rich people used toothbrushes, so toothache was very common. There was no dentist until the middle of the 19th century. If people had a toothache, they had to go to the barber. A barber at that time not only cut hair but also took out teeth and did other small operations.The

    30、way doctors treated illnesses in the past is rather strange to us. In the 18th century, Doctors treated almost any disease in the same way. They removed blood from the patients and often used leeches (水蛭,蚂蟥) to help them. Hospitals were also dangerous places. By the end of the 19th century, more than half of the patients had died fro


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