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    1、中英文诗歌鉴赏中英文诗歌鉴赏考试题目与答案1 In regard to what Poetry is, one of the traditional definitions in China is “poetry is to sing what is in the heart”; (原文为:诗者,吟咏情性也。) thousands of years later, the great poet in Britain Wordsworth interprets poetry as “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” (可译为:诗是强烈情感的自然

    2、流露), please make a comment on the two definitions of poetry above. You may answer in either English or Chinese. 答:中国诗歌重在言志抒情。由于人们的社会地位不同,所以反映的志愿也不一样,如李贺的南园十三首之五:“男儿何不带吴钩,收取关山五十州。请君暂上凌烟阁,若个书生万户侯?”表达了诗人的不得志。杜甫的“安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山。”表达了诗人忧国忧民的情怀。而西方诗歌重在对感情的自然流露。2Auditory effect is of great value

    3、in reading a poem. What are the elements contributing to the auditory effect in Chinese poems and English poems? Please answer the question above with some examples. You may answer in either English or Chinese. 答:CP:1. Effects achieved by monosyllabic nature of the characters.2. Effects achieved by

    4、possession of fixed tones of the characters.3.Effects achieved by other devices (rime, alliteration, riming compounds, reduplication,onomatopoeia )rime:静女其姝,俟我於城隅。爱而不见,搔首踟蹰。静女其娈,贻我彤管。彤管有炜,说怿女美。自牧归荑,洵美且异。匪女以为美,美人之贻。Analysis:The poem is mainly in four- syllabic line, with an occasional extra syllable

    5、(in stanza I, line2, and stanza III, line3) the rime scheme is :AAOA,BBCC,DDCDalliteration: 茌苒星霜换,回还节候催riming compounds : 雾树行相引 连山望忽开reduplication: 青青河畔草,郁郁园中柳。onomatopoeia: 关关雎鸠,在河之洲EP: 1.Syllable, Syllabification and Stress: For example:morning 0 o verbalize 0 o o tomorrow o 0 o2.The Foot Formatio

    6、n or the Meter Type Stressed and unstressed syllables in speech or writing, if arranged with regularity, form a stress pattern or stress patterns.amphibrach: o 0 o amphimacer: 0 o 0 antibacchius: 0 0 o antispast: o 0 0 o3.The Line Structure The Assyr- / ian came down / like a wolf / on the fold, o o

    7、 O /o o O/ o o O/ o o O 5.The Rhyme and Other Sound Devicesi. Single Rhyme, or Masculine Rhyme Repetition of one vowel, either a single vowel, or a diphthongii. Double Rhyme, or Feminine Rhyme Two vowels repeatediii. Triple Rhyme, or Multiple Rhymeiv. The Coincidence of Numeral Types3. Translate the

    8、 following principle advocated by Ezra Pound into Chinese and make a comment on it in English. To present an image (hence the name: Imagist). We are not a school of painters, but we believe that poetry should render particulars exactly and not deal in vague generalities, however magnificent and sono

    9、rous. It is for this reason that we oppose the cosmic poet, who seems to us to shirk the real difficulties of his art.答:为了显示图像(因此称为:意象)。我们不是一个画派,但是我们认为,诗歌应该提供精确的细节而不是大量隐晦模糊的概括,但是诗歌应该华丽宏伟。正是这个原因,我们反对那些对我们来说逃避他的艺术中真正困难的诗人。4The following English version is made by Weng Xianliang from an ancient Chinese

    10、 poem. Please write out the Chinese version and make a comment on the following English version. You may answer in either Chinese or English. Good-bye to the city high in the rosy clouds of dawn.Homeward,out the gorge,out today!Let the apes wail,Go on.Out shoots my boat. The serried mountains are al

    11、l behind. 答:朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。5Translate the following poem and make a comment on it. (You may answer either in Chinese or in English )In the Station of the MetroThe apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.答:地铁站台上人群中幽灵般的脸面,潮湿的黑枝条上的花瓣。Apparition,petals on a w

    12、et.black bough等构成的意象很形象。6Talk about The difference between the Chinese and English definition of poems(You may answer either in Chinese or in English )答:CP:诗言志,歌咏言尚书诗者,志之所之也,在心为志,发言为声。诗大序诗者,吟咏情性也.诗大序诗可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨。 论语诗缘情而绮靡文赋以为诗写性情随园诗话1.Poetry as Moral Instruction2. Poetry as Self-expression3. Poe

    13、try as Contemplation4. Poetry as Literary ExerciseEP: Poetry in general seems to have sprung from two causes: the instinct of imitation ,the pleasure felt in things imitated -AristotlePoetry is making , imitation, is not the end of poetry but is intermediate to the end. The end is the giving of inst

    14、ruction in pleasurable form. -Julius Caesar ScaligerPoetry is the art of uniting pleasure with truth by calling imagination to the help of reason - Dr. JohnsonA poem should be motionless in timeAs the moon climbsA poem should be equal to:Not true7My view on the poetry Ars Poetica(You may answer eith

    15、er in Chinese or in English )答:说明了西方人对诗歌的理解:诗歌是情感的自然流露。同时将西方人严重的诗歌应该是安静而有内涵,应该是直接而非隐晦。总观全诗,先说诗歌应该像水果,像窗台的石栏,被衣袖抚摸,却默不作声,但是每个人却有各自的理解。然后说说诗歌像月亮揭开缠绕夜色的树,给人以指示。像明月抛开记忆,勾起阅读者的思绪。再说诗歌应该不仅仅是真实的,以代替悲哀历史的是空荡的门口,是一叶红枫。代替爱情的,是芳草欠身,是日月临海。说明诗歌应该是确有所指的。8What is “YiXaing”? Write out a poem youve learned and give

    16、an illustration.(You are required to answer in English )玉阶怨答:Yixiang(意象)in Chinese is actually a compound word, consisting of two separate words yi (意) and xiang(象), the two of which have their own meanings.In the first expression, image is “象”and concept is “意”. “意” and “象” are separated. Here,“意”r

    17、efers to ones mental action or concept, viz. ones aesthetic experience or personality , etc.; while “象” suggests external being or beings that may come into ones mentality and become the target of mental actions.In the second expression, apparently, ”意象” refers to the “physical shape” in ones mind,

    18、out of which the carpenter can make an implement. The third “意象” is something existing in the mind, shapeless and fluid. The last two terms are actual the ”象“ in the makers mind, which hasnt found its way into the works.Anyway, from all these expressions, we can find that it is inappropriate to tran

    19、slate “意象” into a single word image, because certain connotations get lost in such a simple word; yet it is not so considerate to put “象”into image , for it may cause confusion. The word object may make a better translation of “象”, but it is too narrow in its referent.For example:The word cloud in e

    20、veryday use refers to “visible water vapor floating in the air”. When it comes into poets mind, it will have a new meaning, viz., a different tenor, which can convey poets feelings. Take Tao Yuanmings poem The Pending Clouds for example. When cloud is used together with pending, it gains a new tenor

    21、, longing for ones family or bosom friends.9What are the possible reasons for the two different versifications in Chinese poetry and western poetry: directness and indirectness?答:1.These two conspicuous different cultural traditions, to some degree, explain the two different poetry versificationsChi

    22、nese Suggestiveness and English NarrativenessChinese Suggestiveness :1.Latent 2。Reserveenglish Narrativeness:Emphasis on the structure of stories, characters,conflicts 2.Suggestiveness guides Chinese poets to compose poetry in an indirect way which endows Chinese poetry with suggestiveness, wholenes

    23、s and pervasiveness.Narrativeness calls on poets to tell directlyChinese Parataxical LanguageEnglish Hypotaxical Language3The parataxical language contributes to the conciseness of Chinese poetry. Grammatical rules play a less important role in the lines of poetry. More often than not, the pronouns

    24、are omitted. Thus the meanings can not be read directly. They are both-and related. Chinese Groups of Image English Bare Image or Single Image4. From the above, we can find that image consists of vehicle and tenor, and when poets entrust their tenors, or say, their intentions to vehicles, image take

    25、s the duty as a medium to which poets can naturally resort to express their feelings in a roundabout way. In addition, owing to the fact that one vehicle usually has more than one tenor, one image allows of multiple interpretations. Chinese IndirectnessEnglish Directness10. Translate the following p

    26、rinciple advocated by Ezra Pound into Chinese and make a comment on it in English. To allow absolute freedom in the choice of subject. It is not good art to write badly of airplanes and automobiles, nor is it necessarily bad art to write well about the past. We believe passionately in the artistic v

    27、alue of modem life, but we wish to point out that there is nothing so uninspiring nor so old-fashioned as an aeroplane of the year 19 11.答:为了主题选择的绝对自由。这不是好的艺术描写坏的飞机和汽车,也不一定是不好的艺术将过去写好。我们坚信有艺术价值的现代生活,但我们想指出,没有什么人比1911年的飞机老套。to produce poetry that is hard and clear, never blurred nor indefinite。A poem

    28、 should be equal to,not only ture.11. What do you think can be the possible reasons for the failure of imagist movement?答:were devoted to clarity of expression through the use of precise visual images. The first tenet of the Imagist manifesto was To use the language of common speech, but to employ a

    29、lways the exact word, not the nearly exact, nor the merely decorative word. Imagism was a reaction against the flabby abstract language and careless thinking of Georgian Romanticism. Imagist poetry aimed to replace muddy abstractions with exactness of observed detail, apt metaphors, and economy of l

    30、anguage.Not same as english Narrativeness12. Poetry for Reciting 乌衣巷刘禹锡朱雀桥边野草花,乌衣巷口夕阳斜。旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家。金陵图 韦庄江雨霏霏江草齐,六朝如梦鸟空啼。无情最是台城柳,依旧烟笼十里堤。天净沙秋思 (元)马致远枯藤老树昏鸦。小桥流水人家。古道西风瘦马。夕阳西下。断肠人在天涯。赋得自君之出矣 (唐) 张九龄自君之出矣,不复理残机。思君如满月,夜夜减清辉。玉阶怨玉阶生白露,夜久侵罗袜。却下水晶帘,玲珑望秋月。She Walks in BeautyShe walks in beauty, like the

    31、 night of cloudless climes and starry skies;And all thats best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes;Thus mellowd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impaird the nameless graceWhich waves in every raven tress, Or softly li

    32、ghtens oer her face;Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling place.And on that cheek, and oer that brow So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,The smiles that win, the tints that glow But tell of days in goodness spent,A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent.逢雪宿芙蓉山主人 刘


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